General Discussion

General DiscussionComment about most played hero of previous dotabuff.

Comment about most played hero of previous dotabuff. in General Discussion

    wow riki spammer and good winrate too
    riki on this patch are more troublesome if it used by experienced player i guess
    the phantom riki guy should learn how to from you


      Invoker abusers..

      lm ao

        you are an empty void within

        i can feel ya

        stupid fuck 2000

          I respect people who play ta in this meta.

          Literally Retarded

            Love having a good ember on my team.

            Fee Too Pee

              Support witch doctor :) , ez laning stage for right clikers players like me lol keep going man. LOOK AT IT GO


                JESUS CHRIST - HUSKAR!?
                so manly.
                500+ XPM AND GPM
                u must be going rambo

                Fee Too Pee

                  IKR I AM RAMBO

                  u must be a god aswell jesus christ those items with zeus
                  click q , w , r repeatly win dota

                  TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                    huskarino en fuego

                    Люблю ментов

                      wtf are ur builds. Fix that and maybe you'll get out of normal


                        nice tinker dude, thumbs up


                          Tinker with dagon level 5 is fun, decent kda too. Keep it up man!

                          Овај коментар је измењен
                          Literally Retarded

                            Nice Invoker bro! I wish the people picking Invoker in my tier could play him decently.


                              A hero dota 2 needs but not one it deserves

                              Memes Jack

                                Good WR, time to turn that losing streak around.


                                  Gimme all ultimates!! You don't play him often recently though.


                                    Raport no wars gg puto madre ida nahui cyka blyat


                                      phantom assassin :/

                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                        You must be one of those self-entitled Invoker mains who think people should bow down to you just because you play "oh so difficult hero omg"


                                          I just like playing him but someone seems a bit salty :)


                                            Luna my best pick


                                              I play luna for the plot kappa


                                                kotl is hot


                                                  Nice terrorblade arcana, He look like a fusion of himself and his mirror self


                                                    Necrophun is Necrofun.
                                                    Necrolyte is Necrolife.

                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                      omg another self-entitled invoker main...

                                                      "OMG Im playing a difficult hero respect meh" thats what it seems like every invoker main say


                                                        Err, okay.

                                                        Who are you again?

                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                          I just don't like Invoker mains, 90% of them are assholes.


                                                            How the fuck can you have 34% WR with riki
                                                            best smurf acc EU guys beware of the 100MMR RIKI shadow blade xD

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              I'm 1180 mmr)

                                                              How could you get so low amount of games with TP Scroll?

                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                Beacause im a LoL trash player and i have the bad habit to not buy TP, i only tp for going on lanes.


                                                                  also i like to take my time on games.


                                                                    and i always end taking boots of travel cause i love to TP everywhere c:

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                      Smurfing with pudge.. Ain't that common.. Stil in normal Skill?


                                                                        I used to play a bunch of pa when I was a noob scrub, but I've started to play tinker and I really like his playstyle


                                                                          Silencer is a great hero, but situational and require a good team i think.
                                                                          Also i am NOT a smurf, this is my real account. I played a lot LoL (5years) and its dying like shit. dota's meta is more better than LoL, also more difficult and more rewarding to keep playing, than a 2-0 assassin on LoL is GG, impossible to come back must surrend at 20

                                                                          also pudge was my most played champ cause i hate to play against him, and i kinda like the COME TO PUDGE thing, thats why i also love clockwerk c:

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                                                                            Judge me, Senpai.

                                                                            Edit: Pudge smurf I take it? It's Pudge. Nothing I can say except 69% winrate :) Must be a good hooker.

                                                                            Edit 2: Not a smurf? Playing against Pudge really just requires Vision of him.

                                                                            Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                            stupid fuck 2000

                                                                              Riki DansGame. Fucking amazing winrate tho, for a hero that useless.

                                                                              Fee Too Pee

                                                                                A GOOD EMBER PLAYER FINALLY nice winrate with ember man . good ember rekts so slippery everywhere , nice situasionally build.
                                                                                ember in my game : goes mid and feed get 30 minute BF (read = me)

                                                                                waku waku

                                                                                  khorosho, very good
                                                                                  you gotta wait till you climb even higher though it's just od & spectre everywhere and they will destroy you if you pick this hero

                                                                                  also try building solar crest it's good on him

                                                                                  Player 215168758

                                                                                    I guess you really like dendi :D

                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                      i guess you really like !attacker


                                                                                        Huskar is basicaly YOU ARE GOING TO HELL WITH ME BEFORE I DIE
                                                                                        add a dazzle = YOU ARE GOING TO HELL WITHOUT ME

                                                                                        (btw austin, my pudge is random, i can be godlike but my friends just FORCE me to not play on mid lane so i feel useless and i can't play well, but i'm good on mid lane and i easely end making blink hooks like shit and gg)

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          You don't really have a mostplayed hero...


                                                                                            Yeah i just love to play EVERY hero to know what do they do, what can they do, their weakness, then if i really love a hero (like riki, leshrac, Io, Shadow shaman) i play him a lot much (6-7 times) and then i play other heroes again.
                                                                                            thats just how i play, i like to learn, to understand the game, and then kill my ennemies by surprise or by outplay c: . (riki)

                                                                                            I'm a old LoL player (5years), could play all roles in all lanes, my rank is Platinium V 70LP (maybe 3K-4K)

                                                                                            Having a big mind for a big game for a future big MMR... yup, maybe, one day.. (actualy 2.1K placement (2W-2L))

                                                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                              I'm an old LoL player too, I've played Dota for about 6 months now.

                                                                                              But even in LoL i only play 1 champion. Katarina.

                                                                                              I call BS on the 3k-4k mmr in LoL, even Faker is only 3k.

                                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                in terms of toxic rate, you are kinda low now. kata sucks c:
                                                                                                the true cancer thing in LoL is tanks like udyr (unkillable) and malphite (unkillable), its a meta tank that can kill everyone, even adcs suck after the update..

                                                                                                all praise the dota. LoL is dead.

                                                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                  I wish there was a hero more like Katarina in Dota... like melee spellcaster with high burst damage.


                                                                                                    well leshrac can be fit for you, he isn't really melee but all his spells need you to be close to your ennemies, and he has high constant burst with Q, R and spamable E
                                                                                                    this community think he is nerfed to death cause his E got nerfed a bit, thats all. but he still hurt a lot.
                                                                                                    he need to snowball, and if he can't, he can just flash farm all lanes and get bloodstone/octarine = easy game.

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                                                                                                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                      Leshrac doesn't look really cool though.

                                                                                                      Like Riki, QoP, even Sniper, look like well-designed heroes artistically.

                                                                                                      You can't really tell what Leshrac is.