General Discussion

General Discussionfunny story behind your 1st game in DOTA

funny story behind your 1st game in DOTA in General Discussion

    Tell us your 1st game in Dota/Dota2 and the funny story behind it..

    let me start..

    I still remember my 1st game in dota..i use Crystal Maiden. I was looking for secret shop to complete my vanguard (back in those early day, i dunno why i bought vanguard for every heroes i play). I can't remember where the secret shop location is and i just walking around the trees. Suddenly i dunno how but im standing in front Roshan (i thought that is the secret shop)..i ask my friend why the shop owner is so big and he (roshan) attacking me.. i ended up killing by roshan...

    my friend almost die laughing at me..


      My friends and i went to the caffe net to play cs 3 vs 3 then one of my friend found 5 of his friends
      They kicked me and played 5 vs 5
      I found dota 1 and tryed it
      The end.

      Btw im silver 2 in csgo


        During DotA days, I didn't knew the item combination mechanic, so I started buying recipes; full slotted
        And the audiences behind me laughed so hard (played on net cafe).

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        I can’t believe its not h...

          Saw pudge grudge music video and thought, that whats this game, and then downloaded dota.

          Well i picked pudge, not knowing anything (i was mostly playing console games, so moba was a new concept)

          Well i picked pudge. Kept dying to rot, hook Always hit creeps and feeding. Bought aquila, talisman, ring and mithril hammer.

          Somehow we won the match.

          It was bad and i feel bad.

          Showed it to my friend in replay and he was horrified, amused and i think had an aneryusm just of pure disgust.


            I came from HoN. Got into Dota 2 normal matchmaking. All pick. Picked bloodseeker because it's one of the heroes that I used to play alot mid in HoN. I went 42-x and really thought this game was supereasy in comparisson, but it didnt take many games until I got stomped and realized maybe its not an easier game, just slower.


              I used to buy radiance on Riki in dota1


                My first experience with dota2 was awesome, cz my pc back then was pretty damn awful, and I had ~3 fps NOT in fights, jointly with "awesome" ping.

                i accidently randomed brood cz i lagged through the whole pick stage, and then I could finally join the game 10 min after it started (i had a huge freeze untill then). the only thing i managed to do was to move my hero towards my t2. then i was kicked from the server and couldnt reconnect.

                great game, 10/10 would play again.

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                  I think I picked razor.

                  I get destroyed and had to face a BH smurf going 39-2 XD
                  Nothing funny about it really. I just got rekt.

                  me, government hooker

                    ive been at a friends house and he was playing dota2 (back when dota2 was first released and u needed an invite or something to play it) and it seemed cool to me. he was playing morph, and because thats the only hero i knew, when i got my own invite i only picked morph for like 10 games and only built pms soul ring and armlet for some reason

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                      Dota 1 - enchantress since google said enchantress is the strongest hero in dota.

                      Dota 2 -
                      First pub bot
                      First pub -

                      I dont even remember~ i dont even like silencer


                        First game, pick wd, 0 deaths, kill bitches ez kappa. Funny 4head


                          0-13 sniper wtf


                            I didn't know about HP regen items so I literally bought salves whole game to heal.

                            Player 175043649

                              i was in 6th grade when when i started dota, since dota 1 item store is complicated for a 6th grader i ended up buying boots 1st item then spend like 3-5 minutes trying to figure out what item goes where

                              then i stopped playing till ti3/ti4 i forgot


                                My first game dates from dota1 on, I picked Bounty Hunter cuz he looked badass.
                                Someone of my team mates said: i have never seen this guy before, i think he is a noob and will fuck our game.
                                Another one said: yes, i agree.
                                Another: look, he didn't got inv lvl1
                                Someone pause the game and started a !votekick
                                I was kicked
                                Plz volvo giff votekick back


                                  my first game was on dota 2 as dark seer( i dont know why i couldnt find in dotabuff , maybe some bug when i was searching for it?) from what i remember , a friend that introduced me the game said, when i asked him what hero was good on dota and he said: oh, everything is good, i just random every match( he does that since today) so i got his advice and randomed dark seer. After that, he said to me : oh! dark seer is so good, you just need your shield and gg easy game so that is how i ended up with 4 stout shields i think


                                    wc3 dota, like 10 years ago
                                    i picked doom, i was playing with a friend he picked veno, we were playing 2 vs 3 against other friends
                                    i bought like 4 plate mails no boots we stomp so fucking hard :P


                                      I picked Io, or, Wisp as he was known at the time, because he looked cool, my team was actually very nice, and we ended up winning.


                                        First hero played in dota2 was sniper and i remember building item like 3 wraitband + 1 treads and domi haha. I was looking for lotar didnt know that was shadowblade


                                          I feel much better reading u guys 1st exp in dota.. wish u guys the best in dota

                                          you all cant carry me

                                            I used to take 5 mins trying to find items in dota 1 and i remember buying recipes and thought it is the item LOL


                                              1-14 slardar. Not sure what the ring of health was for. i didn't know anything back then.
                                              Shortly after I tried ember because "he keeps on killing me so easily" lol @ me


                                                mah 1st game is on wc3 and i forgot what heroes i play, just play dota 2 recently btw. but i remember i love to buy auras item + deso + aghs because the effect feels making hero more OP and looks awesome.


                                                  played kotl on wc3 and I got base raped by my brother viper when i realized my q is channeled

                                                  Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                    My first dota game was in 2006.. Razor, I bought 6 talisman and auto-attacked. My friend told me that build and I just listened. I was laughing at the game because it looked like DDAY Custom map. It's kinda fun back there because there was no builds, no guides and every heroes were different.

                                                    Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                                                      Lol I'm old.. just realized I have played this game for 10 years (on and off of course)


                                                        When i first play dota i love to use dagon to ks.


                                                          Funniest thing about my first game is that I still can't beat that 900 XPM record set by Dazzle.


                                                          Everything else is classic: I started with 3 Sage's Masks, no boots, took some time to find secret shop, etc...


                                                            I played luna (i wasn't able to read english at that time) i saw a death mask in shop, so i made my best to get it (cause well, war3 death mask is fucking OP -50% lifeleech-), and after 10+ minutes, finnaly being able to buy it (naked of other item), i noticed that its lifesteal was super crap (and i finally read a 10% inside a mysterious text).

                                                            Thus i left the game.


                                                              Anyone remember buying healing salve instead of tango because healing salve will regenerate health faster compare to eating tango..??

                                                              i play for fun only

                                                                Ah, my first game... my college friend invited me to play dota which i nvr played b4, we played as 5v5. The first hero that caught my eyes was shadow fiend. The one that invite me played bs n rape me the whole game while im still lost in the jungle finding way back to base (cuz i cant find the secret shop).. i was so mad that i said to him "why would anyone play this game?". 2 Years has gone n here iam posting a comment in dotabuff


                                                                  started dota1 when it was 5.87c. used sniper, i think and i bought hex every game just to spam assassinate.


                                                                    picked zeus when playing with some buddies, went 1-7 and we won.


                                                                      Is it only me not buying any TP and rather walk back from/to fountain to regenerate health because want to save

                                                                      Player 215168758

                                                                        I stayed at fountain and clicking to my team's inventory the whole game :D. Because I dont know how to buy item hahaha


                                                                          ^lol same dude I like I got ping a lot cause I literally didn't know what to build
                                                                          Edit: I also kept right clicking to move and complain to my team that I can't move until someone told me it was left click ....felt so embarrassed cause I skip the tutorial thinking I'm some kind of pro player

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                                                                            it took me about a week to realize tower is too stong


                                                                              My first game (dota1) was at my friend's house where we all tried that game together and my friend told me to pick CK. I lost but it wasnt horrible my friends whom I was playing against had only like 12 games. I bought vladimir and 2 perseverance I think.