General Discussion

General DiscussionFew days no AP, World Leaderboard MMR's already a lot lower

Few days no AP, World Leaderboard MMR's already a lot lower in General Discussion

    Did anyone notice how a lot of top mmr people insta dropped and they're still dropping? Maybe this isn't that bad afterall and will help people become overall better players not just 1-2 hero spammers.

    lm ao

      so shieeet


        Artour already 7k trash, who's next? :D


          Did badman drop

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              wait, all pick is gone ?

              TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                Is AP really going to be restored though? I hope they actually push further into streamlining the CM experience: say, the game decides which role you are going to play so there would be less redundant 5 carry teams. Sort of like how ranked LoL *cringe* works.


                  CAPTAIN mode is good because it opens flexible concept for laning unlike all pick which is shit like 5 man carries on a team. It teaches you to play more competitively and professionally. Downside is when a captain is shit, the team will be shit too.


                    5 carries is wayy back in normal skill stuff...


                      i think only artour dropped tho 4Head

                      TELL YOUR GIRL TO WASH HE...

                        It's either 5 carries AP or whiny mofos who won't play the role given to them in a proper draft CM. If you're lucky, they will just steal last hits from your core and not intentionally feed. Heck I even gave someone a carry hero and they still went to throw from minute 0 because they want this situationally sub-par carry hero Y instead of the significantly better carry hero X.

                        Swap Commends

                          That doesn't mean they suck,It means ppl around them are dragging them down cuz they suck at adapting to the new modes.What like Autism Awareness Day! said.

                          waku waku

                            how does this help hero spammers this does not logically make sense


                              "how does this help hero spammers this does not logically make sense"

                              Guy isn't to bright i guess XD Not only RTZ, tons of people dropped actually, just look at top MMR's, they're like 400-500 mmr lower already :) This random draft isn't that bad honestly when you get used to it. You just have to expand your hero pool a bit and learn some new things.

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                                  If Storm is in the pool = I win, if not = I lose

                                  ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                    It's cuz I can only play Riki


                                      RD is so much better for spammers unless they arent super unlucky


                                        I agree, Hero Spammers do very well. Idf they spam 2-3 really strong heroes and no other heroes and thier counters are missing from the pool, especially the big ones, then the Spammers have a HUGE advantage.