General Discussion

General DiscussionNot having an anime picture in 2016

Not having an anime picture in 2016 in General Discussion
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    I seriously don't understand how watching cartoonish girls with big boobs on a computer screen better than having sex lmao

    Like look at that dude with Oculus glasses touching those virtual boobs.

    I've gotta say CLQ was right in his stream, soon we'll log in on the internet to have our daily virtual sex with a virtual girl.

    EZ MID 9k mmr

      i bet you bang solid 10s on daily basis
      i bet thats the reason why youre still in high skill


        looking through this thread during class is getting weird fam



            @ywn lmao

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            EZ MID 9k mmr

              lm ao

                Ive been there OP
                and after a few years I was just flat out disgusted and stopped watching myself

                Mr. Furryhentai

                  wtf admins ban me for saying the truth but they don't ban all the 'anime watchers' in this thread wtf
                  After reading this thread i can now finally end my miserable life

                  On serieus note there is cringe stereotyp anime and 'mature' anime with good story lines (atlas this is what i have heard), but the only thing you see is the cringy shit and that stuff just makes me end my life.


                    gotvet out of the depths of ban and sharing wisdom, good shit.

                    ps: op is an f4ggit


                      I've enough dotabuff for today.


                        @Shred I don't force anime. I'm a rather calm anime fan, I guess. I've played more Dota in 8-9 months than I have watching anime over 7-8 years. Give or take, according to MyAnimeList anyway. I watch it when I have time, I used to watch it a lot more.

                        In lighter news, I'm just shit posting and I wanted to piss people off. But anime isn't *always* for kids.

                          Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                            no wait, actually ppl that watch anime are ok, but ppl who want others to watch anime/advertise anime/are weebs are retarded


                              "princess mononoke" was a good movie, but every time ive tried watching a show someone suggests its super cheese.

                              Also im not "turned on" watching soft-core animated porn with predicatable stories. just watch real porn guys.


                                What the fuck happened here...


                                  for simplicity assume that movies produced by ghibli studio are not anime, then it would be simple to say that anime sucks


                                    yung lean likes ghibli sttudio


                                      But that's wrong, though. Kara no Kyoukai is an amazing anime movie series.

                                      Or something like 5 CM per second or Kotonoha no Niwa.

                                      Depends on your tastes. Studio Ghibli does produce some really good movies though.

                                      Riguma Borusu

                                        I actually watched a lot of anime, but I don't like a whole lot of it because like 99.99% of it fucking sucks and has pretentious/stupid shit etc. Also, then you have the otaku anime culture that's populated with fucking dysfunctional cringe-inducing retards. Actually I could say the exact same shit about metal, I listen to a lot of metal though most of metal is fucking shit, but the "metal culture" is almost as retarded as anime culture.

                                        Also, guys, whether you like anime or not, go watch One Punch Man, it's probably hands down the single best parody ever.

                                        @Austin: Studio Ghibli produces quality content that's in no way reminiscent of mass anime shit, I think it's pretty safe to say all of their films are completely suitable for people who don't watch anime at all, because they're more in vein with disney's films, except for, unlike disney's shit, they don't suck.

                                        I mean, if you watch Nausicaa or Mononoke or Spirited Away, you'll see what I mean, those are simply quality movies whether or not you call them anime because they come from japan.

                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                          i dislike all kinds of anime, and as a result i dont know the japanese titles and most of the actual films/series.
                                          i watched 5 cm per sec tho, and it was pretty boring. this thing is kinda empty, dk how to say it better.


                                            @brain damj
                                            ye, couldnt agree more

                                            Riguma Borusu

                                              @TripleSteal-, try Studio Ghibli movies if you haven't though, you could argue most of them are for kids, but they're really well done in general. Also they have really really good (mostly orchestrated) music to boot. Not to mention really beautiful colors and animation, my favorite cartoon of all time is actually "Nausicca of the valley of the wind", because I watched it as a kid and really loved it, but I watched it some time ago again and it's still really nice, the feel is much better compared to overaggressive style of modern 3D rendered movies/stupid shit fighting kind of anime.

                                              Овај коментар је измењен

                                                @brain dmj
                                                i agreed exactly on the part of ghibli movies, i watched them all, i think. these are fairytails, and i dont think there are any age limitations here.

                                                Riguma Borusu

                                                  Ah okay then, I was kinda confused because of your "all kinds of anime" comment, because Studio Ghibli stuff is technically anime though it doesn't share much with what you (and I) actually hate about anime.

                                                  I actually watched Death Note which is regarded as one of the best animes ever, but it's fucking retarded as hell and only appeals to people who like pseudo intellectual crap because they aren't so sure of their own intelligence. I watched Neon Genesis Evangelion and the same fucking thing applies, people are looking for depth where there's really none. Then I watched Attack on Titan and it suffered from a great deal of "this shit is actually retarded and nothing notable is happening". And those are all kinda top rated animes, so I didn't even watch some really really bad shit like School Days or DBZ, I am talking about the "best" anime there is, and it's still fucking bad.

                                                  Oh, guys, even if you don't like anime, you might like Steins;Gate, if you watch it without a dub, it's fucking hilarious.

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    scroll the page a bot upwards :D


                                                      Why is a dick not ok but a ballsack is fine?


                                                        >putting black lagoon on same level as shingeki
                                                        >linking wikipedia articles about anime


                                                          shit niger what did i wake up to, this is not normal

                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            scroll the page a bot upwards :D

                                                            for simplicity assume that movies produced by ghibli studio are not anime, then it would be simple to say that anime sucks

                                                            I didn't actually see that fucking comment, holy shit, but yeah. Let's pretend my comment was not directed @ you then haha. Also I wouldn't say just "anime sucks" because it's an absolute statement in a way, and I hate those, but I will say that majority of anime elements that are popular with the otaku/weeb culture are just fucking retarded, cringe inducing and mostly liked by disgusting, dysfunctional human beings. I actually only happen to like the anime that's really low on the elements that practically define the modern anime genre.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              You made taiga chan cry, op. Fire be upon you


                                                                Otaku/weeb culture is ironically, only really strong in places where animes are NOT mainstream.

                                                                Here, while anime as a concept isn't really well known and mainstream (some people still say "japanese shows" instead of anime), several series since the 80's have been very popular and after the success of them, each decade brought new shows that were easily accepted by both new and older generations. Therefore, there isn't a really strong stigma against anime and their watchers, as most people grew up watching them (there were series for boys, girls, and even family friendly shows kids could watch with their parents without getting the latter bored).

                                                                Now, there ARE otaku groups, but they are generally small and their members are considered just mildly excentric, rather than freaks. Except of course if they watch the pseudo erotic or straight erotic stuff (not to mention the most extreme weird shit out there). The reaction to that is the same everywhere, even in Japan according to some people who live there.


                                                                  I don't disagree that the majority of the culture is filled with weebs/otakus or casuals of anime. These fans are cancer.

                                                                  It's taken me some time, and I still can't decide on a single answer.
                                                                  But for depth, I'd probably recommend

                                                                  It's hard to name an anime for someone to understand that not all of them are what you guys would consider anime to be. Hell, even the really bad looking ones can end up being good.

                                                                  But as for an anime that I could recommend to anyone regardless of what they think of anime or their tastes? That's the hard part for me. I could go with a classic like Trigun or Cowboy Bebop. An action anime such as Code Geass or Black Lagoon. A romance like Toradora! or Clannad or Kanon. A Sci-Fi like Steins;Gate.

                                                                  It's not that I feel the need to defend anime, I just don't understand all the hate it gets, aside from a seemingly shitty fan base. There are always people who take things to the extreme.

                                                                  But then it gets me thinking, most of these shows take a little bit of time before they get interesting. Shinsekai Yori in particular. I have a friend IRL who hates anime but he's never really given it a chance. And to be fair, i never liked anime either until I tried it.


                                                                    Why does no one ever include tl;dr? I don't have the attention span to read 2 paragraphs of nonsense.


                                                                      Animes the fucking best i cant imagine life without anime actually


                                                                        thats cz u have no life, weeb



                                                                          the realm's delight

                                                                            how do i become a weeb guys


                                                                              You need a virtual waifu and fap to 2d tits.


                                                                                There are too many weird/awkward cliche's in anime that infest so many shows. Even just the way they draw emotions on characters makes me hate watching anime, but there are some really amazing shows/movies that tell unique stories that you just don't see outside of the anime medium. I mean where the fuck will you find something like spirited away or Ghost in the Shell in American cinema?

                                                                                I wish more anime makers would quit with the fucking gross weebo pandering shit and make more stuff like Cowboy Bebop.


                                                                                  Did you just say trigun is a classic?

                                                                                  Stop embarrassing yourself and post feet.


                                                                                    all pron i fap to is 2d, so i just need to find a waifu now


                                                                                      Watch Shingeki no Kyojin and then u will have the right to decide whether or not you like anime


                                                                                        that was one of the most awful anime series i tried to watch


                                                                                          What a bunch of sick ***


                                                                                            You have to watch all of Shingeki no Kyojin... You can't try to watch it. If I just tried to watch half of the anime I like, i'd never have finished any of them.

                                                                                            Some anime start with a bang like Sword art Online, but it's not that good as an anime. The novels are pretty good though.


                                                                                              soa novels arent good. like, the very beginning is mediocre, but at some point later i just gave up on reading.
                                                                                              normally i can read absolutely anything, but that was just... too bad for me.
                                                                                              or mb im too used to normal literature, idk.

                                                                                              EZ MID 9k mmr

                                                                                                you have to watch ''boku no pico'' to see if you truly like animu

                                                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                                  If you didn't like shingekis, you'll probably like k-on, you giant puss.

                                                                                                  Mio is best


                                                                                                    how about not liking anime in general tho