General Discussion

General DiscussionYou know anti-mage is bad when he is a pinoy and manages 400 damage xD

You know anti-mage is bad when he is a pinoy and manages 400 damage xD in General Discussion
SirSwirll How does one manage such low hero damage in 42 fucking minutes


      That Luna's skill build too. Holy fucking hell.


        407 damage is not bad for AM. Bad is 44 tower damage.

        Just a jungling Luna, nothing special...

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          I know she didnt have her ult till level 11! that was just level 1 as well. She never even helped and im not to sure why she got 6k hero damage either


            sorry level 13 she got it -_-

            lm ao

              whats ur point
              should we send all pinoys to concentration camps and name them 'ayy lmao'?


                Just proves how worthless they are to the team in 90% of matches


                  Boycott Manila major.

                  lm ao

                    ok lets ask trump to drop bombs at the land of the worst subhumans ever to grace the planets

                    ciao dotabuff i will miss you

                    TRUMP 2016


                      dotabuff would be a better forum. no more smurf post and retarded fucking questions

                      lm ao

                        HAHAHAHAHAHA LETS DO THIS

                        D the Superior
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                            pinoys are toxic, they blame everyone in every game. valve should ban pinoys


                              those pinoy really ruin alot of my game ...


                                3 games i team with a pinoy named aodir ... 3 games he throw my game away... the last game i posted he just insult me like nobody , omg pinoy mmr disaster how bad luck am i ... 3 games in a row same pinoy ><

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                                D the Superior
                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                    People are all the same
                                    Not only pinoy Everyone is a shit except you ofcourse....
                                    No more blame just get better so u can scape in the pinoy territory.


                                      no. Pretty much every pinoy you get is bad and also stupid. That's why he decided to play with 300 ping and jungle with anti-mage. He has 50 ping in SEA but fuck it, 300 is better. Am counters spectre and slark and i would assume Lina as well, couldn't do anything to us

                                      SHINIGAMI HLA WAI

                                        ^ :D Filipino>Pinoy>Peenoise

                                        The Laughing Man

                                          AM requires space if he failed its because you and your teammates performed poorly. Nice job trying to pin it on race, but you only have yourself to blame.


                                            if you looked at the game. I won it because he wasnt on my team and he was the only pinoy and he preformed extremely badly and his team all hated him


                                              number 1 aus player is china for some reason

                                              : )

                                                Use mute button it helps, if it doesnt you suck.


                                                  They don't speak because they are to poor to afford a mic, when they chat they just insult your mother xD

                                                  : )

                                                    Im a pinoy, not everyone suck. But if your team mates suck, it means you suck too.

                                                    Bad Intentions

                                                      guise guise, let me explain it to ya.

                                                      the core problem is really the internet quality in pinoy land.

                                                      the internet is so bad in terms of packet loss and pings that most of the pinoy guise are struggling to play consistent good doto :]

                                                      cmon mann top SEA MMR is pinoy :]

                                                      ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                        Sir.Swirl, how do you know that he was the only pinoy?

                                                        Many pinoy players speak English and you wouldn't even know they're pinoy.

                                                        People just give pinoys (and russians and peruvians) a bad reputation because all the bad ones are the ones who say things you understand, like "cyka blyat" "tangina mo" while the other ones who are friendly and respectful teammates, you don't understand them because you only learned the curse words, so you just assume they are cursing at you even if they're saying something nice. And some others speak English and you don't even know that they're filipino/russian/peruvian.

                                                        I had a game where we were speaking Russian, and one Russian said "xopowo" (good/ok) after a teamfight, and the other 2 thought he was cursing them out or yelling about KS.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          this stupid racist


                                                            No you legitimately can tell when it is a Pinoy. They are an extra special breed of bad.

                                                            Plus they usually have their country displayed in their steam profile.

                                                            At low level mmr games it's the team with the pinoy who are almost always guaranteed to lose.

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              I've had 3 games with Pinoys (I play on US East so there aren't that many Pinoy players in this server), but they were all really friendly, and the Queen of Pain carried us.


                                                                It might be racist but its the truth xD. Not my fault you're a special breed of bad once you play on a different server


                                                                  anyway i check status in console now and it shows everyone pings. I dodge all game if I have a pinoy

                                                                  : )

                                                                    Git gud carry pinoys

                                                                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                      I'm a pinoy.

                                                                      Though I admit pinoy dota player are extremely rude, you can't just label them (yeah, you emphasize all filipinos) as worthless. I'm so sorry we ruined your game, but try to understand all players have bad day.

                                                                      How about his 16-2 AM?

                                                                      Or your 1-8 slardar with only 3.4k hero dmg? Does your teammate called you worthless?

                                                                      You played well in that game with your hero Slark. But please don't generalize us all filipinos as worthless. XD



                                                                        in Australia you guys are worthless sorry


                                                                          u wot m8, that australian in chinese server is number 10 not 1.


                                                                            why do u even dodge games in 2k? rofl.


                                                                              Because I don't want to play with people who have lost 5-10 in a row


                                                                                this is very funny video :D

                                                                                pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                  Has it ever occured to you that just maybe, you get queued with shit teammates in general because you're in shit tier yourself? I mean, for a moment let's try to buy valve's skill bracket mm credibility(in case you're in denial of the system). I have a smurf account that I acquired from my brother(he's shit in dota AND league and leaves quite often in that profile) that's stuck in normal skill and sure asf toxicity levels of players are off the charts there but I wouldn't slap the blame exclusively to pinoys: you could be very damn well sure other nationalities there are just as toxic, considering how the system more-or-less groups you with like-minded players. Back to my main account, sure there are still toxic players but the incidence rate is significantly less(at least by my experience).

                                                                                  My point is, maybe you getting that bad experience with *pinoys* is dota mm's way of telling you you're just as bad as they are?

                                                                                  Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                  lm ao

                                                                                    MFW WHEN YOU ARE JUST 2.4 EXD3EEEEEEEEEEEEEE3ERREEEEEEEEEREEEEEE


                                                                                      the pinoys i run into are stubborn bastards but they're pretty good mechanically speaking


                                                                                        Hey swirl stop dodging the fact that you're also in the shit tier yourself, yes I'm a pinoy. But pls don't generalize us or even label everyone. YOU KNOW YOU'RE SHIT JUST ADMIT IT. KAPPA?

                                                                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                                          But pls don't generalize us or even label everyone.



                                                                                            battlefury slark, wutface