General Discussion

General DiscussionSick of losing HELP PLOX!

Sick of losing HELP PLOX! in General Discussion

    I'm sick of losing cause I'm bad >.<

    Please help me with a hero I can spam for fun wins?

    My circumstances:
    I'm noob (3.4k)
    I get lag spikes relatively often and play with 150 ping on my country's server

    My idea:
    Some kind of hero that has a smooth laning phase (maybe even a jungler)
    Some hero that can come online when the midgame teamfights start
    A hero that is forgiving if you spike out in a teamfight.

    Heroes that come to mind:
    Death Prohet

    Anything I can spam to win more guys?
    Thank you!!!!!


      smoothlaning stage, bad ping and you think of a mid and a hardcarry? :p both of them are pretty unforgiving early if you dont do well.


        DP is so ez to win early though. She is one of the hardest snowballers right now, just undervalued and underpicked.
        Laning is a breeze. Don't even need mana-regen, except a wand.


          Anymore responses guys?

          EZ MID 9k mmr

            i play with 200 ping, youll be fine

            also nature prophet


              spam techies. relevant from beginning to late game. late game build bfury and rapier to kill any survivors. ez wins, ez mmr


                wut abt ursa?