General Discussion

General DiscussionWho is the most BS hero in dota?

Who is the most BS hero in dota? in General Discussion

    In other words. Who is the most annoying, win through cheap tricks, why does this exist, hero?



      Eternal Meow

        All of them

        Tresdin Aznable

          I think pudge can be on of the more BS heros in the game. But only if you actually can play him. Lol not that he sucks or is cheap. just highly annoying to fight if not handle properly

          Pale Mannie

            WR with that bullshit BAT bullshit attack animation bullshit range and that BULLSHIT SHACKLE THAT STUNS YOU FOR ETERNITIES

            even Shadow Shamans shackle is feeling shorter

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              Either techies or rapier arc warden

              Dire Wolf

                well techies duh, but for normal matches invoker. Too many fucking spells, spells for everything. Cold snap is bs, his euls into meatball combo is bs, deafening roar is total bs in a group fight. This hero is just retarded, only tempered by the fact that most players can't pull it off.

                waku waku

                  atm it's spectre

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Tinker. He owns you with your rocket/laser combo. You cant micro coz of the 2/3/4/5 sec blind. A good tinker is very difficult to deal with unless your a Lanaya

                    Dune, the Desert Planet

                      Blood Seeker is the most BS hero.

                      Shadow Moon

                        techies pre patch


                          Slark the most BS hero in dota. He moves max speed, can attack and cast while remaining impossible to target even with true sight, and heals 2X the rate of heart for free anytime you can't see him.

                          He also has invulnerability to every disable but black hole and chronosphere on a 6 second cd. That's broken.

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                          Dune, the Desert Planet

                            If I was mod I would order that tongues of normal skilled be cut out.


                              Invoker because fuuuck that guy is slippery