General Discussion

General Discussionwhen to skip blade mail on lc? and other ?'s

when to skip blade mail on lc? and other ?'s in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    Is blade mail core? When is it fine to skip it?

    What about armlet? I rarely see anyone build this but I've done it a few games a really like it. When active it's dps somewhere between an s&y and a desolator, for about half the price. Easy build up and LC has great sustain. I feel like choosing between blade mail and armlet, blade mail might be slightly better for duels but you have to time activation etc, while armlet works as good during duel, lets you fight better outside and is a great farming item for a strength hero. You could get both I suppose, haven't tried it yet.

    Other stuff, when to bkb? I don't think you can cast press the attack on yourself while magic immune so you have to be a bit careful there sometimes. Do you want to bkb against disables or burst dmg or both?

    From there I never know how to finish, basher, desolator and AC all seem awesome for different reasons, but more tankiness seems good too like an s&y or halberd.


      Just queued for a game, didn't read all, but IMO, blademail is a must every game for slaying enemy carry in duel...


        if u have high dmg you dont need bm
        if u hav low dmg u need bm

        if the person ure dualing is going to be a core (ember, am etc) bm can be good
        if enemy cores are all super tanky so ure going to be dualing supports mostly then u probably dont need bm

        armlet if u have good farm i think
        when to bkb how is that a question u get bkb when u would get bkb on any other non bulky carry

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          IMO, with LC sometimes you have to bkb duel if you need damage and the dueled enemy could get some help. In my experience, if you need the damage and you think some disabler is likely to pop and fuck your duel, then BKB and make sure you get the damage.

          And no, you can't press yourself under BKB, I think easiest way is how you configure hotkeys, I use double-tap autocast on press and both my dagger and ultimate don't require mouse click, just hotkey at current mouse pos, this helped me a lot to properly autopress-bkb-blink-duel. (If you're slow, you'll end duel w/o press)

          If you're initiating on a key hero, someone you want to duel out of team fight, then ofc BKB too, it ok'ish for an LC to suicide dive if you win teamfight and get dmg.

          Also, if you get bored and want to try something different (I don't really think it's efficient) vs certain line-ups, make a lotus orb and initiate team fights with reflect - duel.

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          Riguma Borusu

            "Is blade mail core? When is it fine to skip it?"

            Blademail is pretty core against heavy right clickers, if anything just to make sure you outlast them in a duel (blademail makes every 1v1 a 2v1 since the hero is also hitting himself).

            However, it's pretty bad against heroes that are tanky as fuck, so you don't get it against DKs WKs and BBs or some shit, you get it mostly against agility carries that are going to end up having high armor, medium/low hp pool and high right click damage, what this means is that they do a ton of damage, which is reflected as pure damage to them, ignoring their armor, so they just fucking melt. Blademail is also pretty useful against heroes who can bash your skull in since you won't be attacking as much, so you have some guaranteed damage output in a duel, though the alternate way to deal with people who're bashing you is something like solar crest or buying a basher yourself.

            "What about armlet? I rarely see anyone build this but I've done it a few games a really like it. When active it's dps somewhere between an s&y and a desolator, for about half the price. Easy build up and LC has great sustain. I feel like choosing between blade mail and armlet, blade mail might be slightly better for duels but you have to time activation etc, while armlet works as good during duel, lets you fight better outside and is a great farming item for a strength hero. You could get both I suppose, haven't tried it yet."

            Some people really seem to like armlet and I rushed it when I first started playing LC, but I kinda realized it's just not all that good on the hero, depending on circumstances. If it delays your BKB it's bad. If you need additional damage, it doesn't really scale the damage you already have aside from the attack speed (hence why deso/ac/crit/crest are good on the hero) and also it doesn't scale into the lategame as well. It's probably good if you're stomping and just go treads blink into armlet and fuck everyone, but aside from that, if you're trying to outcarry people, armlet is a pretty bad item overall. If you need cheap damage and survivability you can as well go for medallion, that item is actually so fucking underrated on the hero it isn't even funny, you get deso level of -armor for 1200 gold, even if you end up not going for crest, you've 'lost' 600 gold at most. I mean, committing 2.3k gold for something you might end up selling is probably not the best thing to do if you have a wide array of much cheaper alternatives that are just as god in certain scenarios. Also if you need bonus 475 hp to win the duel that's actually pretty bad because you should be stacking armor on the hero, not raw HP, at least not early, you can go AC Heart and be super tanky lategame if the situation calls for it, but her lifesteal is so crazy lategame that if you stack up a ton of armor you'll outlast almost anybody who isn't kiting you. But armlet is still good against burst damage, probably a good idea to pick it up if the enemy team has lina or something and you just need a ton of HP to outlast somebody in a duel.

            "Other stuff, when to bkb? I don't think you can cast press the attack on yourself while magic immune so you have to be a bit careful there sometimes. Do you want to bkb against disables or burst dmg or both?"

            Basically, PTA and then BKB then blink in. You get BKB mainly against disablers since you have a sizable HP pool and are actually pretty hard to bring down with just burst, but disablers fuck you really hard, never pick this hero into magnus/enigma, it's just not fucking worth it rofl.

            "From there I never know how to finish, basher, desolator and AC all seem awesome for different reasons, but more tankiness seems good too like an s&y or halberd."

            SnY is excellent if you want to go around killing people after completing a duel since with your OO it gives you max movement speed as long as you hit a few heroes with it, also maim slow is nice and your passive can proc it, so it's a pretty good midgame item in general. I mostly don't get it because after killing one duel target I can either run at others just with bots/overwhelming ods, or I have to back the fuck away because my bkb is 5 seconds and the enemy team will just kite/disable me.

            Halberd is pretty good if you're fast on your fingers and can afford to turn when blink duelling, because you disable somebody who has a basher and then proceed to duel his support or something. Pretty situational but decent on the hero, also halberd and abyssal are the best linkens breakers for this hero so keep that in mind.

            Abyssal for when you can't kill somebody on blademail, but he can bash you, imagine a fat WK. Ideally in this situation you'd want butterfly (yes, butterfly) and abyssal for manfighting purposes, also helpful against evasive heroes where you can just blink abyssal before they could ever react, and good since it makes your effective duel longer, practically, you can blink abyssal, get a few hits in and just continue to duel afterwards.

            Desolator is pretty good if you're already tanky enough to survive any burst the enemy has, enemies don't group up that much and you just go for these solo pickoffs. Later it's really good for pushing when you start hitting like a truck.

            AC is pretty much core on this hero, kinda has a lack of synergy with blademail so you probably sell blademail by the time you're getting this, or you keep it for utility to at least reflect some nukes if focused/etc. But if you're playing the hard hiting frontliner in sieges, this is excellent, it also makes desolator scale a bit better, and everyone else hits the duel target harder, so I'd say it's practically a core item for this hero, it just makes everything the hero does better (sieging/doing a ton of structural damage/being impossible to kill, making your lifesteal more worth it per point of hp etc).

            Овај коментар је измењен

              just buy it its a nice item

              Dire Wolf

                How are you going to blink, use medallion and get duel off? Most heroes have blink or force staffed away or disabled you by then. You can certainly keep armlet into end game if you don't go blade mail. Boots, armlet, blink is three items. Ac, bkb, then abyssal/mkb/daedulus/whatever, I find it hard to believe game goes longer than that.

                Riguma Borusu

                  Medallion has instant cast time. Use quickcast. You can literally blink medalion duel as fast as you can blink duel, the game mechanics permit this. Just make sure that whatever you do, medallion or no medallion, you actually face the target you want o duel, this is really important since Duel already has a hefty animation you can react to if you have instant cast time shit, having to factor in your turn rate only makes it worse. My binds are such that when I want to duel with blink medallion all I do is:
                  1) Target the enemy hero
                  2) Double press W to cast PTA on myself
                  3) Press 2 to blink
                  4) Press 3 to use medallion
                  5) Press R to duel

                  All without clicking, I made it so that I give the enemy the least time to react without using shi(f)t queue.

                  You can keep armlet in the late game, but it doesn't scale your damage as well as other items do, it doesn't make you as tanky as some other items do, and it really depends on the game. Sometimes it's pretty good, sometimes it's lackluster. Sometimes just having a talisman of evasion is better than having armlet, sometimes a forcestaff is. But in general, you want to both get tanky and scale damage in all the ways you can, because enemy carries are doing that too, and if you're up against a multi core lineup sometimes you even need crazy shit like refresher.

                  The thing is, having three 2k items in your inventory (bots blink armlet) leaves you with only 3 slots for other shit, and you NEED that bkb, you probably NEED that AC, and that gives you one more slot for utility or damage item. LC is ridiculously slot strapped because even though she gets passive stacks of damage, she still doesn't have some abilities that traditional carries have, like crits, lower BATs, scaling with illusions, having an extra life, returning a ton of damage to the enemy passively etc. I mean, you're limiting the amount of net worth you can stack on the hero and although LC is pretty good with cheap items, lategame, against multiple enemies that are hitting you, sometimes it's just not enough.

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                  Dire Wolf

                    Do you know if you can enable quick cast on a per hero basis? I've never used it before, don't want to toggle it on and off depending on picks.

                    Two points: You are really underestimating the dmg armlet toggled does. 65 dmg, 25 ias. Would you say s&y isn't an end game item and needs to be sold on like jugger or gyro or sniper? Cus it's in the same realm for a strength hero.

                    Most LC games end by time you get 6 slotted even with cheap items. Look at your average stats for this patch, 40 min matches, 478 gpm. I'll bump that up to 575 for wins, even though that's probably too high. LC's not a super farming hero, gpm stays pretty stable. This game duration is also pretty normal, your average match duration all time is 42, mine's 40. She's not a super late hero, nor a super early one cus she needs some duel dmg to kill towers. But once she gets to like 100 or so dmg and AC or deso she's a tower destroyer.

                    Ok so 575*40 mins = 23000g to spend

                    23000 -
                    1350 treads
                    3975 bkb
                    2250 blink
                    2320 armlet
                    5250 ac
                    6750 abyssal =

                    That's enough for 14 tps, seems about right, but no buybacks. Course you can go a cheaper big item like daedulus or mkb for ~1200g less than abyssal and have extra. It's really only a slot issue here if you go more early cheaper items like halberd, blade mail, deso. Then you'll have a lot of excess gold. And if game ends up going 50 mins or more, sell armlet, who cares? You got a huge return on the investment. It's like saying agility heroes shouldn't ever buy aquila cus they might have to sell it at 30 mins for a better item.

                    Riguma Borusu

                      "Do you know if you can enable quick cast on a per hero basis? I've never used it before, don't want to toggle it on and off depending on picks."

                      You can't, gotta do it manually every time, though if you really care about it it's not a bother at all, you get used to it.

                      "Two points: You are really underestimating the dmg armlet toggled does. 65 dmg, 25 ias. "

                      I am not underestimating it, I am just saying you either get something that scales your damage better in one slot, or get blademail. Ofc armlet is a good item for str heroes, but the heroes that typically build it either don't have a ton of built in damage (DK), really love the toggle (huskar) or want to tank up their illusions (CK), have an ability that scales their armlet damage drastically (WK), etc. LC is by no means a typical candidate for armlet, but it's a good item for her, it just depends on whether you need some other utility first, so timing for it can be awkward.

                      "Would you say s&y isn't an end game item and needs to be sold on like jugger or gyro or sniper? Cus it's in the same realm for a strength hero."

                      This entirely depends on whether you can outdamage/outlast the enemy carry with what you have, whether you have kiting problems, money for buyback if you purchase a real lategame item, etc, it's always situational.

                      "Most LC games end by time you get 6 slotted even with cheap items. Look at your average stats for this patch, 40 min matches, 478 gpm. I'll bump that up to 575 for wins, even though that's probably too high. LC's not a super farming hero, gpm stays pretty stable. This game duration is also pretty normal, your average match duration all time is 42, mine's 40. She's not a super late hero, nor a super early one cus she needs some duel dmg to kill towers. But once she gets to like 100 or so dmg and AC or deso she's a tower destroyer.
                      Ok so 575*40 mins = 23000g to spend
                      23000 -
                      1350 treads
                      3975 bkb
                      2250 blink
                      2320 armlet
                      5250 ac
                      6750 abyssal =

                      Yeah, this is alright.

                      "That's enough for 14 tps, seems about right, but no buybacks. Course you can go a cheaper big item like daedulus or mkb for ~1200g less than abyssal and have extra. It's really only a slot issue here if you go more early cheaper items like halberd, blade mail, deso. "

                      This is why I said, you have to worry about what kinda utility you build. If you're going all in to be able to kill everyone and jump around the fight, and practically go 1v5 because you have useless teammates at that point, you're going to be way more slot strapped than if you play with your team and can afford to build what you'd ideally want. But I guess this depends a lot on circumstances and LC is not much different than Sven or something similar as far as this is concerned.

                      "Then you'll have a lot of excess gold. And if game ends up going 50 mins or more, sell armlet, who cares? You got a huge return on the investment. It's like saying agility heroes shouldn't ever buy aquila cus they might have to sell it at 30 mins for a better item."

                      Yeah, but this is why I said you can go Medallion just as well, you get it sooner, especially if you're a bit behind, you get tons of -armor which scales both you and your allies' damage if any, etc. Aquila is not a 2300 gold item, but then again you can make just the same argument for drums, kinda, and yes, the return on investment is definitely there if you make great use of it.

                      Livin' Real Good

                        I don't like blade mail on her AT ALL, but i'm behind, I get it cause it's cheap, but that's just me. I mean I can see why people make it on her, it makes tons of sense, but I don't like it.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^It's just great against glass canon carries/a lot of lockdown and a pretty safe item to pickup on her. If somebody hits hard you can still be disabled and win the duel, and that's for 2200 gold, so it's pretty valuable. But by no means an be all end all item, if you can consistently hit shit without being disabled or killed, pretty much any other decent LC item is better.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Listen to him, he played like 600 games of LC.
                            I think blade mail is core on the hero, the only time I would not get it is:
                            -they have no right click at all AND
                            -they cant kite and damage me outside of duel. AND
                            -you don't need / want armour
                            Which is a rare situation