General Discussion

General DiscussionComparison between League and Dota

Comparison between League and Dota in General Discussion

    This isn't made to incite rage between fans of either game, this is legit.

    I'm pointing out the best things about both games.

    -Limited # of reports means that you can't spam report
    -Limited # of commends means you can't trade commends with your friends
    -Safe to leave if 1 person abandons
    -You get more gold for random
    -Items actually do something
    -Day and night rotation
    -Each hero does something different (in league all the adcs are practically the same champion with different cosmetics, etc)
    -Rapier and dagon
    -Heroes are free, you don't have to pay for them

    -They have a tribunal to verify if reports are legit or false
    -Better looking champions
    -They have a dragon and a baron, so it's 2 objectives
    -Scaling spells means that casters can carry
    -People are actually willing to play support
    -Better cosmetics

    Ова тема је измењена

      both games are horrible


        you just affirmed you are a troll lol


          also better cosmetics? nice meme


            "Better looking champions"
            "Better cosmetics"

            Good one... Since that is 100% opinion based. I think league looks cartoony and you cant even mix and match "skins" which you cant even buy until you buy the champion first...

            the realm's delight


              Ferdinand I

                So the rapier riki was actually a LoL player. That explains a lot

                Pale Mannie

                  good jokes mate real funny see you at fuck youj


                    So when he couldnt get out of bronze someone told him to switch to dota?


                      He couldn't get to level 30 kappa

                      Pale Mannie

                        He switched to dota because there are no rapiers and dagons

                        Ferdinand I

                          @Goethe Let me guess you are another LoL noob player who switched to Dota? Sorry "normal skill" man you can't be bad at easy game and good at harder game. Delete and try HotS maybe there you have a chance hahaha

                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                              I'm not a LoL player who switched to dota. I currently play both games.


                                ^ I think you are major lol talent. You should stick more with it, you are really good loler. It has less cons than stupid dotos. I know rapier is so good, and dagon, but nothing is so good as pure lol enthusiasm, you are real loler I admire you.

                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                  i used to play lol too. i feel that lol is more balanced but i really did not like the game mechanics.
                                  the no gold loss is another feature which meant people only went for kills and ffs Teemo every damn game

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    Lemme tell ya, silver is the worst. It's like playing beginner bots.

                                    Pale Mannie

                                      @Goethe Let me guess you are another LoL noob player who switched to Dota? Sorry "normal skill" man you can't be bad at easy game and good at harder game. Delete and try HotS maybe there you have a chance hahaha

                                      Im normal skill because i dont play ranked and im not a lol player who switched to dota

                                      Dire Wolf

                                        Aren't league graphics way less resolution? I just notice in screenshots their textures look lower res than dota. It may just be the comic book style but it looks closer to old warcrat 3 than dota.


                                          i didn't notice much a different res but it feels like all blizzard games (hearthstone and shit).

                                          i was gold iii (10 away from gold ii) when i left, so i didn't really suck i guess.

                                          Livin' Real Good

                                            " Aren't leagues graphics way less resolution " that doesn't make sense, League can run at 1080P+ just like Dota. League just has more vibrant colors, and richer textures, and a different art direction. In no way are the graphics comparable like two games such as CoD and BF for example, which are a similar arch type of graphical style for obvious reasons. (the attempt to capture photo realism of real combat)

                                            I like Dota 2's animations better, leagues are so stiff on some characters, and spell/skills look very underwhelming, and don't give you this uncanny valley feeling that let's say, Shadow Fiend's arcana ultimate would give. Have you seen SF's arcana version of requiem? The dude looks like he's about to explode, and it gives you this surreal uncanny valley feeling. Dota 2's spell are infinitely more aesthetically pleasing, it's kinda not even just opinion, any designer would definitely say the same thing. Have you seen Ashe's volley shot skill on League? How plain can you get.

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