General Discussion

General DiscussionSpam spam spam

Spam spam spam in General Discussion
John bloody Constantine

    Who can suggest hero that is best to spam besides Spectre,OD,Invo . Heroes that can farm really quick, or heroes that can cumback . Any suggestion? TIA.



      Also consider offlane void/tide, these heroes are good in any draft.

      John bloody Constantine

        I only knew carry or mid heroes, not so good to supp.
        I dont know the new meta of void. What is it?


          Threads blink Vlads iron talon and aghs is the usually offlaner build for void


            Spammers are retards.

            waku waku



                Try PA with orb of venom


                  Right now, the offlane is pretty fun. If you can get gud with Beastmaster, Timbersaw, Tide, or Dark Seer, you can solo and allow your team to rack up kills in other lanes, forcing their safe lane support to go elsewhere, and you can have your way with their carry.


                    Sven is best

                    Livin' Real Good

                      Pick Spectre, and change your name to Bad Man, guaranteed 2K more MMR.