General Discussion

General Discussion1 more tiny buff Mirana needs.

1 more tiny buff Mirana needs. in General Discussion

    100% miss chance while in air from Leap.


      Just make the leap cooldown shorter, 5 sec cd when lvl 4


        And 2 sec duration of moevment speed


          You would make a clown hero, lol! :D
          Also would be op, there must be a reason the cooldown is that big compared to Anti-Mage and QoP...
          It has no cast point, but is slower and clumsier... otherwise basically the same...

          Putins Price Hike

            Blink is 1000 times better than leap. Not even in the same category.


              Cold Snap > Blink
              Leap > Cold Snap

              Leap is actually a lot quicker, it's a lot easier to dodge stuff with leap because it has no cast point, and the speed buff it gives is actually significant. Your argument is invalid, the Leap get's the job done.

              I am not saying Leap > Blink, but Leap is not a bad skill at all even when compared to blink.

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                yeah 5 sec leap is like free linkens or something


                  Make Sagan always leap on Nova. =)

                  plz do

                    does leap disband projectiles?


                      Leap does disjoint everything disjointable. CK, Sven, WK stuns etc... PL spear and Mort arrow since the nerf and so on.

                      But during leap you are vulnerable.

                      I was thinking, since WR can dodge everything when she activates windrun, why can miran do something similar?


                        yes you cant get stunned and shit during the leap

                        Flying Donkey

                          Another Mirana buff ??? Please this is just too much. After Sacred arrow buff i'm not sure that she needs more. Instead try to think of heroes that truly needs them.


                            It's a tiny buff that wouldn't change much. I agree the hero got some pretty nice buff.

                            The arrow insta kill really improves her farming. I've been playing her with linkens and been clearing camps and lanes with Starstorm + Arrow, the gpm/xpm is quite nice and allows you to become a viable semi carry offlaner shit.

                            Flying Donkey

                              10 times tiny buff is better than big one. Look Sven, Invo.

                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                After the Blast nerf, Invo's lost a lot of his EZ WIN potential.

                                Синячий патруль

                                  Skills to be reworked