General Discussion

General Discussionwhat was your singlemost feelsgood dota experience in-game?

what was your singlemost feelsgood dota experience in-game? in General Discussion
pls be patient very noob ...

    I once played on solo queue and left my mic at my speakers playing songs like "sweet child o mine" and "we will rock you" and everyone in my team was like "dude this is my jam" and on all chat "guys our mid has good taste in music". everyone was singing along on their mics and legit having fun


      That must feels good.

      I feel great if everybody communicate during picking phase. That makes me happy enough. I don't have mic currently but that must be really fun.

      If you have 5 ppl communicate during picking phase AND during plays. You'll have a really good time.

      pls be patient very noob ...

        I discovered my mic was missing after I came home from Manila recently so I couldn't recreate that lol. You could just try building one or scrapping one out of old electronics. I got mine off an old telephone and wiring the whole thing into a matching audio plug was pretty much trial and error for me.




            Few days ago playing vs a chinese tryhard 5 stack 2 teammates abandoned game, but we ended up winning 3v5. felt soooo good.


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            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

              Every time when someone says "RIKI KS" I'm like "Yep, that's cuz my skillz."


                "If you have 5 ppl communicate during picking phase AND during plays. You'll have a really good time. "

                That is why I play Captain's Mode. Even strangers will talk to you if you are Captain and ask them for their best heroes. That sets the precedent for communication in game.


                  I got a trash talker that insta picked storm and went mid , he trashtalked all game about he is a much better mid than me , we lost that game and he fed ,

                  However , next game he was against me , he still insta picked storm and i went ta against him , easiest mid of my life , 20+ denies in lane with a full cs xD.


                    Once I was playing a ranked game. I got AM as 4th pick, but got countered by a Legion on the other team. She hunted me all the game, people on my team were crying the whole game about my pick. Ofc we lost. On the next game, the one who was crying the most on my team was on my team again. He first picked AM. Got countered by Legion. I picked Dazzle but still wasn't enought to keep him alive as he was really dumb. He got 4 reports from my team. I made fun of him the whole game xD


                      going Earthspirit mid, wrecking the enemy mid two to three times once i hit 6, go to other lanes, rekt them too, carry game.


                        Literally my last game as Meepo, at 20 mins they had our tier 3 mid tower down, the PA on the enemy team was saying "Ez game lol" and then I turned it around, won team fights, And GG we won. Got me my new record for most tower damage too. went 17-4-7

                        Dire Wolf

                          This game

                          weaver is like a 1.5k scrub I group with sometimes for shits n giggles. About min 40? somewhere around there I 3v1'd tinker, batrider and pa else bottom lane. I was like 50 hp after getting jumped by bat, got my ult off on tinker, blew him up, popped meta and illusions and killed pa, I think bat got away somehow but it was epic.


                            Nothing feels better then beating a guy after he talk shit all game


                              When i useed infest on the catapult. My sexual fantasy was complete


                                The best feeling for me is when i have a comeback. Beeing shitted on early game, score 15-3 for them, and then managing to win the game, that feels great! :D

                                Mr. Pickles

                                  Nothing feels better when ur opponents trash talk ur team and starting to brag about winning then y'all comeback :) now its our time to savage!


                                    Defeating a Techies with a hero I suck at but tried to play best I could. Naga Siren. Bought a Gem, deleted his mines with the gem and illusions.


                                      winning a comeback and carrying


                                        sending enemy carry to the grave with stolen aghs reaper's scythe and winning the game 1 min later


                                          Captains mode is good. But also if I didnt click be a captain fast enough sometimes the captain choose for himself without saying anything...a carry first or second pick...

                                          If i be captain there will be one guy dont say anything and sometimes until our fifth pick didnt say anything and I prayed that this guy can play the hero that Ive picked for him.



                                            dusting a clinkz as a spirit breaker, dusting a invoker as a spirit breaker, dusting a bounty hunter as spirit breaker, dusting a shadowfiend as a spirit breaker.


                                              @NegroCaucasian beautiful

                                              For me we were getting stomped by an Ursa team so as clockwerk I put roshan on the cliff. They stood in the pit awkwardly hitting him from below, got my hookshot on Zeus and we proceeded to win the game.

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                                                Outdrafting and counter picking and being a captain, owning the game and played well is the ultimate satisfaction.


                                                  There was this one game where they made me play mid Nature's Prophet and I randomly used ult when I reached level 6 and got an Ultra Kill :D Felt amazing even though I was reported for KS

                                                  Von Darkmoor

                                                    Extreme combats in game that last 70-90 min + when you win its so got damn sweet


                                                      "Outdrafting and counter picking and being a captain, owning the game and played well is the ultimate satisfaction."

                                                      Pretty much this. Captain's Mode is like pwning noobs twice. You get to outdraft them pre-game and then humiliate them in-game.


                                                        Coming back to win vs megacreeps, waiting out a very tense game where the first mistake means loosing, 5 man moving in perfect sync, great positioning and awesome kiting. Feeling like a pro ! (it was a solo que pub game)

                                                        Fee Too Pee

                                                          get mega creepe'd by enemy team , and then win a teamfight, rushing to the throne and win comeback. feelsgoodman


                                                            Once I was playing a ranked match with a troll Enigma, he was missing all his skills on purpose and spamming "Relax, you're doing fine" on chat. Well, I wanted the +25 and carried him anyway, it was a very hard game and we were about to win he dc'ed. I told my team no pause and keep farming/rosh/whatever for 5mins, he dc'ed completely and returned after that, then we won +25 and he lost -25 along with the enemy team, BEST POSSIBLE RESULT.

                                                            Pale Mannie

                                                              Doing megacreeps after enemy was perma 5 manning all the game long


                                                                Lvl 1 rosh + ultra kill with ursa min1
                                                                And when I started playing meepo the early rampages, one time I remember a min 7 rampage


                                                                  Played against a team, they had a void and LC who wrecked our team late game. After the last team wipe, they took all of our Barracks, and spammed "Ez", team bought-back / re-spawned, took out their carries, the tp'ed to the bottom lane where we still had a creep wave on their high ground. Needless to say, with a DP and Warlock we were able to take out their ancient and win the game.
                                                                  There is no feeling more satisfying than seeing something like that happen. And of course, I couldn't let void hear the end of it until he DC'ed.


                                                                    i 1st pick mid hero then followed by someone pick mid hero again and said "mid ako 2 tango ty" . so i give he mid while i go offlane. he loses mid lane, feed 3 times and abandoned the game


                                                                      Winning this one despite the morons who I was matched with's best attempts to lose felt pretty good.


                                                                      This one where we somehow got queued into the lowest mmr low priority game I've played on my main was huge fun. Two of the Dire people were from Russia.



                                                                        ^ nice smurf acc