General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy quas exort invoker is more popular than wex quas invoker?

Why quas exort invoker is more popular than wex quas invoker? in General Discussion

    I've been wondering, why is quas exort invo so popular even on turnament matches? Personally, I think wex quas invo is very good especially when he is played with a team. He is very good in teamfights. With a good timing, he can do tornado-emp-meteor even on early games (exort lvl 1 is enough). The metor may do less damage than quas exort type, but the long range (because of wex) gives nice dps which can make the enemy team completely messed up their formation.

    Well of course, this is just my personal opinion. I'm not saying that quas exort invoker is not good. I'd just be glad if anyone could tell me why it is used more often than wex quas invoker.

    < blank >

      Because Midas fap fap fap


        Because the sunstrike meteor balls and those gun shot deafening blast looks like a fireworks show. People like fireworks.


          what's the best ks spell he has? EEE ergo let's max E


            + More Damage with Exort orb Right clicks for last hits or through spells
            + Global (Sunstrike)
            + Due to which you don't have to go and gank other lanes
            + You just provide killing blow or assist via Sunstrike
            + You give space to your team mates which they really may need sometimes by staying in your lane
            + You get EXP due to staying in your lane for prolonged period
            + 2forged spirit before lvl 10
            + Due to which, pushing power or just killing neutrals with Hand of Midas build
            + You can kill with 2 Forged Spirits, level 4 Cold Snap and Sunstrike.
            + Frightening damage and slow via ice wall in mid game when team fights begin to occur or push comes near towers
            + You can solo Roshan with smoke of deceit before minute 15


              1. Use Ice Wall on enemies diving towers
              2. ???
              3. Profit

              Ну, Погоди!

                Quas wex its the best way.
                1.easier to play(you dont need to micro all these forge,necromonicon staff)
       have escape mechanisms in early game to avoid get killed in gangs
       attack and most important you move faster
       can pick and kill 1 hero 1 vs 1 with orchid in mid game,with spells which costs you less mana and have smaler cooldowns than meteor, blast
                P.S.dont waste 1 of your 3spells for meteor,when you have 1level exort.......

                plz do

                  emp combo burns mana, sunstrike combo instakills every hero

                  Pale Mannie

                    quas wex = cast heavy
                    quas exort = teamfight/rightclick heavy
                    wex exort = instaloss for you never do wex exort


                      I see, quas exort invoker is indeed has great damage, so he can rush midas, then has great xpm/gpm, and 2 forged spirit before level 10. Forged spirit-cold snap combo is also very annoying to the enemies. Forged spirit-alacrity-necromonicon combo is awesome for pushing towers.

                      And yes, eul's combo (sunstrike-meteor-deaf. blast) almost instantly kills any hero. This combo is good to slow enemy carry's farming. Plus, I often see quas exort invoker buys dagger for excape mechanism. Actually, it's pretty obvious why quas exort build is so popular.

                      But honeslty, I don't really like invoker being played like that. The same goes for orchid-cold snap-urn combo, which can almost kill any agi/int hero 1 vs 1. But again, I don't like it. It makes him looks so individualist.


                        Oh and, invoker only needs 3 level quas and 4 level exort to summon 2 forged spirit using aghanim. At least he can save 1 level for wex :D

                        @LaughingBuddha yes sir, I can't agree more. But trust me, at early game, tornado-emp-meteor (exort level 1) is worth using. With good timing, it can at least get you a dobule kill.


                          I do a QW build but it gets weak in late game, so I go on to the Deafening Blast + Chaos Meteor combo. After having a QW build almost complete, by late game, you only have 2/3 points in Exort, so a Sunstrike is weak (in case of teamfights). Instead, you give Alacrity to yourself, switch to EEE and start hitting 'em.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Problem with relying on 3 Quas to summon 2 Forged Spirits with Aghanim is you will end up making Aghanim way too early. Aghanim's timing should match with your Lvl 16 timings. Before that, Aghanim can be deemed unnecessary and irrelevant.

                            Force Staff before Aghanim is viable. You can force your enemy toward yourself then initiate Ice Wall, Spirits, and snap while it also helps you in positioning and escape to cliffs + help your badly positionedvteam mate out of danger, too.. It's such an underrated item on Invoker.

                            You don't like Invoker being played as Quas Wex, neither do you like Coldsnap+Urn combo in Quas+Wex. How do you prefer to play Invoker? What are the spells combo you like to use? And, which items do you like?


                              @Chaoshype yeah, he'll get weak in late game if invoker adds too much quas. So I only add 3-4 lvl quas in most games. By the way, how do you land Deafening Blast-Chaos Meteor combo using quas wex build sir?

                              @PLutO. I see, so that's why I rarely see people rush aghanim using invoker. And I've never used force staff-ice wall combo, that sounds useful. Thanks sir! Usually, I always play invoker in the back of my teammates. I love to counter enemies' initiator, wait for the right timing, then do tornado-emp-meteor-blast combo. But that requires aghanim and level 4 invoke. So before that time, I just do tornado-emp-meteor combo. This is so much fun rather than playing individualist invoker. It makes him so valuable in every teamfight.


                                Forgot to add, it gets weak in late game, so I snatch 3/4 points off QW and assign it to E. :D
                                I get items in this order:
                                * Null
                                * Phase
                                * Orchid
                                * Agh
                                * Late game stufff stuff Octarine especially


                                  Quas Wex wins you games.
                                  Quas Exort gets you those flashy kills and KDA so you don't feel bad about yourself if you lose.


                                    THE  SKIES  WILL  SET  YOU  AFLAME!


                                      They nerfed quas wex a bit a few patches back I believe. Euls doing 50 damage made it impossible to blink out of and made a lot of skillshot spell combos more solid.

                                      acc buyers in my team

                                        simply because it's more flashy


                                          Also, because at late stages, QW does potato damage.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            Cause they only know 3 spells with that Euls combo, and the 4th one they know is probably just bitch as ghost walk like most typical invokers.


                                              @arin haha I think the correct one is, "The skies set you aflame!" sir

                                              @Chaoshype Ohh I get it, I think quas exort invoker is very popular mainly because he deals a very great damage, so he can kill more like sir @Luxon said. Plus, most exort skills are for killing, while wex quas skills are disables. People love to get a good KDA ratio, that's why they choose quas exort invoker. So, everything depends on the player itself.

                                              Well, either way is fine. I'm still glad that Invoker has a good win rate, considering his high pick rate :D

                                              Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                @Pluto you're right, also quas exort has better mid / late game than quas wex. quas wex is strong at the first minutes, but if you get stomped in the early game, you can't do any comeback, and you will be useless at teamfights, Instead of quas exort, you can deal a lot of damage in any momment of the game


                                                  @赤司征十郎 ® yeah sir that happened to me, especially after I rushed orchid. Wex quas invoker plus orchid has a very good attack speed and adds some damages. I killed a lot after that, but I made mistake once, then lost a teamfight. The enemy carry got about 1k gold, and enemy utilities got levels, resulting a comeback for the enemy team. I guess you're right about quas wex is strong only at the first minutes.


                                                    Quas Wex will put a stop to any advance your mid opponent might be trying to make. Rush Phase, get Midas and you'll be in a comfortable position soon. Get Orchid and you can solo gank with Meteor + Blast after you get atleast 2 points in E. Cut down foe with WWW.
                                                    Deafening Blast Disarm duration is controlled by Wex (which is the main component), so I don't like a QE build. There's no disable anymore, so Quas points won't fetch much in the Blast.


                                                      @Chaoshype wow! finally someone who undestands the beauty of wex quas invoker has appeared! :D yeah sir, Deafening Blast is based on wex. Max wex level gives about 6 seconds disarm using Deafening Blast, 6 seconds! I often combine it with Shiva's guard, and the enemy's right click heroes (mostly carries) would be crying for 6 seconds disarm, slowed movement, and slowed attack speed because of shiva's guard aura. Isn't it awesome? :D


                                                        Yes it is but remember if you take QE build, you'll need mana regen. EMP will help you steal the mana and wipe the need of Eul's.
                                                        Disarm doesn't really pay off well on intel heroes, even if 6 seconds, so Orchid is like compulsory now. I also like the sound of Shiva's but it's more of a teamfight item (though, you can really spam it, almost low CD).