General Discussion

General DiscussionIs Huskar the most hated hero of all time?

Is Huskar the most hated hero of all time? in General Discussion
Bad Intentions

    If you look at huskars historical nerfs, holy cow :O they might as well delete the hero already :O

    Was the public outcry for Huskar too harsh? did he get what he deserve? For doto veterans, was he really that of a nightmare that still haunts you when you remember his haydays? Thoughts pls.


      Well people didn't complain about huskar spammers as he is fairly easy to counter, most easily getting countered by Chaos Knight or Phantom Lancer literaly any patch when you look back. What people were really mad about is Huskar last pick, since it in certain scenarios was literaly an unbeatable hero, as in if you pick him then you knew there is 0 chance of losing, some people would even go as far as to stack solar crests on the hero if they got ahead in those matches moments before nerf. But no i don't think hes even remotely close to being the most hated hero not even during a patch (like sniper was hated during 6.83 where people said he needed to get removed from the game along with troll warlord etc...), Earth Spirit, Techies, and probably even Tinker are more hated at least in my opinion.


        Tldr huskar was meta in 6.84 because if u last picked him in right situation you basically won the game at 0 min

        the realm's delight

          holy cow:O


            fuk u guys for ruining my mmr machine

            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              No sniper is


                techies is the most hated hero of all time.

                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    Sniper, Huskar, and pudge is getting a lot more hate because you see him almost every game.


                      Techies once was most

                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
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                            for the majority of dota players, and certainly myself, techies is the most hated.


                              Huskar needs a buff. Imo his ult should remove Silver Edge


                                I don't think hated is the right word. Feared is better, and that's simply because people don't know how to deal with him. That's why he is still an auto-win in low mmr brackets. Huskar usually has an easy laning stage due to his burning spear harrasment, so he farms a lot and becomes too big. Again because people are afraid of him and ignore him, instead of shutting him down early and picking the right hero counters if possible.


                                  holy cow???


                                    > this heroes still playable btw and its still close to free win material in the right situations

                                    If the right situation is enemy team feeding couriers since spawning. This hero is worse than a ranged creep without Omni or Oracle on the team.

                                    Fee Too Pee

                                      @kaidax he IS still playable. But more situasional. The lane where he belongs potentially is MID. And less variable item early. brown boots , wand and RUSH ARMLET below 10 minute.

                                      Check my recent game.
                                      I HAD 11 WIN STREAK AS HUSKAR IN 6.86 his dps still ridicilous


                                        > And less variable item early. brown boots , wand and RUSH ARMLET below 10 minute.

                                        That's exact same build as before. Except before Huskar didn't die 1v1 to a Lion. I played Huskar this patch on my 2k smurf and I kept dying in every fight just to nuke damage. Before patch I won most of my 5k+ games with 0 or 1 deaths.


                                          Techies will always be most hated hero, no contest.

                                          Fee Too Pee

                                            Yea basically thats the item build for huskar now. Urn is now skipped , heaven halberd > solar crest now , need raw hp for tank magic. And no , he just need more backup and cannot 1 vs 5 magical line up anymore

                                            wait for me

                                              Pick PL, When he jumps just go vanish and boom, He already lost half of his life. But I'm a normal skill player. What do I know

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                Idk I never thought he was good only thing kept him relevant was unbalanced oracle shit. Honestly they should revert his nerfs and then just make his heal not stack with oracle ult. He can snowball but you have to be pretty dumb to get into his ult range and die early