General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying position1?

Playing position1? in General Discussion

    I feel that in current meta if you want to raise more then 4k mmr you would have a very hard time doing this as a carry.I feel like pos1 has least influence on chance of winning and game impact in pub game.


      pos 1 = solo safelane with a hard carry against a good offlane hero or 2-3 heroes.


        ^ same shit. i feel like impact of players in pub on roles is like this:
        1) midlane
        2) offlane
        3) supports
        4) carry


          a lot of ppl i meet are spamming sven/spectre/morph, and it works pretty fine for them


            However the biggest issue of playing offlane/support in pub is that people cant play from behind, they start to tilt early killing your chances of victory.

            SANITY = ECLIPSED

              How people even win with morph? It feels like antimage without blink but with waveclear.


                u just kill ppl and dont die, basically

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                SANITY = ECLIPSED

                  Nice enchantess spam by the way OSfrog.


                    no morph is actually one of the most deceiving heroes, i was solo against undying clock and killed them both kreygasm


                      4k retards : "hey its morf, he has 386 hp, ez kill, GOGOOGGOGOOG".
                      non-autist morf :"double kill"

                      SANITY = ECLIPSED

                        Yeah thats what makes carries like morphling and antimage good on paper = you kill creeps, win your lane and dont die, however in practice your only response to being 5man pushed at min 15 is to push another lane and hope your team doesnt feed 4vs5.

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                        yung griphook

                          let me ask you something. Who are you more afraid of in-game: An omniknight on a godlike or a spectre on a godlike?

                          there's a reason for that.


                            I'd actually be more afraid of an omniknight on a godlike, because that would mean that my team is a special kind of retarded.

                            Синячий патруль

                              two double lanes. Position 1, hmm, what is this?




                                  i agree that people have no clue on morph's killing potential and if he dies when ganked, like they keep autoattacking thinking they can kill you

                                  @we don't tilt anymore: obv spectre, but i prefer to pick omni and give my spectre a great advantage than picking spectre and having a 4k afk retard support or be solo lane

                                  i believe that the best way to climb in 4k is picking support. i spammed carry and half of my games were just lost while i was farming my first core item

                                  if you play support you have a chance to make the difference and win every game imo

                                  4k supports are bad (often they are carry players forced to support), 4k carries are okay if you give them space. Same for mid, you can have a shit mid laner but if you camp mid, secure wards and give vision he literally can't feed

                                  TL;DR: best way to climb in 4k is pick support and work for your team
                                  that's just my opinion

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                                    I think it's very easy to rise in mmr using position 1 heroes. It's probably the easiest position to play properly but the most important position to not fail at. Sure, if you plan on wrecking- mid has the most impact. And if you plan on feeding- support has the least detriment. But if you expect to play decently well, position 1 will give the most rewards for consistency.

                                    Though I'm also rising through low mmrs. So slightly different needs.

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                                      Safelane doesnt exist anymore


                                        But if you choose to play support, you may force supports to play carry, which i much worse.

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            That's not true at all, some of the strongest heroes right now are traditional safe laners, sven, spectre, slark, medusa even. Just stop playing the shit ones like pa and antimage.

                                            So you are bitching about shit like this?

                                   You put specte and am on the same team vs an lc. What did you think would happen? Not saying it's your fault, maybe the am last picked, but you can't use that as evidence that position 1 is dead.

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                                              How do you win with Morph? Go on youtube search Miracle plays morphling, dude gets fucking rampages left and right with the hero. Morphling is good you just have to know how to play him.

                                              Execute Order 322

                                                Role doesn't matter
                                                Just your personal skill and a bit of luck

                                                Livin' Real Good

                                                  For the past few patches offlane has been pretty strong if you haven't noticed. lol

                                                  I'd say offlane and mid have the most impact on games outcome usually, if the player is good.

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                                                      1) midlane
                                                      2) offlane
                                                      3) supports
                                                      4) carry

                                                      You are more or less true, however supports are in hard to class, as they can be 1) aswell as 4)

                                                      Midlane actually have an impact similar to offlaner BUT they can throw the game much easily since they have more xp and more gold. (which ofc give them more importance on their impact on the game ^^)
                                                      Carrys bear a similar fact, they are the master of throwing a game, but one of the worst to win it (unless you take snowballer and play them like that, and even though, most of time the fact that they could snowball rely entirely on the work of their support early in the game -especially for timing heroes such as sven-)

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                                                        Safelane carry is definitely the worst role to play atm. You will be aggressively dual laned every single game against two heroes with very strong early game killing power while you get some weakass "support" who does nothing. Only way the safelane carry wins nowadays is if they pick spectre and rely on their team to get them to the lategame. Safelane should be relabelled the feeding lane.

                                                        The only ways to win are either take mid away from the "mid only" spammers since as a primarily safelane carry player you are practiced against having to play 1v3 in your lane so a 1v1 is super easy, or to just pick one of the dual offlaners and go fuck up the enemy safelane yourself.


                                                          Mostly if your mid fucks up then u have really hard time, cuz enemy always have some cancerous dual lane against u, but if your mid is doing great then it's pretty much gg.