General Discussion

General DiscussionMajor's over, should we be expecting 6.87?

Major's over, should we be expecting 6.87? in General Discussion

    It's about time.


      This patch isn't that old yet. I would guess another 1.5 - 2 months

      Livin' Real Good

        Might be another month sadly.

        6.83 was cool cause it had fun meta heroes, and lots of hidden secret meta heroes (like Lina until she got noticed in 6.84) Sniper didn't really matter to me, he was easy to kill, nice and squishy. I guess I like the late game meta in that patch cause solo pick offs happened a lot more cause there was less grouping.

        6.84 was godlike, insanely fun, TI was in the horizon, things were all positive vibes. (fun mid heroes, Storm, Lina, Queen, SF, Leshrac, Wind ranger somewhat, TA, somewhat)

        6.85, dull patch, but not that bad.

        6.86, not dull, a solid patch, but nothing as fun as 6.84 was, only thing I hate is Spectre, she's the first hero of a meta who has ever annoyed me.

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        {|}TNA{|}Black Ninja

          OD, slark, invoker, spectre, ursa, zeus, np nerfs incoming. and bye bye dota addiction.

          Livin' Real Good

            I don't think Slark's getting nerfed, the hero hasn't been changed for the past 3 patches (not nerfed or buffed) he's a pub stomper, so they'd never buff him, cause he'd be ridiculous, but in competitive play he's pretty balanced. The only reason he might be extra strong in pubs next patch is cause all of his carry competition that has been getting nerfed the past few patches, while he stayed the same. Same with Wind ranger and Templar Assassin, it's a matter of time for them, their competition is getting nerfed, bye 6.84 mid heroes, and bye 6.86 mid heroes soon.

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              Next one might be the last patch before TI which means all the fun to watch heroes will be buff. Storm buff guaranteed


                My predictions

                Heros to be nerfed:

                Popular in competitive

                Invoker further slight nerfs
                Earth Spirit further slight nerfs
                Gyrocopter further slight nerfs
                Chen slight nerf
                Witch doctor slight nerf

                Popular in pubs

                Invoker further slight nerfs
                Spectre nerfed
                Zeus possible slight nerf

                Heroes to be buffed:

                Popular in competitive

                Beastmaster another slight buff
                Bane further buffs
                Disruptor further buffs

                Popular in pubs but not in competitive so are going to be even more OP/annoying in pubs

                Pudge buffed again
                LC buffed again
                PA buff
                Slark buff
                Necrophos buff
                Omniknight buff
                Abaddon buff
                Riki buff

                Not particularly popular in either

                Winter wyvern slightly rebuffed to try and be a bit more viable, still will have useless ultimate.
                Elder Titan further buffs
                Brewmaster buffed
                Terrorblade slight buff
                Oracle even more changes which alter almost all his skills again
                Leshrac slight buff to move him back into situational viability
                Naga Siren buffs (I will abandon dota forever if this hero ever reaches fotm level)
                Arc Warden buff
                Lycan buff
                Phoenix further buffs
                Nyx Assassin further buffs
                Pugna further buffs
                Timbersaw further buffs
                Centaur warrunner further buffs
                Warlock further buffs
                Jakiro further buffs
                Doom slight undoing of the nerfs (probably buff to devour or infernal blade)
                Clockwerk buff
                Puck further buffs
                Tinker further buffs
                SWM further buff
                Magnus further buff
                Kunkka buff
                Venomancer big buff probably incoming - this was one of only 4 of the non-banned in captains mode heroes not picked at Shanghai major the others being meepo, sniper and storm, despite the fact that venomancer has been buffed repeatedly in every patch since 6.82 (apart from 6.83 were he received no changes).
                Ogre Magi buff

                Probably some more changes but I'm getting tired at this point.

                Item changes:

                Some random item removed from sideshop
                Another random item added to sideshop
                Blademail duration increased from 4.5 to 5.
                Cripple (rod of atos active) will now grant units that attack the target 50% accuracy up from 40%.
                Heart of tarrasque HP regen increased to 5% up from 4.75%.
                A couple of random items which are more or less popular have their cost increased or decreased from between 50 to 200 gold.
                Drums of Endurance active movement speed increased to 15% up from 13%.


                  why would they nerf slark , they shud netrf od and spectre and idk mb np


                    fuckne nch and ld



                      Miku Plays

                        Don't touch Lc icefrag

                        acc buyers in my team

                          how about we talk how meepo will get nerfed further despite having overall winrate of 42%

                          Von Darkmoor

                            Time for new patch modt definently
                            TIME FOR AZGALOR AKA PITLORD!!!!!!!
                            nerf hitbox on shackleshot reduced windwalk time revet Ursa retarded changes nerf Lone druid roar nerf Invokers summons or Simply reduced his and their s attack range.
                            TI 4 meta and TI3 was best metas so far TI1 was pretty good aswell but so few heroes.
                            Also Fix Ursas 20 attackspeed bugg and untouchable not working prover more thats bugged sny skadi and every attackspeed slow thing in The game.


                              Troll needs to get buffed next patch

                              lm ao

                                idk i know you guys had it so rough during the early days of 6.86 release, but the adjustment period is done, and I think a lot of entries here are rather silly.

                                Long hard road out of 2k

                                  necrophos buff rofl


                                    * Nerf OD (idk just FUCKING NERF)
                                    * Bring back Invo (disable plz)
                                    * Slight nerf Chen (CD changes)
                                    * Buff Jakiro (stat/stat gain changes)
                                    * Nerf and buff Spectre (reduced desolate, increased skill 1 duration, increased Dispersion)
                                    * Nerf LD (PLZ)
                                    * Nerf Puck (stat/stat gain plz mate, skill changes)
                                    * Slight buff Leshrac


                                      storm buff inc


                                        i think it comes by april tho

                                        lm ao

                                          ok i dont find your entries silly i find them rather stupid

                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Buff OD pls OSfrog


                                              What is wrong with LD..why the hate? He is pretty balanced.. He isn't broken like OD


                                                ^ You mean like Invoker.


                                                  I think invoker is OK after the defeating blast nerf.. He is still a little overpowered..but rightly so because he has 10 skills.. He is supposed to be better than other heroes.. But OD man..that thing is just too much to deal with


                                                    i dont think invoker is terribly op, just a strong hero


                                                      Bro, Invoker has pretty much the best stat gain in the game, plus, the fucking orbs give him a lot! There is no hero in dota that has 4(four !!!!) +primary stat gain/lvl. Wtf is this shit???


                                                        Pugna has 4.. Centaur has 3.8.. As @inx4c said he is just a strong hero.. And he has 38 base damage..

                                                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                            I don't think they really need to nerf anyone, just buff a couple other heroes.

                                                            -Buff sniper, reduce the shrapnel cd, reduce the activation time.
                                                            -Buff troll warlord, give back 15 dmg on melee form
                                                            -Buff dk, increase stun range a bit
                                                            -Buff storm, just revert his last nerfs or something

                                                            -Nerf OD a bit, but not sure how. Maybe just reduce orb int steal to 2/2/3/4? Maybe reduce the dmg to 5/6/7/8%?

                                                            Синячий патруль

                                                              Another nerf of od invo , spectre and sven