General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to play spirit breaker and how to play against him?

How to play spirit breaker and how to play against him? in General Discussion

    spirit breaker is an odd hero in that he can charge from opposite side of map and practically no cd on ult?


      i ushally like to solo off lane and gank as much as possible when lvl 6 but curious if there is a better plan, and how do you stop a gnaking sb when your team is all squishy or just dumb as fuck


        usually hes played as position 4 roaming supp putting pressure on all the lanes

        lm ao

          Hes built to pressure lanes and punish heroes with bad positioning

          Pale Mannie

            I play him as an pos3 initiator and im doing well


              awesome pub hero, charge, ping the target incessantly and even the most retarded team mate has time to join the gank.


                i like to get blademail and bkb on him and cause chaos in the enemy ranks whilst the rest of my team clean and report me for feeding after we win the game.


                  lol ik the feeling basically every game as i playlycan win by solo geting us megas but reported bc rarely help team fights

                  Dire Wolf

                    To counter pick him use zeus, spectre, treant, disruptor. Bait him into charges, zeus ults, sb dies, spectre ults in, gets solo kill. Treant can shield anyone so they can run and disruptor can teleport him back.

                    He's good as a roaming support type ganker, like same role as bh. Just make sure you have a real lane support protecting your hard carry cus sb sucks for lane support. Don't pick him if your safe lane is going to be like spectre + earthshaker.


                      disrupot glimps on sb is a pain


                        Burshit hewo don't bother.

                        Pale Mannie

                          I like the sound of well initiated teamfights and pain coming from my blademail