General Discussion

General DiscussionNo one started to shitpost/talk about 6.87

No one started to shitpost/talk about 6.87 in General Discussion
Holy Roman Empire

    It does seem this has been the best patch since quite a while. I mean this patch does seem to be way more versatile than other heroes. Even heroes with very high pickrate and cancerous abilities such as OD and Invo arent that successful. (52% 50%). Spectre and omni are OP but they arent cancerous, noone seems to complain about them this much like doom or WR or lesh or sniper and troll


      Invoker got nerfed a couple of times since the beginning of the patch, he's popular but not OP so complaints about him are just about how much he is seen rather than how strong he was. Playing a good invoker game is also more reliant on skill than playing a good sniper game since all sniper pickers had to do was press q, right click, then press r.

      Spectre is and has always been OP and is only finally becoming popular this patch because of the absence of any other super OP hero. Ie she always had a near 60% winrate but it was not until this patch (and a certain russian spectre spammer getting the highest mmr in history) that she increased in popularity.

      No one complains about pudge because the hero is not hard to beat if you don't let him snowball. The only bracket where people let him snowball is low skill pubs where people stand still all the time making for the easiest hooks in history. Heck I mean when I can go 25-0 on pudge on my smurf you know there is a problem with these people's mental capacity.

      Legion Commander has become a meta pick but the complaint is more about people picking her on your team than on the enemy team since she is run in the jungle so often. Even though jungling her results in massive amounts of farm - she farms almost as fast as an enigma if left unhindered, it's not worth playing 4v5 since nowadays the only way to win dota is to run aggressive dual offlanes and fuck over the enemy carry more than your's gets fucked over.

      Zeus has always been a game winner and fairly popular but he is even more popular now because other previously popular mids which the hero spammers picked like SF, Windranger, Lina and Storm are gone from the meta.

      Slark has recently increased in popularity pretty much solely as a result of seeing him picked at the Shanghai major. People are such sheeple.

      Sven has become meta since max cleave instead of max stun has become the standard build which allows him to farm at close to AM speeds without any of the early game inability to fight.

      Ursa has increased in popularity partly because of being seen in Shanghai and partly because of the recent constant buffs.

      I predict the heroes to be buffed are those which appear in my "dogs of Shanghai" post ie:


      Slight undoing of nerfs:


      Further slight buffs to try and push into meta:



        "Ursa has increased in popularity partly because of being seen in Shanghai and partly because of the recent constant buffs."

        >constant buffs
        6.82 nerfed
        6.84 reworked :)
        6.84 nerfed
        6.85 slight nerf
        6.86 slight buff


          this patch so good unlike 683 shitfest where i went from 3k to 2400

          now i only went from 2900 to 2700 :D