General Discussion

General DiscussionEarthshaker's Aghs 6.87 Your Opinion?

Earthshaker's Aghs 6.87 Your Opinion? in General Discussion

    I think it's just so stupid...the animation make the hero so silly...

    I every fucking game there is es on


      But it's so fun!

      Jumping gorilla! =)

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        Its quite funny actually..but its becoming annoying..lul volvo

        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

          It's a good choice if you have dagger and you're against heroes which canceling your blink dagger.


            useless in most of games

            BSJ. LGD

              It's the most fun thing ever dude, u have to play it to understand

              sin blyadi

                Only for escpaing death when you've broken out of Dark Reef


                  OSFrog wants to implement himself as a hero. Before you know it we'll have the icy earthshaker set and earthshaker will become liiteraly OsFrog


                    I dont like it . I mean srsly how can he fly without wings without something that pushs him up thats just as u said stupid
                    Dont get me wrong im not that guy who always says "OMG THEY DOTA IS FUCKED UP AFTER THIS FUCKIN UPDATE"


                      Sorry for my bad english (sorry for my bad english)


                        how is he flying again? he just jumps, he has legs doesnt he?

                        and its not bad at all. cant disable it unlike blink, and with 5 sec cd its actually quite good.

                        you can skip dagger alltogether now.


                          Everyone can jump that high right ?
                          I still dont like
                          I dont like you


                            He actually shake the ground very hard until its blow him up. Lol

                            Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                              You can't skip Blink because an instant initiation will always be better than one that takes 1 second (or however long it is) to get to the target area. One problem I see in the future of low MMR pubs (where I hail from) is people will always jump with Enchant Totem, even in situations where it would be better just to do a regular one because they don't know how to self cast it. Valve just made Earthshaker a better hero, but for people that main ES (like me), it's gonna take a little while for them to completely change their mechanics and the way they itemize the hero, because now the debate is, should Aghs always be your second item after Blink? We'll see how this patch plays out, but I wouldn't be surprised if they nerf the Aghs slightly in a future patch

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                              Merve Dibo & the Podracin...

                                Also another thing to keep in mind is that this Aghs would have been even better had they not nerfed Zeus's Static Field. If the passive still disabled Blinks, you would see a lot of ES players rushing the item, however, since they removed that aspect of Zeus, the Aghs can be considered situational 100% of the time imo. I'm too tired to think of any heroes where you'd have to rush Aghs first thing, comment below if you think have an answer


                                  So does the Echo Slam scepter old buff for twice more waves still stand with this new jump thing or not?


                                    Hahah light, good one mate!!!!

                                    ♏mikeeCS ツ

                                      @emotionaldrift : nope. No twice echo damage with scepter.
                                      Only that jumping gorilla (or jumping frog? LeL)


                                        5s cd?
                                        shaker mage be like


                                          Guys, come on.... shaker grew by 15% in pickrate but dropped by 1.5% in winrate, so don't worry, nothing has changed.

                                          Totentanz to The King: M ...

                                            If one more person rushes this in my games, I will most certainly need help.

                                            lm ao

                                              Hes dunking on his delegates :^)


                                                y u hatin' on meme shaker :v shits funny to watch enemy or team mate.

                                                Dire Wolf

                                                  It's worse than blink initiation and the stats aren't that necessary for es so I don't get why it's better than just going blink plus some other 2k item like veil.