General Discussion

General DiscussionDota 2 : Tales On The Trench

Dota 2 : Tales On The Trench in General Discussion

    Hi guys I am gonna tell u my story :-
    I started playing dota on 11/2015 this was the first moba game i play.
    i start learning the game and started to play it more than 6 hours a day.
    then i started to watch pro games
    once i have reached exp trophy lvl 50 i started playing ranked i got calibrated at 1k and i was totally fine with it.
    but game after game i realized that i am better than my team mates so i wanted to grind my mmr to 3k and guess what it doesn't work
    team full of feeders got low in mmr lower than 1k cuz my team feeds in 10 min the enemy carry.
    u can see my dota buff and judge me do i deserve this ?


      Yes. You are legit 1k. Try not mind it and play for fun


        I don't really know how hidden MMR works tbh. All I know it's ELO, but I guess wins aren't just the factor there.

        That's why it's better to calibrate ASAP.

        >but game after game i realized that i am better than my team mates
        >Implying your team mates doesn't think that about you too


          @Light Can i ask u why ?
          and if I am Legit 1k can u give me some tips ?

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            There is no way to clearly tell from stats here. Add me, we can play a game together and we'll see. But afterall its all for fun

            Eternal Meow

              You think you are better than your team mates. Your team mates also think they are better than you. Consider that for a while. Everyone in 1k mmr thinks they don't deserve it except for the people who intentionally throw games to get low mmr on purpose.


                @dawn add me here is my ID :

                Your Wife's Boyfriend

                  Depends on why do you play dota for: If you play it casually just relax and keep playing/watching pro games for fun you will get better with time. You are new to dota and it is a pretty hard game tbh, besides u dont have any moba experience so 1k mmr seems a good place to start. With ~6 hours per day + watching pro matches you may get to 3k in like 5-6 months.

                  If you want to be something more than a casual player you'll need to spend more than just 6 hours, watch a LOT of pro matches, study all the in-game mechanics very well, practice things like lasthitting, creep block, shiftclicking, microing, difficult heroes etc. with bots. Play a lot of dota 2 games. Find a guy who has experience and plays the game pretty well so he can pass it to you and practice with him 1v1s or hero combos. Try to improve every aspect of your gameplay as much as you can and... if you make it that far you will probably know what you need next but this path is not recommended since you are forcing and it doesn't come naturally, play the game for fun get some more experience and you can decide for yourself

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                  Vem Comigo

                    You want to see the trench, here is a story for u:
                    Got low prio cause of 2 dcs (First one my motherboard died last week, second one internet connection went offline cause a retard hit a Tel/internet pole on my street), so here is the game, i pick sven, mark safelane,
                    We had Sven Mirana top, Drown Mid, Luna Abba bot, so it beggins 2 minutes in to the game luna dies, them abba them luna+ abba, for some fucking reasons instead of playing defensive against a trilane (naga, rubick, treant) drow goes bot, at 10 minutes we got 7 deaths and no kills, i was against a offlane Wk he rotated to jungle, i bought lifesteal and started farming lane+jungle, mirana go bot, and more feed happens, the enemy venon goes bot and get kills.
                    Luna goes mad at me "HELP SVEN, OR I REPORT YOU", 15m i rotate to bot got 3 kills but i died, them i say "pls dont fight play defensive, farm, i need my bkb before i can fully fight", i go jungle and top, my team goes looking for fights, they team wipe my team, on the tier1 and wk gets a ultra, i tp bot and give him a rampage for a commend (yep got 3 commends for 1 death), them i have my bkb, i buy a smoke since our sups never buy, and i say lets rosh, we were with rosh 50% hp, we were smoked nobody detected us, we have a ward outside, the enemy rubick appears, luna goes for it yolo, like wtf we could secure a rosh, but no the team goes after, the enemy teams appear from jungle and i literally rape them with the cleave+ult i killed 3, they have a wk and a napa venon that tp to base, i say fuckit lets go wk (he was ressurecting after ult), drown literrally goes farming our jungle with 90% hp, and our mirana misses a arrow on the not moving wk hitting luna, luna hits him like a retard 2 times, them turns and runs, with 80% manapool ult ready, i hit wk but my ult was over, and with no bkb, wk crits me 3 times in a row, i am dead.
                    FUCK THIS GAME I FEED THE REST OF IT.

                    King of Low Prio

                      I played a low mmr account and stomped them soooooo easy and these morons all thought they should be 4k+ but guess what? After I carry them and keep rising they stay in the exact same mmr when I jump 1k mmr above them


                        @OP I said you are legit 1k because I looked at one of your games and your last hits were low. Tips to improve: dont ask me im just 3k watch some VODS


                          I was once stuck in the trench like you bro. I started with 1599 MMR, and I am now at 3916 MMR. We both had a similar attitude - teammates sucks and I deserve better. I always believed this logic until I reached the 3k Bracket, then I realized that I was just of the same level as my teammates. Same mistakes and behavior. I sooner realized that my MMR long ago was fit for me. I then stopped complaining about my teammates and decided to focus on myself. If I deserved a higher MMR, my MMR will grow even with crappy teammates.

                          Also by the looks of it, your MMR fits your gameplay as of the moment.


                            @OP all the games you posted just proved my point... You do not farm the same speed as 3ks... but u could end up in 2k possibly. Of course though if you improve nothing is impossible even 5k


                              @Light i have Watched alot of dota games form 4k-5k range i would say that my lh are decent in some games, Some game Not all of them
                              when i play safe lane spec i need babysitting in early game so in my mmr bracket u cant find this u cant find good player to harras or stack and pull so u dont have safe farm u can watch a replay of some games i have played my avg lh is 180, also u have to know that sometimes i play support..
                              k the best thing that i can do is to stop crying about my mmr and stop saying team mates suck .
                              i know that i can improve more but i will take long ass time so i will work on myself the more i am better the more i can outplay my enemy.
                              but i am not going to play support at all not till i get out of mmr hell

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                              lm ao

                                just practice your execution and game sense
                                quite hard to explain though without writing at least 10 paragraphs but you have a lot of resources on the net available, and if you are really an industrious lad who loves to improve, then youll get out of 1k no time

                                in 1k though, its true that everyone just sucks at that tier, so you have to adapt really fast so you can start 1v5ing people
                                smurf if you want to learn but never abandon your main account


                                  I need to know if i make a smurf acc and my first match was with noobs and got high kda and high gpm would my next match be on hs or vhs bracket i really need to know

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                                    i rise from trench by lightning

                                    see you must destroy nubs by killing them over and over

                                    must kill nubs faster than your nub team feeds this is key must do lots of hero dmg nub team wont do dmg just walk in circle

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