General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play as pos5 ward bitch?

How to play as pos5 ward bitch? in General Discussion

    I lose a lot playing as a pos 5 support, especially when my team pick 3 carry and a jungler, any advice?


      Based on your most played and recent matches you don't play supports, so why even ask?


        die less, maybe u will have a higher chance to win then. pos 5 for you

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          You become position 3 then


            Don't die

            Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

              Start out going to safe lane and harass enemy offlaner out exp range. Keep an eye on timings and try to stack as much as possible, how much depends on your carry and midlaner. Some need stacks to fall back or can clear 'm quickly. try to get a TP scroll, additional ward and flying cour at 3 min mark. Constantly check map if your offlane/mid needs a TP rotation. Help contesting runes, especially if your mid or enemy is depended on it. Play selflessly, no matter how bad/rude/whatever your carry his, try to get him fat. Keep up with wards, even if it means you cant progress in items. As a last resort ask your pos 3/4 to help you out with wards/sentries. Get smokes, use them early to gank mid or late to secure rosh and/or gank enemy jungle. Keep an eye out on enemy wards, bad supports usually don't care if anyone sees them warding or only ward on the spots with an icon on it, so it is a free deward for you. If you are pos5 with a jungler, something which is terrible so try to pursue your team to no do it, pick a support which doesn't need items at all. So go for a Bane/Oracle/Dazzle/Lich/WW/Etc. , and don't pick Omni/Lina/Visage/Etc.

              Biggest advice I can give you, something which lower MMR supports (<4k) don't get, is to stay as much out of your carries exp range as possible. Don't sit in lane 24/7 grabbing exp, it's the quickest way to lose your game as support. You need to get your exp from pulls, ganks and objectives. If you're against a offensive dual/trilane ask yourself the question: "Does my presence in lane contribute significantly to my carries farm?" If answer is yes, stay and help, if no sack the lane rotate elsewhere even if it means you will lose your tower within 5 minutes and your carry goes "GG no support".

              Any specific questions feel free to ask...

              Really I'm The Plug

                Omniknight , best part is, he can solo offlane and rape many dual lanes.

                He needs a trilane to be pulling and zoning him out to make him ineffective, and you MUST avoid dying early in that solo lane.

                In lane just pull and garantee ur carry farm, pull correctly, get exp and gold from neutral creeps when pulling,

                Omniknight is a great hero, people can't rly play well against him till 5k+

                important thing to note is : AVOID DYING, dont go yolo to place wards,

                know which wards are necesarry and when, u dont want to go broke buying wards u dont need, ETC

                make good plays, sit back in fights, use all ur spells, positioning is important. Aether lens is a good item on him

                Mek aether lens aghs gaurdian greaves all great items, blink / euls if ur snowballing, euls if u must remove silence eTC

                With omni, u want to 5 man yolo push towers eVERY TIME u have ult, cuz u can win fight/ take tower / rosh/ and keep up momentum to finish fast, omni is one of the best heroes in dota when it comes to finishing games fast, his Q does tons of damage if u hit multiple enemies, its heal is amazing, ur ult makes ur team invunlerable to phsyical attks and uh ave FREE bkb

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                  How about positioning while pushing? Should I ever go in and sit at max ranged right click towers as a ranged support? for example bane, dazzle, lich, disruptor, etc.

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                  I love low tiers!

                    stay in the back


                      omni is shit especially if he is Pos 5 and solo supp


                        Pick pos1 Kappa


                          If you still wanna play P5 then there's only one way to go about it.

                          Look at your team.
                          Determine which hero will be the deciding factor or The unstoppable force in the game be it OD mid or that Safelane Sven.

                          Babysit the living shit out of them. Make sure they don't die etc.

                          Basically, make them look good.
                          Once your guy is out of control your job is done and let the Green Days come.


                            Whatever the hero is, hopefully the player is competent.

                            I love Pudge players l, usually I pick CM after a Pudge pick and wherever he goes, I go with smokes in hand.

                            As NoTail said Everything Can Work!