General Discussion

General DiscussionHey 1k players - don't bother with picking support, just pick a whole...

Hey 1k players - don't bother with picking support, just pick a whole team of pub stompers in General Discussion

    So I played this game on my smurf because I wanted to practice stacking the jungle more as Medusa in preparation for 6.87 (since I think she has the potential to be one of the good 6.87 heroes when Invoker gets chucked in the bin).

    Allies pick Slark, Bloodseeker, Disruptor and Oracle. Two supports, 2 mid game snowball carries, one hard carry.

    Enemies pick Pudge, PA, Viper, Huskar, Nightstalker. All snowballers, not a single support.

    Our "supports" bought a courier, and no other support items like wards/smoke etc. Since they were 1k they started feeding very early on and of course there was no coordination. You can see the "farming efficiency" of 1k players - 1 cs per minute on our "carries" and me getting 66% of teams total farm - and this mind you was against a team of complete gankers (not a single bit of team fight between them, but because of my team mates utter moronity whenever I came to assist them they would mill about doing fuck all while I was stone gazing leading to me promptly dying after stone gaze ran out because the rest of our team would be running back to our tier 3 tower or some shit when I am fighting next to our tier 1...

    I almost positive that the bloodseeker had to be pinoy...I mean just look at that skill build. He was also sitting on nothing but treads the whole short game despite often having 1000+ gold in his inventory.

    Anyway point being if you 1k plebs pick "supports" and the enemy all pick snowball gankers, then you have no idea how to apply your superior team fight into wins since you all run around like headless chooks as soon as you fall somewhat behind. You can see I was able to keep the exp advantage approximately equal until about 16 minutes through my superior farming, but after that the enemies just ran over my team mates while all they did was feed.

    When 1ks pick supports not even a 3k player on a smurf can carry them. Don't support - only pick snowball gankers. Once you're at 2k you can consider picking a support hero again.

    yung griphook

      viper aghs lol


        I recommend supports like Abaddon, omni, undying, ...
        Buy the Currier and all the obs wards. (Buy dust against invis heroes only). Gank defensively (make sure the hardcarry doesn't suicide too much), and don't steal the farm in laning phase. Otherwise act like a core.
        No need to stack much- they won't use it
        No need to pull- the enemies will just push it to your tower anyways
        No need to deward- just not a worth while use of your time at this level

        Mike Wazowski..!

          Thumbrule of playing at 1k, never fight until you can single handedly trash them.. Split push until then.. No one is gonna stop you..

          Mike Wazowski..!

            And you went SnY on Dusa..which is questionable


              Accept the fact that you are not as good with Dusa as you think you are and keep practicing.

              я хуярю ртуть на открытом...

                He just wanted to buy necronomicon and keep Yasha, I believe.


                  if you cant win a game at 1k you actually belong to 1k


                    Aye, it's why I'm practicing on a smurf. Don't want to trash my winrate more than it already has been.

                    @ Potato...funny how I manage to maintain a consistent winrate at 3.4k then.

                    Or perhaps you would like to try playing Medusa against a line up of pa/huskar/viper/night stalker while your team does nothing but feed...and then subsequently run around like headless chooks whenever you try and come to help them.

                    Овај коментар је измењен

                      You're basically saying dusa isn't any good this patch. She can do really well mid against a lot of mid heroes, if played properly.

                      ASSESS Product


                        Look at this match. There isn't any right click heroes in my team and the last pick is random ogre ( seriously i really mad at him, i try my best to raise mmr and this fcking idiot just ruin my game). We manage to hold the game until 55+ min bcoz the enemy is too sutpid to not buy a bkb. They won the game bcoz they rat the throne, look our team advantage. Come on fellow 2k, pls dun fcking random in mmr especially the guys in last pick. Pls check enemy pick and try to counter pick them. Also look your team draft, what they lack, what the best combo etc.


                          tusk mid shadow blade gg


                            i love you, thanks


                              he only built yasha by the way, which is completely reasonable

                              Mike Wazowski..!

                                He has a 450 coin strength thing.. What is he building? Skull basher?