General Discussion

General Discussion When you play vs lv 1 roshan and get aids

When you play vs lv 1 roshan and get aids in General Discussion

    New Witch Doctor healing spamming smurf confirmed


      We couldve won if sky knew that np was breaking backdoor regen with necrobook


        - knowing teammates are retarded
        - relying on retarded teammates to carry you instead of carrying yourself


          Roshan so stronk right now she/he is only in dota get buff after buff

          So lv1 rosh so hard ryt now


            I think 30-6-16 with 35k hero dmg and 3k tower dmg is as close to "carrying myself" this game that im gonna get


              normal skill excuses.

              bristle has comparable hd and overall kill participation and your team aren't that far behind you in td either so it's not like it's a 1 man show. 3.5k isn't an ungodly amount of td. max is around 15k if you're the only one to damage towers and there's no enemy treant I believe.

              congrats on getting 30 last hits on enemy heroes though.


                What the fuck is that 20k hero healing on WD? Holy moly :O


                  lol was pretty surprised when these guys did it also. Took rosh, tried to down t1 bot right after but Kotl and pheonix was alot of trouble for them. Ended spanking them.