General Discussion

General Discussiongive me unusal but legit builds that you use

give me unusal but legit builds that you use in General Discussion

    i wanna have some fun


      rly funny amte try some invoker safelane XD super funy


        oh btw if there are any ppl from SEA who;s still awake we could play some unranked games if u wanna

        Dune, the Desert Planet

          IDK how unusual, but I play QW Voker with Midas and Eul. Actually only difference is that I get Phase and Urn and sometimes Orchid, while on QE I skip Urn and get BoT/PT.


            Arcane - Mekanasm - Scythe of Vyse - Glimmer Cape (Force Staff) - Shiva's Guard

            On Windranger.


              (Euls/Shadowblade) - Octacore - AC - BKB

              on Lina. Makes her a strong right clicker with much sustain.

              PT - Vanguard - SnY - Daedalus - HoT

              on Spectre. Long time ago i went for it, but i think the current meta gives other builds the edge

              Phase - Manta - Skadi - Bloodstone

              for Medusa. It's a really silly build that just works if you snowball, but in this case your tankiness is actually quite sick. Maybe just use in non-ranked

              Midas - (Radiance /Bots) - Manta - Octacore - Rapier/
              Midas - (Mjollnir/Bots) - AC - Rapier

              on Arc Warden. Slower push then Necro 3 and a slower Rapier timing, but you dont feed gold away and can fight reasonably without Tempest Double

              The Laughing Man

                Do not listen to arctic considering his most played is 3 games on he's just trolling.

                As for unusual builds that work, enchant is becoming a centerpiece in the offline meta due to her ability to out harass almost any support/carry combo but most people stick to the standard builds, if u have good farm and lane control and the enemy team has high evasion heroes you can go triple circlet start into treads then dragon lance or drums into an orchid, turning heroes like slark am qop and weaver into food.

                If you like clinks instead of the orchid rush pretty much everyone does you can rush ring of an into soul ring then treads medallion and deso, the damage from your armor reduction will have you two shooting people.

                The last build I'll note is more of a counter pick, if the enemy teams has late game secured through picks with a dash of high mobility like am or qop, take slark get wand orb of poison treads then orchid before your sb, this costs you invisibility tanks early game but the attack speed will boost your e the mana regents coupled with your ult means you never have to base and it adds a lot of flexibility to your combos, you can orchid then pounce taking stacks casting your q to escape after the kill or you can jump them with pounce lead into q to purge any stuns then as soon as q ends drop orchid to make them helpless while u chase them down with the poison from orb. The BIGGEST boon this build grants you is reducing the need to use your ult to secure 1 on 1 kills, having your ult always up means any rotation on you is bound to fail.

                Swap Commends

                  ARC is the king of funny builds
                  Mine : midas => BoT,book,desol,rapier,rapier,crit 2 .


                    MoM BKB Daedalus voker. 0-7-7 skillbuild

                    Not affected by the 6.86f nerf because I never use any spell except Alacrity SeemsGood

                    A waifu a day keeps socie...

                      Bloodstone dusa

                      Miku Plays

                        Mom blademail Lc


                          blademail rush necro.

                          its actually too good.


                            Wand - pt- orchid on slark. If u can get it by 15 mins. U can actually jungle efficiently and 5 man team fight and later go into blink/SB and any into abyssal.


                              Blademail Oct lotus orb on any magic dmg int core

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                                Mom on ursa

                                Pale Mannie

                                  Dagon E-Blade Refresher Oct Core every hero everyday


                                    Blink and euls on oracle. Weaver aghs rush works very well.


                                      MoM on Wyvern+ early hyperstone

                                      < blank >

                                        Dagon Storm, Armlet SF


                                          skadi stacking on terrorblade


                                            orchid clock does wonders in some games


                                              LD no bear build.
                                              It's actually pretty legit. Especially with the new patch, you got 1 extra ability.

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                                                imma try these shits once i get a chance to play later or tomorrow

                                                but probably only in unranked


                                                  i will also post the dbuff matches here so u can see normal skill sea weird shit

                                                  Disposable Hero

                                                    Gyro radiance s&y bkb and the rest optional that you usually get on him


                                                      Good show. One more thing, with that itwm-build on Windranger I recommended, you will have to max Shackle-Shot first. 1 level on Windrin, 2 levels in Powershot, 4 in Shackle-Shot, by level 7.

                                                      Good luck!

                                                      BO FLEX

                                                        blink and force staff on techies, blink in and force staff your opponent when they are debombing your bombs !

                                                        lm ao

                                                          usually when i try to have fun on ap i always get reported or be flamed to edath on mic by some angry pinoy man


                                                            MoMniknight the immortal carry

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              3 rapiers + boots of travel + 2 other items (any items will do, who cares what the other items are when you have 3 fucking rapiers) Riki


                                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                orchid clock does wonders in some games

                                                                Babay Ganash

                                                                  2x mjolnia, Octraine core, bkb, silver edge, daledalus and a consumed moonshard on sven :D


                                                                    Eblade am, pa, ta, or any agility carry


                                                                      My best build ever except agh's/refresher/octarine treant is fast rapier on chen on low mmr account. Rapier > shadow blade > mom > bkb ~750 gpm and fast finish.
                                                                      Legit? Boots -> mjolnir on weaver. Perfect figthing/farming balance :D


                                                                        Necro dagon eb

                                                                        oh wait i thought necro buying meka is standard build.

                                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                                          Dk go dragon lance, wand, two bracers. In your ult form you'll do a lot of early game dmg from a distance.

                                                                          ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                            all of mine

                                                                            pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                              multi-mjolnir alche. back then I had to look for ways to hit alch's atkspeed ceiling since there was no moonstone at that time. went toe-to-toe right click with a fat AM once. 2 mjolnirs, BoT, bkb, cuirass and an mkb.


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                                                                              Pale Mannie

                                                                                Moonshard Monday OD


                                                                                  A bounty hunter in my team:
                                                                                  EBlade, Dagon, 4 rapiers


                                                                                    ok boys, done with one item build that i failed so hard to do!

                                                                                    it was this build:
                                                                                    Eblade am, pa, ta, or any agility carry
                                                                                    e-blade drow

                                                                                    here's my match

                                                                                    l m f a o i got some cheap kills with eblade after i built it but i couldnt even use it anymore because slardar/wk/lina were blowing me up

                                                                                    i guess i sohuldve went bkb first before eblade


                                                                                      btw, how do i italicize or even put quote boxes here in dbuff?


                                                                                        Treads, sange and yasha, double heart, assault cuirass, crimson guard Centaur Warrunner.


                                                                                        It was so hilarious watching the windranger kill herself on me. Even the huskar, first time he tried I already had treads, crimson guard, sange and yasha (and I think drums), he still ultied and just killed himself on me, next time he saw me running at him he ran away, I rofled so hard. Them the next time again he had a heart, but by then I had heart and assault cuirass, tanked and killed him again. Right click centaur is actually such a better build than blink/blademail/pipe/aghs/heart centaur imo.


                                                                                          lol alice you guys clearly won that game but fucked up somehow


                                                                                            yeah 400 ping fucked me up because rofl SEA net cant handle two PC's at once

                                                                                            and another fail boys, this time came from:
                                                                                            @The Laughing Man
                                                                                            "If you like clinks instead of the orchid rush pretty much everyone does you can rush ring of an into soul ring then treads medallion and deso, the damage from your armor reduction will have you two shooting people."

                                                                                            take note i didnt get medallion inthis game *shrugs* i forgot to do it, and even tho i know the orchid build was superior in this game (c'mon its a voker and BH theyre easily blown up to bits with deso + orchid) i still didnt go for it because rofl dis is orchid-less build right here

                                                                                            why do i keep on failing with these builds lmao

                                                                                            < blank >

                                                                                              use this

                                                                                              [quote ] put text here [/quote ] no spaces

                                                                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                well in that particular match-up e-blade is actually a counter to their team
                                                                                                "someone got caught in LC's duel?" e-blade
                                                                                                "someone got caught in Jugg's omni?" e-blade
                                                                                                "someone got jumped on by ursa?" e-blade

                                                                                                so its not there just so you can randomly burst someone its there because its really good against their team
                                                                                                and it also has synergy with necrophos e-blade+dagon or e-blade+scythe.