General Discussion

General DiscussionNerf Blademail.

Nerf Blademail. in General Discussion

    As per topic. Many times opponents were outfarmed and suddenly they come up with 5 blademails and we cant win fights. Or the game drags on because we cant do shit to them and engagement ends before they even started. For eg: Invoker combos, 3 blademails pop, invoker dead. Luna aghanim ults an area, blademail pops, luna is dead. This item is way overpowered.


      buy bkb on invoker and luna.
      donöt thank me for the mmr

      sin blyadi

        Bkb blocks bm if initial damage doesnt penetrate bkb


          idk why u want to nerf it when ur recently build it but losing.


            ^ i built it because i have no money to build anything. we already lost all raxes by that time.

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              i agree with the op. its totally unfair that the other team can buy blademail but his team can't.


                rocket, it's funny that you're sarcastic but actually make no sense. all i'm saying is you get a shitton of items and they pop blademail and that's it for you. not sure if im right but you sound like, my team is overfarmed, they buy blademail, hey we buy blademail too.


                  idk why u want to nerf the blademail, when ur recently build the blademail on ur bb, but losing ur games. kys


                    @Mashiro I dont know which part is hard to understand. i built it AFTER we already lost our raxes when i had money from killing someone with a beyond godlike streak. But maybe reading and understanding is not your forte so.. tata.


                      Yea they should make it return less damage, I agree.


                        Blademail is core item for Pudge and somewhat situational, but good for Alch and Doom. So, it wasn't like they moved far away from their general itembuilds just to counter you.


                          @Soultrap yeah i understand, im not saying we played well but somehow it just feels overpowered. I posted it after my game were my team's luna stood in fountain and casted his ulti on the 4 people who were raxing us and he died. Just seems, op.


                            New Blademail may look OP for some heroes, but at the same time Huskar devilishly laughs: "Pure damage no more!"


                              it needed a buff but it is a bit too strong for the price atm.


                                But you can't buy Blademail on Lion with a plan to use your ~700 HP as source of damage, right? This item is strong, but very situational.


                                  I didn't realise blade mail forced you to attack the target?
                                  Oh wait laaa... it doesn't....


                                    ^He meant the auto-attack kinda spell: luna ulti, invoker combo, etc.


                                      BM is a serious problem on Axe/LC if you're playing a huge "burst" melee carry like PA/Sven. Despite BKB you're still reflecting more damage than you can take.
                                      I'd say BM buff is indirect buff to heroes that are invulnerable like Jug/Riki/Storm or even Brew.


                                        Like Tiesto said above, BKB will block the reflected damage from Luna's ult and most of invokers combo. The heroes blademail really hurts are the glass cannon right clickers like Sniper, Drow, Morph and PA. And even then they can just switch targets.

                                        @Soultrap: I once saw a position 5 WD get blademail and kill an enemy drow with it. But that's only because she had Shadowblade, Phase boots and double Daedalus and was running around with just over 900 HP. She killed herself so fast she didn't have time to react XD


                                          Having a strong blademail item is a great balance to any imba spells in the game as it requires the victim to build a counter to their own spells. I honestly think it is fine how it is. If it didn't have this effect of balancing overly powerful spells then yes, it should be nerfed but it performs an important role imo.


                                            Blademail is a good counter to aids rightclickers who buy bkb and you cant normally kill ssuch as sniper PA basiically all the 1k heroes get destroyed cos they pop bkb and keep hitting you with blade mail on

                                            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                              I think blademail could use a nerf.
                                              I mean it's just dumb how it makes you attack the people that pop blademail.
                                              Oh wait...


                                                Its just morons who cant wait fucking 5 seconds to click on people


                                                  You think blaidmail is bad in low MMR brackets? Try playing with idiots against a Dazzle. They focus the other team's Carry, then keep focusing on him after Dazzle Shallow-Graves him. For 5 seconds, they continue to focus the Carry that is pretty much already dead. Then they lose the team-fight, and all of the idiots blame each other...
                                                  Those are the morons I see on a daily basis.

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                                                  Чому не державною

                                                    its a GG


                                                      i still rmb the time when i use clock ... but ivk like to aim me ( i hv no idea why )
                                                      ivk come to me again ... eul me , hehee... just active bm n follow fireball , oh wait... ivk haven die, ulti him = he is dead :D

                                                      btw , i dont think bm deserve nerf.. it's just fine

                                                      registered flex offender

                                                        It should be purgeable

                                                        Guy Riki

                                                          Bm too weak. Maybe item should give +25 to all stats. 20 hp regen and lower cd of all spells by 35%.

                                                          To balance that, increase cost of bm by 500 gold.

                                                          Fee Too Pee


                                                            Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                              axe is now 100% brainless, blink - blademail - taunt (common mistake in <6.86)
                                                              hit for 10 dmg, return 100, dumb item for brainless heroes and ofc bkb is no longer an option because return and bash > all
                                                              Buff it again pls, need few more reasons to uninstall, probably every other moba is more skill dependent right now, gj random 3k mmr valve guy who s ruining icefrog s masterpiece. Meta s been so trash since ti4.

                                                              10x for your comments Mashiro you actually gave me all syndromes possible. Your logic was so fascinating all my pets N friends committed mass sudoku before even make it to Fee Too Pee's comment. Honorable mentions: Mocha Bloke, The Kappa guy, Rocket, Finding a match - n1 guys, I'm done for the day.

                                                              "idk why u want to nerf it when ur recently build it but losing."

                                                              You are now a proud member of my personal hall of fame, gratz

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                                                              Optimus Drip

                                                                I mean. I am glad it peirces bkb now. It makes it easier to counter hard carries.


                                                                  they should have kept blademail how it was last patch, blocked by bkb and 13 second cooldown, its always been a good item but never game breaking like old euls and bloodstone

                                                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                    Return the old bloodmail. Its so imba against tank heroes that it can use as a weapon against strong carries at measly 2200 gold!?

                                                                    My last game as Riki, I rush to buy Satanic just to counter Timbersaw with a Blademail. Luckily we still win.

                                                                    But my game as Lanaya, we have the advantage. Naix cant fight me face to face but at one point, he buys a cheap blademail and he turn my Lanaya into a helpless girl. They made a comeback and we loss. Before his blademail, I'm owning him.

                                                                    Yeah people will say 'then dont attack if he activate blademail'. I know that shit, so I walk around doing nothing and having a naix scratching my back for bout 5sec and before I know it I'm dead. My 28k net worth lanaya lose to a 19k net worth naix with blademail.

                                                                    Just return the old blademail, where you can counter it with spell immunity. Or atleast make it more expensive. That item is OP for tank and natural blademail buyer (Clockwork, Axe, LC).