General Discussion

General DiscussionJust lost as OD

Just lost as OD in General Discussion
    I mean, people say OD is cancer, it's only until you play with such a team, you know what cancer really is.


      Stupid Lina ahaha


        It's not like bkb would have helped you more then the octarine

        Dire Wolf

          but but but, omni knight! dude you have a ck and a slark who benefit from repel too

          waku waku

            i'm guessing nobody bothered to get detection for riki before it was too late and he owned


              i hate all of them, talking in some other language, though omni was helpful to some extent (barely used Ulti). it was so winnable, my teammates fucked it up.

              Pale Mannie

                you cant rely only on omni and skip bkb like that. not cool.
                Also OC is a luxury item that you can get when youre fed. There were better options like hex, bkb and AC/Shivas that would be useful

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                    You can lose with OD if your team is braindead. I once had an omni who repelled the offlane windrunner instead of me and never spammed heal under aura/used ulti. Or your team refuses to pick omni.

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                        @Chaos - If u look at ur opponents items advantage in team fight and push , you'd know why u lost there.


                          They didn't even get Orchid or bkb, I died everytime only because my 4 teammates died already and I'd be the only one remaining against 3 of them.


                            Once a friend told me: "You know the big problem about the <3k tier? They never buy BKB".

                            Also, as I can see, you have a spare slot which could countain a gem or atleast a dust. You guys lost because cores in general think buying reveal is a duty of supports. C'mon, everybody can buy some sentries, observers, a fucking dust. Actually, you didn't lost because your teammates sucks (they suck, indeed), but your game choices weren't the right ones.

                            Just to finish. You were fighting against Riki and Pudge. You don't even have an escape. A force staff would win you the game. That octarine was senseless.

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                                i was planning to buying scyth because riki was the only problem but my team did absolutely nothing end game, so i didn't get it until then. Veil could have been good, i doubt if it would be good against all of them at full hp since i was the initiator and i was the nuker, pretty much i think i was solo for most of the fight damage.


                                  137 lh and 400 td
                                  well deserved loss

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                                      nice tower damage


                               look at mine bro , i beyond godlike at 11mins and still lose the game coz lots of braindead teammate especially that pinoy naga farming whole game at nc...