General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is legion so popular

Why is legion so popular in General Discussion

    Why do i suddenly see legion in about every other game, i dont think she got buffed that much, is it just me whos feeling that way or is there a reason y legion is so common now.

    Miku Plays

      because shes the best

      plz do

        its a normal skill phenomenon.


          because duel can turn tables

          Putins Price Hike

            good lock down. permanent dmg. Great hero vs heroes with good escapes


              It's because of a combination of changes to moment of courage since 6.84 and the introduction of Iron Talon have increased the speed at which she jungles, and as every body knows having a carry hero who jungles quickly is easy mode since you don't have to deal with trying to last hit and take harassment in lane. She is run in the jungle over 43% of the time.

              But she has a inverse relationship between skill and winrate - ie wins more in lower skill and wins less in high skill because pick offs are easier in lower skilled pubs since people will split up and farm without vision and also not contest her jungling in the early game which is not the case as you move up in skill levels.

              Miku Plays

                ^ nah i jungle and barely anyone goes in my little happy place


                  Its because in normal skill legion can get a lot of duel victories since noobs can't avoid losing duels. Eventually she gets so much duel damage that she wins the game

                  Livin' Real Good

                    Well, she's a cool hero, fun to play, VERY easy to play, and doesn't require tons of farm to get things done, so why not.


                      Legion is the best to grind for solo normal match making games, in which teamwork is not so great. Get a blink dagger, blade mail and optionally shadow blade (to bypass the obs), you'll rape the enemy's carries.

                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                          Trump won SC MingLee


                            Kitrak.. I love reading your comments cause I always learn from them dude. Always knew legion is good vs dual lanes and shit, but that piece of info is VERY USEFUL.


                              her attack sounds so satisfying gives me asmr

                              Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                Honestly the people playing LC has really dropped in skill lately. From a high of nearly 51% winrate back down to 50%. She's just a more impact hero compared to any other jungler. The next closest is probably Nature's Prophet. Then again depending on certain lineups and strats. A jungle Bloodseeker with radiance is about as influencial as her mid to late game with radiance. But if team can last til late game she could tip the hand back in 50+ minute games.


                                  Its because in many brackets people refuse to play support and if cores are selected, they go jungle, and its the most fun hero out of all jungling heroes.


                                    It's because ppl like the winner tag above their hero's head after winning a duel. It makes them feel good about life and stuff.


                                      Fun hero. Everyone wants to have +200 damage


                                        ^^ Ashe$ I know right. They finally got some credentials in their forgettable life.

                                        Dire Wolf

                                          Cus he's an awesome counter to a ton of super popular picks. Wind ranger, anti mage and ember spirit are picked 6th, 7th and 12th most popular in 3k and LC is great vs all of them. Plus people love to jungle and she's the best current jungler and only jungler I won't bitch about people picking right now.


                                            her attack sounds so satisfying gives me asmr