General Discussion

General Discussionwhy so d3d

why so d3d in General Discussion

    why the fucks this forum so dead guys , like howmany people are reading this? 10? 5?

    the realm's delight

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        the realm's delight



            benao spitin more fayah than hopsin


              over 800 replies on 49 topics in the last day... that's dead?


                over 800 replies by the same 10 people + 2-3 random rapier riki smurfs


                  and 700 endless posts by relentless


                    there are a lot of new weird borig posters recently, not just this riki guy


                      I'm just saying it's averaging a reply per 108 seconds. That's pretty active. Probably 100 to 1000 views for every reply.


                        im pretty sure 50 of the posts i made myself today


                          The average for the history of the forum is 21 topics per day and 519 replies. So today is way above average. I'm sure the trend is increasing forum traffic.

                          Personally I am only mentioned in about 7,000 posts out of 415,000 total. I only represent 1.6% of forum traffic even if you include responses.

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                            How about me? What rank do IHave? Catching up to Havox soon?


                              relentless are you ethan bradberry?

                              < blank >

                                You are bradberry


                                  ofc hes ethen bradberry, its just that he didnt notice that he is


                                    ur mothers bradberry


                                      the cumulative information gathered from investigating the depths of le doterbuff forums has led me to the tremendously terrific conclusion that the infamous relentless is, in fact, the notorious ethan bradberry

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                                      < blank >

                                        Relentless why are you so in love with stats? Do you have some poster in your that says "stats don't lie" or "stats is love, stats is life" ?


                                          or do u have a dakimakura with graphs, distributions, and screenshots from Stata on it

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                                          Pale Mannie

                                            Relentless is still alive

                                            Pale Mannie

                                              Thought he was dead


                                                lmfao triple good shit xD

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  most of the topics are garbage and barely dota related. Latest 10 threads at time of posting this:

                                                  PSA: if u wanna win ranked games, dont pick sniper - bitch thread

                                                  why so d3d - bitch thread about forums

                                                  fyyq do you have aids or something? - bitch thread about a player

                                                  Can Pubs Help you Inmprove? - worthless, who fucking cares

                                                  is iron talon core on non-roaming offlaners? - relevant dota discussion but still very general and hard to get much going outside yes or no or depends on hero answers

                                                  So, Spectre can win 2v5 also..... - retarded bitch thread? don't even know how to classify this one

                                                  Can I become a pro player? - retard thread
                                                  Ayy lmao - not even sure what this is, I think it's the bbcode thread? not dota related, not totally retarded

                                                  @Фантом Рики!!!!! This is a short clip of why people hate you for KS in the games that you play - bitch thread

                                                  Dotabuff mods/founders/whatever - non dota thread, not totally retarded but not discussion worthy either

                                                  Should I keep going? You see out of 10 posts there's only like one topic worth discussion and it's not a very deep one at that. If you post actual dota questions they usually get like 10 replies and then conversation is done. Part of that is cus questions are asked and answered, but no one really seems to care to get a dialogue going about pros/cons/strats. See these threads, 10 replies, done.


                                                    why is this a bitch thread, im not a female dog, i am a hermaphrodite dog


                                                      bitch = complaint

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                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                        bitch as in bitching about stuff in the thread


                                                          holy shit guys you have autism for real


                                                            otherwise we wouldnt post here


                                                              Well I'm not bitching about fyyqs neck, you'd have noticed if u checked that tread


                                                                ayyy lmfao, gn bitches


                                                                  "I got banned too many times for nothing by that son of a bitch "

                                                                  the irony is so strong


                                                                    The amount bitch in this thread u can start a dog pound


                                                                      There's always a dotabuff period where everyone seems to be dead or something. Just wait until 6.87 for the hundreds of theorycraft topics + the whining "they ruined everything" topics.

                                                                      D the Superior
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                                                                              What happened? 🙌


                                                                                i dont remember what my message was tbh


                                                                                  ah nvm, i actually do. the gipsy dog posted the N-word, i added my coin with the f-word.

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                                                                                    I think some people just like to be sarcastic and bring people down.


                                                                                      I personally think that talking about dota all the time is really boring...I mean I read guides and watch people stream and hear their thoughts...

                                                                                      In forum I can ask things that I need specifically. A bit of something outside of dota would do good.

                                                                                      < blank >

                                                                                        combine the n-word (no matter how) with the word mods + humour and you are gone for a week


                                                                                          it's because I haven't been here the past 2 weeks!


                                                                                            If this place had mods that could take away all shitty treads and actually make it a good dota forum instead of crappy troll threads and questions about how to be 1k and reach vhs etc etc. There is litterly 2 decent threads out of 10. Tops.