General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat hero players do you think have the best attitude/ worst attitude?

What hero players do you think have the best attitude/ worst attitude? in General Discussion

    Invoker: worst. bratty players who think that just because they're playing Invoker they're entitled to all the farm and kills in the game and people should compliment them on every good play they make and every time they get a kill. (like the one from my last game)

    Shadow shaman: best. I've never seen a shadow shaman with attitude problems in any of my games.

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      Riki: the worst with 30% winrate on normal skill. with dagon and rapira


        fuck off

        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

          I absolutely hate invoker players like the one i had in the last game

          waku waku

            lol arin you only say that because you play invoker

            Dire Wolf

              riki players for sure, all they do is kill steal


                fotm spammer are the worst


                  lol arin you only say that because you play invoker


                  Pale Mannie

                    CM: always that russian who will flame in allchat and rushing aghs into shadow blade not buying wards

                    ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                      How do you know they're Russian.


                        these fuckin spectre players now are assholes


                          30% winrate riki player


                            the invoker player who won you the game


                              30% wr riki player who build rapier and ks with russian name

                              ♠ExGranÐiose♠™ 3.23 RIP GH

                                OD Spectre Spammers nowadays man.

                                Venus, MBA

                                  I find that OD pickers are very rude most of the time, and the only times they're nice is when I pick omni.

                                  For best attitude, I've been teamed with a lot of nice Spirit Breakers, but Witch Doctors tend to be the nicest players.


                                    worst: SF, 40% of mah lose games, loses cuz sf picker. or all midlaner players, or all sea carry pickers? all the same maybe
                                    best: meepo, cuz none of the shit players normal picked him, and friendly of coz

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                                    Jack the Ripper

                                      Ember spirit

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        How do you know they're Russian

                                        They flame on russian and have a russian nickname


                                          Worst? Usually Pudge / Riki / PA / LC pickers. They are usually selfish, immature, very noob, and prone to rage.

                                          Best? I've never had a bad experience with an ally Mirana player.


                                            pls dont feed the troll


                                              Best: Slardar players. Generally, never had any problem with them.


                                                worst: pudge and morphling players
                                                best: crystal maiden

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                                                  Worst: Anti-mage. They just want to farm. Even if they're 7-slotted most of them just want to carry on farming.
                                                  Best: Dazzle. People who pick Dazzle run around saving you and being selfless. Apart from the select few who go medallion>Deos>AC and try carry.

                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                    They flame on russian and have a russian nickname

                                                    Statistically, out of every 5 people that are assumed to be Russian, about 2 of them are Czech, Belarusian, Ukrainian, or from other parts of Eastern Europe. Even some Northern Europeans like Swedish or Norwegian sometimes get mistaken for Russian in Dota 2.

                                                    the invoker player who won you the game

                                                    That Invoker doesn't deserve to win, I don't care if he won us the game. He just kept on raging in voice chat saying "fuck your mother" and saying shit in voice chat. Literally all he's done all game was KS and then say "fuck your mother" whenever he misses a KS.

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                                                      invoker master race

                                                      yung griphook

                                                        AM players, Storm Spirit players back when it was meta


                                                          Czech, Belarusian, Ukrainian, or from other parts of Eastern Europe

                                                          >eastern europe



                                                            we're /pol/ now

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              >eastern europe

                                                              Well, their language is lexically similar to Russian so they get mistaken for Russian all the time.

                                                              But honestly it isn't even that. Sometimes, if you don't have an American accent in voice chat, many Dota players from my games would just assume you're Russian.

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                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                Invoker players usually have the superiority complex where they think that just because they're playing oh-so-difficult invoker they need to be praised for every mediocre play they make and that you're supposed to say "gj" every time they land a last hit on a creep and if you don't, they call you unappreciative of their superpro 1337 skillz.

                                                                Pale Mannie

                                                                  Since i can speak russian i know what all those cm's flaming about

                                                                  No czech
                                                                  No ukrainan
                                                                  No eastern european

                                                                  only russian cm's do flame about minor things

                                                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                    Many Eastern European players speak Russian in Dota. Russian is a pretty common language in Dota, there are people who learn Russian just from Dota.

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                                                                      but yeah whenever i see someone who's clearly czech/slovak i'm dodging

                                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                        Honest question, If you played with me on your team, would you dodge too?

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          worst players: Luna
                                                                          best players: AM


                                                                            earth spirit's player, tend to be super arrogant, at least in higher bracket. Same for invoker actually.

                                                                            nowaday, people that play ember are usually nice in my bracket, (but when he was a bit too strong, those people were so ulgy)

                                                                            Piguera- @Neoxa

                                                                              Worst: LC jungle pickers. Usually tend to keep flaming/insulting the whole game by the lack of wards or when they get picked off. Ironic, isn't?

                                                                              Best: Abaddon players who keep their teammates alive in battle :)


                                                                                mid pudge


                                                                                  Axe pickers who think just because he's shirtless acts like a macho asshole that they're supposed to too. Hogging the farm that belongs to the real carry and making stupid initiations.

                                                                                  EDIT: same thing with LC players who start retarded duels.

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                    In 1178 games I have had a Chen on my team that wasn't me in only 6 games. We only won 1 out of 6 of those games. But I've played 35 Chen games and won 21 of them. Since 85% of the Chen players I've played with are me I can only conclude that Chen players as a whole are handsome, interesting, intelligent people.

                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                      Jungling LC , ez shadowblade rush , ez solo support , ez stuck skill 2 and skill 3 cannot chase , ez no duels , ez useless , ez - 25 MMR everytime


                                                                                        I play in SEA, all of them are retards who flame when they gave first blood. So... what kind of attitude do you expect?

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          I just played Invoker.

                                                                                          It completely changed who I am.

                                                                                          Every time I got a kill, I said "Pro invoker commend pls"

                                                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                                            huskar pickers

                                                                                            House Cat

                                                                                              I pick support and WK players kept on bossing me around. WK players who play well are usually mean hahaha

                                                                                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                                When I play Invoker I just spam cyka blyat in all chat and tell people that I'm the most pro invoker ever. I think the hero really changes how you act.

                                                                                                And when I went back to playing Riki it was normal again.


                                                                                                  SF players are usually awful in terms of attitude. Skywrath players are chill.

                                                                                                  We just released an updated hero and facet statistics page featuring more data and advanced filters. Oh, and it supports Turbo!