General Discussion

General Discussion46k Hero Damage SPECTRE

46k Hero Damage SPECTRE in General Discussion

    Grind it vs 3 hard carries... My new meta build, Normal Skill... so don't be hating. Just wanted to share.


      N O R M A L S K I L L


        Not hating but if anyone I'm pretty sure manta and diffusal works in tandem. You can mana burn with your illusions and deal more dps with 25 damage from diffusal and illusions.


          well thats kind of the point facing Bloodseeker PA and sven all at the same time, you definitely need damage... oh and yeah tiny is also there... pure hard carries almost got rekt... manta wont work... PA has BF crit... same as svens cleave

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          lm ao

            saba oi xd


              haha! sig lng sagdae lng ko tagsa ra ta mo post


                that Morph with 62k damage is sick and lycans 63k damage... hahaha! :) shotgun bang!

                lm ao

                  Dogo1 coach me how to morph ples skype is sexyboy22

                  lm ao

                    Ignore the avatar pic if u can, im hard on money these days LennyFace


                      sexyboy22 sounds like a sexy boy and a 22 KappaPride

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                        haha! sexyboy22 haha! flame that skype id... all ye dotobuff members... jajaja


                          you can only achieve 62k damage if ur teammates are good.. u wont be able to do that solo queing

                          lm ao

                            I once got 70k hero damage as ta, but fuck it games decides not to record it for pre firstblood abandons


                              u can only achieve 62k hero damage if ur teammates are very bad and game is very long


                                haha! too bad... well that doesnt count

                                lm ao

                                  Dogo do u still rec linkens rush on morph? Btw i get pt then roh then ultim8 orb

                                  lm ao

                                    I feel morphs the shit to win 6.87


                                      @bird answer him, :)


                                        really depends on game, if you see that gthey got a lot of push and they can pressure your map before ~20 then you should try to skip linken and mb go drum pt eblade (you might need bottle).
                                        if you think its gonna go beyond min 20 without too much pressure (like you can hit creeps in ur woods and not onlyt hard camp and hug t3) then you should go linken cuz it benefits hte hero a lot.

                                        if its a linken game, i try to rush roh if im getting contested in lane, i get voidstone first if i spam wave for farm+kill/harass (usually voidstone followed by roh shortly after).
                                        i like to get ultimate or first when i get kills and shit (like all creeps and 4-5 kills) cuz its stats and if you can have it early its a easier buildup for linken (cuz u dont have to save 2100 anymore).

                                        in a normal game i would get pt>pers>linken (mb bottle sometimes)
                                        if i get harassed a bit and my salve+tango is not enuff roh>pt>linken.
                                        if i get farm and i wanna bully the offlaner pt>voidstone>pers>linekgbdhasdasda linken

                                        etc, really many posibilities.
                                        and also wand sometimes if they have weaver, brist, some other shit ill just get stick first from shop and mb finish wand later


                                          question: toggling your agi + - and str + -.... how much agi and HEALTH should be in order to pull this off lvl 6, lvl 12, lvl 16, lvl 25? and do you go str build or AGI build during mid,late game?


                                            you go as close to full agi as the match allows you to.
                                            when game is easy im full agi cuz that means i have enough items+level to have decent hp.

                                            i start in lane with 350-390 hp


                                              you shouldn really be scared that much unless theres a hard duo or tri lane (in which case you either wait out till you outlevel or switch lane if u cant)
                                              1 tango will give u full hp


                                                gotcha, thats all i needed to full agi all the way.. i thought there was a certain break point on morph where u stop at a certain health point thus enlightening you in total euphoria... :) ah, well... thanks for the tip

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  we lost somehow, 43k spectre, 52k zeus



                                                    anything can happen in normal skill bracket


                                                      @direwolf i feel u... its part of the game and it sucks.... replace tarasq with satanic and get rid of that manta style.. get daedelus..

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                                                        Similar to me. I try my best but one of my team dc.




                                                          Beat this.

                                                          42 Kills
                                                          71 K Herodamage
                                                          61 K Gold farmed

                                                          3 Records set.

                                                          Game lost. Kappa.


                                                            KAPPA OUCH! 71k damage and lost?! kappa sad... whose fault?

                                                            ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                              It's not fair, sometimes, I have 41 kills and lose, its not my fault. 2 asshole abandon, no pushing power because 2 asshole abandon.

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                                                                @ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!! because u killsteal all the time... and your ursa blink came up short bwahahaha!

                                                                ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                  STOP COMPLAINING ABOUT SPECTRE WHEN SNIPER HAS A SHADOW BLADE OMG

                                                                  killsteal isn't a thing in dota

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                                                                    This song is for you ФАНТОМ РИКИ!!!!

                                                                    黑人  Alpha Cure Mom

                                                                      well its already a long game tho :)
                                                                      59mins not bad for 46k hero damage lol.