General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to create a smurf ranked account

How to create a smurf ranked account in General Discussion

    Ok so from what i understand, to discourage people creating smurfs, in reborn the lvl cap for playing ranked matches is atleast 50 (unless you already had a ranked account prior to reborn). But alot of the time i have played with people whom i know are smurfs, but they can play ranked matches regardless of their levels.

    For example i once played versus a player whose first match was in 2016 ( so after reborn ) and his lvl wasnt even close to 50. Yet he was playing in a 3k mmr ranked bracket, and from his skill cap u could assume that hes was smurf player.

    So basically i wanted to ask that is there still a way to create smurf accounts without playing 500 or so matches to get lvl 50?

    FZ 1 N

      As far as I know you can queue party ranked but not solo ranked if your account is not yet lvl50.


        I guess you're looking at the Dota level of the players, which is irrelevant for being able to play ranked matches.
        The Experience Trophy has to be level 50, which is achieved earlier than Dota level 50.

        There is no difference between party ranked or solo ranked in terms of eligibility to play it.

        FZ 1 N

          Could be so, never tried it myself but according to some redditors if you are in a party with a player who can play ranked (party), you can actually queue with him. Too uninterested to test it myself but could not be the case, so dunno.


            two months ago it was definetely wrong, but i havent checked since then, so im only like 95% sure.
            you could queue in a party as long as you are not the one to press search, once your experience trophy is level 17 or smthng like that. however, you could play solo only after 50th.


              HOW TO CREATE A SMURF RANKED ACCOUNT? keep playing until you have enough trophy level


                @random /dev/null 2>&1 &
                well just today i played another guy, he had a SOLO mmr of 3112 and his first ranked match was 22 days ago and his dota trophy level is 18


                  Only the experience trophy matters.. And regarding party I think you can queue party without Level 50 on exp.. I saw a guy who had calibrated his party MMR in 88 games..


                    smurfing is a shitty experience because you get paired with other smurfs

                    you're forced to play like 100+ unranked games with people who think they're better than each other and no1 wants to go support

                    like really if you wanna grind 100+ unranked games to boost a few hundred mmr

                    you'd get higher mmr just spamming meta heroes playing regular ranked


                      ^ thats still not answering my question


                        create a new account and play like 100+ matches till u get to the calibration part


                          im basically saying dont smurf to go up if thats your purpose because you wont last anyway and its faster to gain mmr by actually climbing

                          and if your purpose is to sell accounts you'd make more money selling burgerS