General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat kind of trashtalking tilts you?

What kind of trashtalking tilts you? in General Discussion

    This is what tilts me:

    -Death threats and death-related stuff- if you think someone should die over a video game it's messed up

    -When I can understand that someone is insulting me, but I can't understand what they're saying.

    -When it's about KS, which I think is the stupidest complaint ever.


      The one that goes

      FUCK YOU
      FUCK YOU
      FUCK YOU

      over and over and over and over and over until he decides either to walk into their throne to feed or just leave .

      This happens in SE-A server

      pls be patient very noob ...

        tilt lvl 1 = when someone chats in a language I am not familiar of.
        tilt lvl 2 = when I have pinoys and other nationalities in my team and they still keep on talking in tagalog
        tilt lvl 3 = bisaya pinoys.

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            kill yоurself


            the realm's delight



                I tilt when kill-stealing, no-smoke, dagon-rapier rushing, utterly retarded as shit, trash-talking rikis play in my games. It used to happen when i had started dota. Sometimes rikis still come in my games but now they rush diffusal and have some resemblance of a brain. Nothing against u tho, OP, ur the king of riki. And negative mmr games

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                  I love getting death threats from the opposition. I high five myself that I'm surely doing something right

                  Pale Mannie


                      pinoys in the team simple


                        For some reason when I say "ez" after an enemy failed gank when they get raped instead. They get super salty and start spamming ez anytime something goes well for them

                        doja's kat

                          When my aghs refresher lion ults my 15 stack large camp then proceeds to say "ez".


                            When the opponent Types '?' Everytime he kill someone....that shit makes me so tilted..I don't mind ppl scolding me unless it's their fault cause sometimes I make mistakes prevent tilt I always mute the 9 other players


                              OP has 16% winrate in ranked games.. I think it is fair that his team mates flare him with death threats.. Fucking riki insta picker..

                              ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                Even if you have 0% winrate wishing death on someone for a video game are just messed up. It's a fucking video game. Grow up.

                                King Charles

                                  "I tilt when kill-stealing, no-smoke, dagon-rapier rushing, utterly retarded as shit, trash-talking rikis play in my games. It used to happen when i had started dota. Sometimes rikis still come in my games but now they rush diffusal and have some resemblance of a brain. Nothing against u tho, OP, ur the king of riki. And negative mmr games"

                                  This guy wins all the internetz


                                    Haha Peter Pan I got them one up, I like to pause the game after a kill and alternate spamming "> Good Game, Well Played" with "> Good Game" on the all-chat wheel for a good while. It may not upset anyone the first time but they give you about 3 or 4 pauses. Hurr hurr hurr


                                      Riki dagon rapier rushes tilts me so hard.


                                        While Kill Stealing is usually unfounded, in ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!'s case it's actually quite true from what I've seen. Although death threats are waaay to far. And riki dagon rapier, or any riki build, is absolute trash

                                        ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                          It's not true, I don't KS at all, I kill secured.


                                            Im tilt-immuned


                                              What kind of stupid question is this? Trash talk is trash talk, there is no difference to trash talk/trash talk.

                                              How about focus on not buying rapiers every game and you may not get trash talk aimed at you. Simples!


                                                Mute everyone = have a good game.


                                                  Just remember there is a mute button, with enemy the best way is mute them before horn. They won't say anything useful and you don't need anything useful out of their mouth either.


                                                    Funny how people are genuinely advicing him without looking at his profile

                                                    We Love You Akuzuma Oppa!

                                                      I normally tilt when my teammate or the enemy team types " :V " in chat. WTF DOES THAT EVEN MEAN WTF. EVERY FUCKING SOME RETARDS TYPES SOME SPANISH SHIT IN CHAT AND ENDS IT WITH " :V" WTF IS THAT SHIT LOL

                                                      Also I find the trash talk funny. Wishing death to my teammate makes me chuckle. No reports though!


                                                        i tilt if some start the game with the sentence:
                                                        Hello iam phantom riki!


                                                          When whatever bad happens is my fault and I know it but some scum has to whine on the mic about it. Shut the fuck up dooood