General Discussion

General Discussion@kitrak, dd, matrice or anyone above 6k

@kitrak, dd, matrice or anyone above 6k in General Discussion

    what was the reason when you decided to master this game?
    what was your motivation and how did you keep it?
    how did you manage to keep going regardless of toxic enviroment?

    i don't know what's wrong with me, but lately i find myself losing motivation to getting better. before i just felt like getting good and wanted to do maximum for it, but it's slipping away and i feel rather bored and tired from games, especially when i try really hard and lose anyway or some shit.

    how did you keep your positive attitude and kept improving?

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      be patient , take the lesson , and fap everyday


        getting response in 5..4..3..2..1 week, jaja


          yeah im on the same boat, i lost motivation to play and im playing runescape right now....


            idk, maybe it's because of the game that isn't fun to play anymore, or it's because of this 4k toxic cesspool
            probably something wrong with me though.

            i don't believe in any personal skill ceilings or some shit, i think that everyone can get high mmr with enough attitude and will. but the problem is that i'm losing these two

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              Heh ......i cant even play Dota cause my PC is dead but will need some motivation to play cause getting a new PC by end of this month


                You;re talking about this game like about some kind of lifetime goal. Get back to real life.


                  i'd prefer to not bring my personal bullshit (how do i live and why do i live like that) into this thread.


                    Don't make this as your main career, unless you really want to win tournaments and make it as a living.


                      i'm not trying to do that, i just want to solve these motivation issues (and maybe apply it to other things than dota as well)

                        Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                          Keep holding on bro you'll make it out someday :)

                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                            If you feel that way, you need to take a break.


                              I don't think it's about how they overcome things above.

                              It's just easier for them because most of them are just better at Dota than we are.

                              Some people are just better, and that's it.

                              For example, I'm stuck in 3.7-4.1k and I accepted it, I'm just not good enough.

                              Every time I get close to 4k I just drop down, because I can't focus/stay calm/play good to go futher.

                              Better players find momentum and just cruise though low brackets I guess.

                              But hey, I discovered that playing Party is not that bad. :) So I don't stress much about improvment anymore.

                              I'm old af anyways.


                                ^u got 2.8k games played in dota 2 on this acc. how many games do u think ppl at 6k have?

                                generally, its not about talent, and saying that talent is the reason someone is good at [insert any field here] is simply offensive. most ppl in higher just played 3-5 times more than you did, kept positive mentality and tried to learn instead of complaining and being depressed, etc.

                                if u suck in something u want to be good at, and give up on trying cz u think its not possible, it most likely means you are a fuckboy.


                                  TripleSama, I agree. I still think that talent is important, but let's say above 5k. Do you agree with that?


                                    ever since i hit 5.5k on my main account, i casually raised my old account mmr from 3.5k to 4.5k with 75% winrate.

                                    if you are good you are good, otherwise take a break, play some other games and come back when you want to win the game

                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                      lack of talent can be overcome with dedication and correct attitude, imo, so it shouldnt really stop you.
                                      yes, it is important, but not as much as your will to improve.

                                      even if u have none of these, you still slowly get better by just playing.


                                        Once again, I agree, triplesenpai.

                                        Mike Wazowski..!

                                          @Triple I think dedication only takes you so far.. Less talent and more dedication is definitely better than the vice versa, but I don't think its possible to go beyond 6k without reasonable talent and a lot of dedication..


                                            Positive motivations usually kicks in when something good happen or about to happen, for example (payday is getting close, getting laid after playing dota or what have you).

                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                              How can u say u lose fucking Motivation to git gud??? Go play fucking dota until u got at least 8k live without dota is not worth living

                                              Овај коментар је измењен
                                              lm ao

                                                dont be so emo dude

                                                ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                  I don't care what you guys think, this game requires talent and dedication + will to improve. If you don't have raw talent, you can train 10 years for 10 hours a day and you will eventually get to your limitation point and you won't improve without the raw talent. Go figure out yourselves.


                                                    But dota is just a aspect of life just like any other, if u wanna knit, u love to knit, and u suck at knitting, you get frustrated, if u wanna drive, u love to drive, but your a terrible driver, you get frustrated, its the same with dota, its an activity that u enjoy, u wanna get better, and still u loose, its damn frustrating.


                                                      U need a break from Dota and try to see the bright side of things
                                                      ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                      Livin' Real Good

                                                        Im 4.2K (Don't mind me with normal skill unranked games XD low hidden MMR)(just practicing the hero's i'm trash with) I think can get to 5K, I believe I can, but just don't care if I get it or not, and I think it's all about not caring so much. Ever had those winning streaks that you can't explain? You probably stopped caring about winning so much in that point in time, and ended up cruising on the momentum. You probably just played to have FUN, or played to get better. I remember thinking getting 4K was insanely hard, and how the hell can these people get 5K and 6K. But then again, most people here have been playing since Dota 1, or other moba experience, while I started in 2014. Don't ever put yourself down and say "others are just simply better at life. " I suck at Dota, but I got to Global Elite pretty fast on CSGO, most people can't even do that (I don't smurf on any game by the way) everyone's just good at different things, you just need to find the game you're good at, or thing you're good at.

                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                          Fuck Dota. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

                                                          Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                                                            The problem here is that it's so hard to get motivation if your goal is not to be a professional player and win tournaments because you're playing with unknown people, trying to raise just a number called "MMR points" it's like an empty box.
                                                            A year ago my goal was climb to 5k MMR, When I achieved it, I felt nice about it but now means nothing to me.
                                                            I love this game, but nothing is more enjoyable than playing with friends, or sometimes tryharding with a real team, playing as solo is boring, frustrating, and you have to deal with people you don't like.

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              "I love this game, but nothing is more enjoyable than play with friends, or sometimes tryharding with a real team, playing as solo is boring, frustrating, and you have to deal with people you don't like."



                                                                "what was the reason when you decided to master this game?"

                                                                Lol, I just happened to be decent at it. I play it cause it fun


                                                                  I'm going to be the best player in the world. Just wait and see


                                                                    ^lol u can always believe dude and if u do become the best I will bet all my Bugatties on your team

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                      I recently switched from dota 1, and boy i suck at dota 2. That being said, i needed motivation and shit to start from 0 basically, i mean you can argue that i have knowledge about the game from dota 1, but games(d1 and d2) are so different. Till now i played around 130 games and i can say that i feel i'm already getting better. As for other comments, sure everyone can improve and become better if have will to do it, but i also think that there is a cap for how good every individual person can be. Maybe you reached your.

                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                        Lol, I just happened to be decent at it. I play it cause it fun

                                                                        casual 7k player

                                                                        Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                          I'm no 6k player or anywhere near but I hope I can help.

                                                                          I'm a high-end 3k player (recently just got 4k) and what a treacherous journey has it been. Like a lot of players, I have been playing Dota for quite some time now (almost 9 years) and man it's depressing as hell to be stuck at 3k after playing for so long. Even some of my friends who started just about the same time as me are now sitting at 5k. And terrible internet and random energy cuts are definitely not helping at all. Very demotivating at times. But I never quit. Losing streak? Got queued at LP 3x in a row? Perhaps take a break, A day or two and do some other things ( I usually write, watch movies and practice acting xD ). Also helps when new patches are about to come.

                                                                          me, government hooker

                                                                            I'm a high-end 3k player (recently just got 4k)

                                                                            been playing Dota for quite some time now (almost 9 years)

                                                                            see this is what i dont understand, people say talent is not a thing for dota, or maybe not as important as dedication and practicing is. but how come players that have been playing tons of matches (see benao, hes been playing for like 11 years or something and he says drow wins sf mid and some other garbage) are still really awful at the game ? i guess mindlessly playing without trying to improve is one reason but say u want to improve what can u actually do besides reading or getting tips from higher rated players, u cant understand yourself how the game works cause if u could u wouldnt be bad at the game in the first place


                                                                              ^the amount of games he has is not that high, but in his case mentality definetely matters.


                                                                                I think it has something to do with your way of thinking really. One thing learned in the process of improving is your performance in DotA reflects on what you do in real life. Your vicissitude, attitude, how you treat people and deal with problems at hand.


                                                                                  i know ppl with 6k games and in normal skill, thats what FeelsBadMan

                                                                                  < blank >

                                                                                    me, government hooker

                                                                                      so take any of the players with most played matches from dotabuff, some of them dont even have 50% wr, and i doubt theres many in there that are >6,5k


                                                                                        i think its correlated with mentality. those ones who play to improve, tend to have secondary accounts and a lot of unrecorded matches (scrims etc.). ppl who play on the same acc all over again, are most likely casuals.

                                                                                        < blank >

                                                                                          Ye don't take me for example please, I'm just an autistic Storm spammer

                                                                                          waku waku

                                                                                            don't take this game so seriously there are many other better games you could play along the way


                                                                                              Better games, not sure. Even though the quality of the mechanics of the game drascticlly decreased (which is the main downside), it's still one of the richest.

                                                                                              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                                                                                You can play better games, but no game will make you be able to sink as much time into it while still being fresh. That's what's unique about Dota.

                                                                                                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                                                                                    what was the reason when you decided to master this game?
                                                                                                    I got hooked.

                                                                                                    what was your motivation and how did you keep it?
                                                                                                    Love dota. I lose and gain motivation from time to time. Usually my motivation is pretty bad honestly.

                                                                                                    how did you manage to keep going regardless of toxic enviroment?
                                                                                                    Everyone is toxic from time to time. So going thru a toxic community is fine cause you're most likely part of it, right.

                                                                                                    Usually players improve a lot in short periods, then get stuck, and improve a lot yet again. That's the usual cycle. When you get stuck you usually don't have that much motivation, and you stop actually trying to get better.

                                                                                                    Try to focuse on ursefl

                                                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                                    2k pub scrub

                                                                                                      I find motivation to play dota because i see it as a challenge. I play in arguably the worst and most toxic mmr level, but it is my goal to raise up to a slightly higher skill level that will probably be just as toxic. Ranked dota isnt always fun, but I dont run cross country or camp in negative degree weather because it is fun, I do those things because afterward I can look back and see how it has made me stronger and how it has built character. Dota builds character. I believe that if I have the will power and determination to ascend the mmr ladder without descending into the abyss of rage and toxicity, then I can accomplish anything. That is why I focus on getting better and never flame or curse at someone else (even though everyone on my team and the enemy team is a complete idiot). Dota has taught me how to communicate with people effectively and how to coordinate with idiots and so many other social skills, and im not even good at the game... yet.