General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to know which support to pick in 2k shithole?

How to know which support to pick in 2k shithole? in General Discussion


    Generally if I am confused I pick Omni... Is that a good idea irrespective of enemy lineups?


      omni is awesome vs most lineups, but he has almost no potential to gank mid or do much without setup early.

      if the enemy has spectre or something weak in lane, go lich/sky offlane and try to slow them down.

      In 2K pushing is a huge problem for most players so if your team has weak tower dmg you can go shaman and take objectives.

      You honestly can't go wrong with omni though. (ignore my recent games tho lol)


        Problem with shaman is he is too squishy... I only pick shaman if i am party and my friend is playing ursa

        my favourite for ganks is Bane but I am not sure I build him to his full potential... lich is easy money but late game he is rather useless

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          Pick healers like omni amd necro. Thats what i do

          King of Low Prio

            play ogre then if u are bad at positioning because you can overcompensate a little with his tankiness

            Овај коментар је измењен

              shaman/cm/wd/lion are all insanely squishy but they have the disable or damage to make up for it. You can combo ss with ursa or jugg and win a lane pretty well.

              Lich is awful late game, but he will win almost any lane, so use this to win offlane vs spec/sven and buy your team time to push before the enemy carry gets big.


                well, counter pick should be okay if enemy team got a carry that use diffusal blade I think its better not to pick omni


                  In 2k, shitstains dont use diffusal to debuff omni ult

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    I have been stuck in 2k for 2 months. Omniknight is not the best in that shit hole bracket because then your team relies too much on your repel, and end up not planning to buy bkb.

                    Omni is a great support and has high odds of winning if you see wd, shaman, dp, or right-clickers on their team.

                    You're fucked if you're facing a silencer, skywrath (rare pick in 2k), or other silence/stun heroes that know what they're doing.

                    Again, it is 2k which is an ez bracket, but also difficult because you get paired with those ez's and have a game you can easily win go very wrong very fast.

                    Omni is great, but don't spam him. May be in 3k+ he is more spammable, but under 3k, I would choose wisely.

                    Crystal Maiden is the ba3. I would pick her if you have a nice line-up and the enemy line-up isn't too bad.
                    And please don't max E first and be useless in fights, sure you and your team will have nice mana regen but it doesn't mean shit when you can't harass as hard. Max your Q first, (get Arcane Aura at level 2) then start maxing out your Q then your E.

                    Who else is a solid support? Oh, shaman. Very versatile with two disables a nice nuke and push.

                    Lion is great against ursa. If you don't like ursa, just pick lion and you'll give him hell.

                    Silencer is good for a position 4. I have been trying to position 5 with him, and it has not been working out well. I win games, but they are painful sometimes.

                    I hope I didn't type too much and this gives you a little insight.


                      @King I intentionally fed that game

                      @Mocha Thnx I think i will pick CM and SS more

                      Овај коментар је измењен
                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        Yup. Look at King of Low Prio's link:

                        More than likely a 2k game, and no one on his team has bkb.

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          Well, the best advice I can give is: pick based off picks. If you're going to play omniknight, level repel first though


                            Often my 4 carries (thts the norm) dont pick stunner... so should i pick a stunner and not pick a healer? I find healers to be extremely effective as you can keep the noobs alive longer

                            Овај коментар је измењен
                            Covid Normie

                              I've had very good success with spamming Chen. Being able to ga k mid and safelane, heal your idiots, provide aura buffs and normally have enough gold for support items from tower gold. Would really recommend trying him out.


                                Did you really miss the link posted by King of Low Prio (AKA Sampdude) is a game from OP, who said right in the title of the thread that he's 2k, Frog avatar guy?

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  Yeah, try Ogre. He's tanky, stuns, slows (with DoT), and buffs. Very versatile support.
                                  Lion, and CM.

                                  CM is the ba3, broh.

                                  What's your party mmr if I may ask?
                                  I'll tell you mine: it's 2.7

                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                    Ooooo and Chen is very nice if you know how to play him. I need to practice Chen. That global ult is niiiiice.


                                      My party is around 2.2k, solo 2.1k... i suck hard with chen... cant control multiple units

                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        If you want you can add me and we can party up. That way you don't solo support. I solo support a lot of games I'm in the mood to support for and it's not fun.


                                          I play in SEA server though... I will add you once i go home... i can play with a slightly high ping... just give me your friend ID

                                          Овај коментар је измењен
                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            I can play on Japan server and prefer that server more than SEA. Try Japan server your ping should be about the same.

                                            Japan > SEA.

                                            SEA has a curse that will never get lifted.


                                              Lol... but how long do you have to que in Japan server? SEA is just toxic... but quality wise I think it is the same or slightly better than Dubai or India servers though

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                I can't play on those servers.
                                                As for Japan server queue is less than 10 minutes, depending on time of course. Sometimes at night it can take 30 minutes, but I live in US West so that's natural due to time difference.

                                                Augusto Pinochet

                                                  bane is best support, if u have at least 1 normal person at carr/mider position

                                                  Овај коментар је измењен

                                                    @ Mocha send me ur ID so I can add you


                                                      ^what do u expect with techies and sniper on ur team... im not tht bad

                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                        you sound like someone who makes alot of excuses


                                                          I didnt complain... ur picking on me needlessly... u were also 2k once

                                                          King of Low Prio

                                                            You complain about your teams picks but think PPD is drafting for your opponents. I get alot of 4 core teams in 4k (including sniper and teckies). You are SUPPOSE to carry your teammates (whatever role) if you want to increase your mmr and if you can't it means you should not rise.


                                                              Well 4 carries is a given so i take it for granted... but techies sniper combined retard autistic shitstain picks happen every 10 games or so... so no use complaining.. just 2k things

                                                              ASSESS Product

                                                                Pick es and make sure you have other dsabler like ss. After lvl 3 just roam and always SOD gank mid. In 2k this will work pretty well. I'm sure most 2k think that you can see SOD through ward+sentry. So use this advantage.

                                                                Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                  Oh! Sentry wont detect SOD? U just increased my mmr by 500 dude

                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                    Im sure you also rarely see SOD gank mid and roamer supporter in your game. Just try to intimidate those 4k-5k playstyle in 2k game.

                                                                    ASSESS Product

                                                                      But im still not sure if SOD wont cancel if there are invi enemy hero nearby


                                                                        They dont put a sentry in mid anyways... so i will try those really aggresive playstyles in my next few games... and comeback with the results ... thnx guys :)


                                                                          Let's face it, your team mates are idiots who will overextend and won't buy bkbs.

                                                                          Omni does a great job of saving your insane teammates after they make stupid decisions.

                                                                          Make sure you rush aghs down here because I guarantee you will need your ulti to save them on the other side of the map.

                                                                          Would omni have such a high vhs win rate if od wasn't a thing?


                                                                            are you kidding me
                                                                            there is no support in 2k games

                                                                            King of Low Prio

                                                                              I got plenty of supports while boosting my girls account thru 2k

                                                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                @Mamacharii :angry: I am a great support in 2k (that belongs in 3k at the least) that gets his heart broken when his carry does not preform well or instantly crys about something minor to which I insta-mute.

                                                                                King of Low Prio

                                                                                  There are zero good support players in 2k. 2k players can play core roles okish but they have zero clue how to support.


                                                                                    Go play Oracle. Go arcanes, blink, mek and euls. Depending on the line up get an oov early. Harass the lane and drop your flames on the enemy.

                                                                                    Watch my games to get a feel of him. Road to 1000 Oracle games!

                                                                                    ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                      Supports like shaman and cm are too greedy to work consistently in 2k. You are more dependent on your mid and even offlane teammates dictating the tempo with ganks and lane rotations, otherwise you are just sitting in lane leeching exp and not getting your levels quick enough. And in 2k SEA people play passive a lot, so less ganks => less snowball => underleveled support.

                                                                                      I am surprised no one has mentioned Witch Doctor or bounty. These are the heroes which:

                                                                                      1. Dont need a lot of farm and levels to be effective unlike omni

                                                                                      2. Punish poor positioning and inability to disengage properly

                                                                                      3. Bounty can even solo kill if played properly

                                                                                      Or alternative solution OP, play cores. I played a lot of bloodseeker and viper at high 2k and low 3k. These heroes are fantastic at solo kills in the lower tier, and the snowball is great because these heroes peak earlier than shitstains like legion you see in every other match in SEA.

                                                                                      Овај коментар је измењен
                                                                                      King of Low Prio

                                                                                        2k bounty players trigger me


                                                                                          Im gonna say Oracle. But I've just played as Oracle twice. Lol

                                                                                          ROAD TO HERALD 0

                                                                                            Lol Oracle is not a low skill cap hero. Probably a bad idea for OP to pull it out in ranked games without any practice or coaching.


                                                                                              Im no 2k , but ill definitely suggest bounty hunter. The shit fits at any lineup plus vision is a problem in lower brackets. They tend to ignore invis ppl even if it kills dem. Just go full support and rush mek. Dont forget to roam mid every single rune time.

                                                                                              Execute Order 322

                                                                                                Just spam Abaddon


                                                                                                  Any support manipulating HP pool will be strong in 2k bracket due to natural underestimation of healing mechanism by lower skill players.

                                                                                                  1. Abbadon - i can guess how they refill you to full HP on ultimate. Also underestimation of aphotic shield can be noticed severely.
                                                                                                  2. Omniknight - +360 to your carry and -360 to offlaner. Healing creep during last hit which nukes shit out of enemy offlaner. Someone mentioned diffusal blade usage, i guess 1/20 people in 2k knows that diffusal can purge omni spells. And 1/50 will actually try to use it.
                                                                                                  3. Necrophos same story as omniknight, additionally OP ultimate.
                                                                                                  4. Dazzle - imagine Shallow Grave baites in this bracket.

                                                                                                  ASSESS Product

                                                                                                    Most 2k bh and necro always trigger me with their bullshit dagon build.