General Discussion

General DiscussionProof Valve has something against me

Proof Valve has something against me in General Discussion
    And look at my last anti mage game
    Feeding shit talking Legion every god damn game. Specifically solo ranked.
    Can someone tell me my winrate with LC on my team?


      We all get those kind of teammates. You will encounter so much more as you go up


        lol hes <100 mmr what do u expect


          how the... someone can have 19 mmr??? this is some next level feed on purpose shit I guess :d AHAHAHAHA btw I just noticed everyone lost 25mmr and this guy lost only 18 xD now he has 1mmr holy shit haha

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            19 mmr is like playing in the amazonian jungle with 1 leg and 2 fingers

            Синячий патруль

              19 mmr


                In my antimage game, I sit down and I'm having the best time of my life. Got a 14 min battlefury, not missing a single lh. Then I check the scoreboard and realize the resaon I had so much freespace was because they were too busy killing my LC and Drow, 0/11, 0/13.
                And guess who was talking the most shit on our team? You guessed it, the fucking LC. Why do the worst ones talk the most shit?
                I hate this god damn sub 1k bracket. I calibrated so long ago and then didnt come back to ranked for a while. Now I get literally 1 mmr teammates.


                  My games feel the same way sometimes when i get 2-3 players who go 0-5 5 minutes into the game and then abbandon. Literally 4-5 games in a row. Luckily it's only smurf tho... FeelsBadMan


                    600 mmr too hard boys


                      of course,didnt you see blunt get dumpstered by 1ks lmao


                        Pick Lich every game and get above 1.3k. Then spam omni. This works for me so it can work for u too. 800 mmr to 1700 mmr in a few months... trudging towards 2k and beyond


                          wow this mmr range actually exists
                          jsut wow


                            Didn't you win 1k vs 2k

                            I'd be happy with that

                            Katka Solo

                              holy shit i want to see what its like to play that low


                                op can I have your account 2 days please? :D

                                THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                  what you gonna do on it?


                                    he'll boost u up to 2k

                                    THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                      If you just message me ill change my password and chamge it back later. You will have exclusivity to that account. Ill just play on my smurf until then

                                      Dark Hunter

                                        Welcome to my world... stuck at 800mmr...


                                          Go in lowskill vs highskill topic and watch few games. Maybe you learn something.

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                                            So what are you gonna say when he has a 99% win rate over the next 2 days?

                                            bum farto

                                              I underestimated how good/bad some 2ks were so lost a boosting game cause of no BB feelsbadman


                                                19mmr-18= 1 mmr warlock DAYUM.... i thought my 1.3k mmr is way too low already but i never expected someone to be at 1 mmr


                                                  btw guys if you look at their skill builds you can clearly see that spirit breaker has the best skill build and that pro players should do it too Kappa


                                                    OP, I have never seen someone with a sub 1.0 KDA in their top hero's. I just can't fathom how people like you think its team mates that are holding them down. Unless you are just trolling, IDK...KYS or something.

                                                    Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                      wow I won't be complaining about my 2k mmr. Are all >1k MMR all botters/smurfs? judging from the GPM/XPM these guys are either paid to account boost? or just game throwing trolls?

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                                                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                            And now, if that Warlock loses another game, he'll create more MMR out of nothing :D

                                                            Miku Plays

                                                              1mmr is life


                                                                I want to play at 1 mmr...

                                                                cherry wine

                                                                  so damn OP, LOL XD


                                                                    maybe u guys should stop making fun of the op? instead, guide him

                                                                    THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                      idgaf about my mmr, so throw all the shit you want. I beat the 2ks so thats all that matters to me XD

                                                                      Winning streak no more

                                                                        Stop whining in the thread pls, it's not valves fault that you have those kind of teammates. Just improve your mechanics and do your very best to be a better player, and please stop boasting.. it's really annoying

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          you talk like beating 2k players means anything. 2k mmr is still pretty shit.

                                                                          you're paired with shit players because you're just as bad as them. that is all. want to get better teammates, get better yourself.


                                                                            People meet a lot of mongols even at 5-6k or higher. I'm playing on my smurf now which is around 5k and i get tons of 5-6k's who are bad as fuck. Maybe they just dont care cause its normal mm, but they're fuckin bad beyond words. So 1k's to be bad is normal :)

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                                                                            THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                              ^ bruh I never said I wasn't bad. I just made this post to show you my fucking 1mmr teamates. If i wasnt sub 1k I wouldnt be calibrated there. I never said shit about every game. I literally only referenced 2 specific games in the recent past where my teamates threw it comepletely. I would appreciate no more fucking comments about "git gud" like you're some elite class. I would, however appreciate comments on how to get better. Like what am I doing wrong sfor example?


                                                                                I'm on your account dude

                                                                                THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                  boost it baby


                                                                                    I hope you remember your keys cuz I changed the keys, I don't play with QWER

                                                                                    House Cat

                                                                                      warlock carry hahaa. that orchid <3 and dude at least 700 mmr players buy dust!

                                                                                      {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

                                                                                        come on man, i wanted to boost your account till 2k rofl. any chance i get it, damn is far more intersting to smurf at that level then on 5k.


                                                                                          I fucking died 2 times :(

                                                                                          THAT BITCH CAROLE BASKINS

                                                                                            damn son XD. beat 5 of my records with just 1 match

                                                                                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                                                                                              Make a new account, it's free 1k mmr. Keep making new ones so you feed RTZ to 10k MMR EZ.