General Discussion

General DiscussionYou do not do whatever you want because you're the highest MMR

You do not do whatever you want because you're the highest MMR in General Discussion

    Always happens in solo q and party q, I see this one guy with an mmr few hundred above the average, he demands a role and picks illogically for it, stuff like carry Slardar with midas rush and w/e

    You did not achieve that higher MMR from doing whatever the fuck you wanted, you achieved it from playing the game seriously so I find it baffling that these people think they can play like w/e and expect to own lmao

    its even more extreme in party mmr because my party mmr is like 1k below so its common to see the enemies having like a 4.8k player stacked with 3ks, then said player will do shit like alch offlane because he thinks his enemies are noob since the highest mmr on our team is 4.2k

    BSJ. LGD

      didnt you demand roles like a little shit when you played with me?


        Actually some can, if were talking bout Artour and his friends.
        However, if you're referring to the lower trench, uhmm yeah.


          lmao vape, you blame me because someone else threw cause he couldn't get his role, btw are u still stuck at 5k flat lmao

          and thats irrelevant to my topic about people being few hundred mmr higher?

          e: judging from your winrate drop you might be even lower rofl, finding people to blame doesn't help you win :)

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          BSJ. LGD

            im pretty sure you jacked someone's hero because you said "i dont want to play support" thats how much of a little kid you are, now you're complaining about someone else doing the same thing ROFL


              ?? the thread isn't about people taking roles

              its about them going funky heroes or item builds because they think they're better

              and that game I repeatedly said in advance not for the captain to pick those heroes, and lmao did u just dodge the mmr question

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                but doesnt that work? i do exactly the same thing when i play f.e. in 3k averages and it owrks


                  if you're significantly better, maybe

                  but a 5.7k for example isn't all that much better than a 5.2k, at least not to the extent u can expect to win by using dumb heroes


                    i win 500-1000 mmr below me games by trolling


                      u can actually do very weird shit and get away with it if you are way above game's average, just cz ur individual skill is higher



                        ya but chances are, there were games you probably lost as well, games which might have been way easier if you used your main hero or smth

                        my point is that these players usually tilt a lot when they lose when they're one of the main reasons u lost but in their mind because they're the 'best', its everyone elses fault

                        Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                          yeah, true that. I thought you're talking about 1-2k+ mmr differences between solo and party (f.e. 5k solo playing in 3k avg)


                            we the best fuck the rest

                            BSJ. LGD

                              Did u seriously dodge the statement about you being a hypocrite? You are actually one of the biggest babies I've met. And mmr is just a number, I can it back easily by spamming omni or some dumb op hero.