General Discussion

General DiscussionMIRACLE's and BADMAN's MMR

MIRACLE's and BADMAN's MMR in General Discussion

    What did just happened to their MMR's? sitting at 8.4 and 8.9 respectively but now on 7k something and 8.2k


      1) its not ez to win in average 6k
      2) they are having teammates with 2k-3k mmr lower than them

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        TFW you have to win 2 games for 9k and lose 700 mmr.


          Basically at that MMR you'll mostly be matched with people quite a bit lower then you since there aren't enough 8ks to have two full teams at any given time. Since the difference between your MMR and the games average MMR is so large, you will get less points for a win (Lets say 10 instead of the usual 25) and you'll lose more for each loss (Lets say 40).

          This means to keep your MMR constant you'll need to win 4 out of every 5 games in this fictional example. While Miracle and Badman might be good they aren't so much better then their opponents that they have a 80% winrate. Therefore its very easy for them to drop a lot of MMR in a few bad games.

          The real amount of MMR they win and lose Probably isn't that much off 25, otherwise it would have been almost impossible to reach such high MMRs in the first place. I don't know what the real numbers are since I am nowhere near to 8K :P

          EDIT: Ignore all this. Load of nonsense. :P

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            badman played bristleback thats why


              nope he tilted with OD and spec as i see


                When you're that close to 9k and then dont achieve it although you try your very best, this can have a big impact on your mentality and you tend to lose a lot at that level even if you're just a little tilted. You really have to play like a beast to maintain that mmr.

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                  tahts not true, its nearly always in between +21 and +29 for them


                    ^^I thought it was more. Still it applies on a smaller principle. You need more wins to make up for each loss

                    Putins Price Hike

                      cause badman is not that good. he just took advantage of the patch


                        #MyHommie #Madara ftw <3


                          they do not get +21 more often than +29, u r missunderstanding the concept. the team's average mmrs are close to equal there as well, just the mmr disparity within one team is very high. due to low amount of players sometiems MM cant make the match 100% even and one tem might have like 50 mmr more than the other, but its not necesarilly the team 8k is playing in.

                          A waifu a day keeps socie...

                            Badman said something about losing passion and not caring cause he won so many games with spec. Guess it's karma, good bye 9k


                              Ah yeah didn't think about it that way. I forgot that dota would balance out the 8k with a 6K or something and make the game more even.
                              Ignore everything I said in my first comment. Would only apply if Badman had like 50K MMR and it was impossible to balance out the teams.




                                  ^do u think it affects his mmr in any way, given that \these players
                                  a). played pub dota during tournaments, too
                                  b). are playing both in badman's team and against him


                                    Maybe valve tweaked topend matchmaking?


                                      I suppose Miracle drop some MMR because he's a tier1 proffesional at this point and not just a pubstar anymore. Could very well effect his MMR.


                                        He has diversified hero picks. He rose playing Spectre and is up a net 121 games on Spectre. This month he only a played a few Spectre games but won 53% of them.

                                        However he played lots of Bristleback and OD and failed badly with both near 20% winrates. He can't play those heroes at 8k MMR level like he can Spectre.


                                          TEAM IS HOLDING ME BACK


                                            I don't think anyone can play bristleback at over 5k. The hero is shit.


                                              I so agree with Rocket, Valve most definitely done something to the mm system to prevent him from reaching 9k. I think someone reaching 9k right now would be a small disaster to their concept of equilibrium...

                                              Otherwise, it makes no sence that while he was 8500mmr he won everything (going to 8900), and now at the exact same mmr with the exact same type of teammates he lost everything (going to 8200).

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