General Discussion

General Discussionwhat's the difference between "stop" and "hold" button?

what's the difference between "stop" and "hold" button? in General Discussion

    Quick question.

    Riguma Borusu

      When you press Hold (Position), you are going to be rooted in place, but will attack if somebody comes in your attack range. Stop will stop you from doing anything.

      This shit is actually useless in DotA, it's a leftover from wc3 where it was a legit thing because it's an actual RTS.

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        hold: stop moving
        stop: interrupt any action

        and it's not useless, use it quite often but because i'm a moron i can't think of situation where i'm using it
        give me some time


          You use it when you get ruptured, but its not that hard to just do it manually.


            You can use stop to cancel attack animation or most of spells. For example you can quick press S when hooking as pudge before the hook is released, so you can actually use it on a better location. Actually you can stop any spell that has a cast time bigger than 0. You can also use it wisely to block creeps on laning stage.
            Hold button just make you stay in place, attacking anything that comes in range if your auto-attack is activated.

            These buttons are not useless.

            The S button just stops the animation for a moment, H button makes you stay in place awaiting for the next command.


              use hold for summoned units that you use for scouting when you don't want them to move


                Try both when blocking the creeps, you will know the difference. Kappa.


                  attacking anything that comes in range if your auto-attack is activated.

                  4head that's why hold does nothing for me: I don't have auto-attack activated. I kinda wish that hold meant that you would stay in place and auto-attack; I don't want auto-attack all the time, but hold when ruptured sounds useful, or "hold when you're at the edge of highground" sounds useful if you want to be able to attack people but keep a highground advantage.


                    ask your girlfriend if u have one

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      Hold position is only useful if you don't have auto attack on (I think) and it will actually make your hero don't do anything no matter what happens, or at least it's how it should work.


                        When ruptured, auto-attack won't do much good anyway, banishing, rooting spells are the only useful ones.


                          Yeah, sometimes auto-attack sucks, specially if I'm stuck somewhere with an oponent hitting me, with no space to turn my back at him, then I try to force staff over a cliff to escape, but then it instantly turns into opponent, making me go to the other side.

                          Also, not good if you're trying to setup a gank as a ranged hero, hidden somewhere, then someone comes into your range and you end up attacking him. That's why I keep pressing S in these moments, waiting for the exact time to show up. However S button won't work well with fast projectile heroes such as sniper.

                          Still, I like to have auto-attack activated, using S button to farm. It's easier to control the exact moment to release S and earn a last hit.

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Is there a Patrol command in Dota 2? I didn't know Hold Position was around even. Patrol is useful for illusions and stuff


                              i play most games with autoattack on, hold is useful

                              VIVA LA CATOLUTION

                                why would anyone want to have autoattack on ? I have it off and still uses hold 100 times a game.. stop lasthitting attacks, stop moving, block creeps etc


                                  Patrol is sadly implemented though, normaly patrolling unit are supposed to attack on see, here they just continue to run like idiot.

                                  if you have auto attack off, stop and hold position are same

                                  Hold "stop you and restrict your movement".
                                  Stop "just stop the action you were doing, but does not restrict anything from going on afterward".

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