General Discussion

General DiscussionNormal, High and Very High skill

Normal, High and Very High skill in General Discussion

    Can someone please explain to me what is meant by these three skills and how can i get high and very high skills?


      shit, shit, maybe not shit


        average mmr of the game

        0-3.2 normal
        3.2-3.7 high
        3.7+ very high

        if u want to get a higher skill bracket, improve ur mmr.


          Create a smurf hahaha


            Thanks :D

            MaD : )

              create new acoount!!!
              and improve ur skills

              EZ SEA doto

                you can't
                1k = very high skill
                2k = normal skill
                3k = idiot
                4k = retarded
                5k = dick sucker retarded lv 1
                6k = dick sukcer retarded lv 2
                7k = high skill
                8k = is the same as 1k

                MaD : )

                  create new acoount!!!
                  and improve ur skills