General Discussion

General DiscussionFeel like I'm stagnating

Feel like I'm stagnating in General Discussion

    Recently when I look back at my past matches, I noticed that I only pick Necrophos, Dragon Knight and Lion and I wanted to play as other heroes too because I wanted to be versatile when it come to picking a hero but I think it's too late for me to try a new heroes without playing with a bot now because at my level (Bottle icon), I already get queued against those 3k-5k MMR players and I knew exactly that the thing won't end well for me if I don't pick a heroes that I'm good at so I want to ask you guys what should I do to continue developing myself with other heroes and not end up stagnating with only 3 heroes like now?


      You are in normal skill.. I dont you'll be queued with 3k-5k players.. You need to be HS or VHS for that.. If you are new to dota learn the game with a few heroes and then diversify your hero pool.. If you are smurfing, you are playing the wrong heroes..


        >it's too late for me to try a new heroes without playing with a bot

        Huh? That's exactly how you should learn new heroes.


          I don't know, man. But IMO bot is too stupid that I could right-click them to death with Dazzle.


            Try Insane bots, you'll be surprised.


              You play bots to get a feel for the hero's last hit animation, the way the spells work and what sort of items work well on that hero. After you have a general feel for the hero and know how you should play it you can go online. Sure you wont play perfectly but its only in proper games that you'll learn from your mistakes. Bots usually are easy to abuse and don't punish your mistakes in the same way humans do.

              If you've already seen the hero played a lot and know the common build then you can just open up the demo mode and test out the spells. I did that before I played Riki to get a feel for the blink strike distance for example.