General Discussion

General DiscussionSlark counter??

Slark counter?? in General Discussion

    Man this lil guy is unstoppable with echo sabre skadi and bkb... And his q is annoying -.-


      Tiny, good Pudge, Queen of Pain with Silence, Antimage, Void if he's retarded.


        good on your, the 2 heroes that diserve the most a nerf are slark counter (void and doom)


          void will shit on slark and so as doom as well as blood cyka

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            LC, burst damage

            Fee Too Pee

              Antimage , Void , and FUCKING AXE COUNTER SLARK FROM THE FUCKING BEGGINING TO LATE GAME. slark cannot farm , cannot hit axe , cannot purge call , basically a dead fish , oh and huskar is gonna work too since slark cannot do burst physical damage

              i like the name at my top btw lawl. jk huskar already balanced and well place for me

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                Slark shits on Axe lategame actually.He's free essense shift bag for him, if he itemizes good for it.

                Antimage does counter him, but it can go both ways. It depends on team.

                Void counters him, but Slark can also kill him. Kinda same as for antimage.

                Even in laning phase, good Slark will find the way to kill Axe once, and after that it'll be noticable easier to fuck him again.

                I don't think there's direct counter to him if Slark is good player.


                  Thanks guys


                    doom him, chrono him


                      how does doom counter him?
                      doesn't he like.. run away when he jukes in the middle of trees? or am i missing something?


                        dunno, any hero who have long range disable or disables that ignore pact is good against slark


                          now when i think about it, i don't understand how void hard counters slark either

                          Livin' Real Good

                            Invoker: Just deals with him very well, cause he's invoker.

                            Storm: Fast enough of orchid (especially BloodThorne) you can shit on him before he dark pacts or ults. He can also escape pounces thanks to ball lightning, or chase Slark very well before he disappears into the fog of war when your team is chasing him.

                            I really want to say BloodSeeker, but he was just nerfed so hard, and didn't really get ANY indirect buffs from items, but maybe a good BloodSeeker can just focus on rupturing him all game, and annoying the shit out of him when he can't heal cause of thirst.

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                              i wouldn't call him a hard counter but void is pretty obnoxious to play against if you're slark

                              time dilation makes you have to go manta or bkb if you want to be able to reliably dark pact/leap

                              void can easily escape from your own leap/pact combos without taking damage

                              if you get chronoed you're pretty much dead if his team is with him. best case scenario is that you shadow dance right before he chronos and pray that you can get out of your sticky situation afterwards


                                Or you eat a satyre, and purge slark so he cann't run :D (troll is enough though)

                                You'll pee on him during laning phase anyway


                                  Axe is strong against slark with the new blademail and if axe gets force staff which is an ok item on axe he can call you during your ult and drag you back with your high ms. And even if he doesnt get that golden chance, his call is more than enough to fuck slark up. Doom stops slark from engaging but probably not enough to kill him like he kills all other heroes. Void's time dilation is very annoying against slark if he catches him while his spells are on cd which is oretty common not to mention chronosphere and time walk which makes void the ultimate slark counter.
                                  Riki also rapes slark.

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                                    All you need to do is get the jump on slark first, doom purty good, axe purty good, slardar purty good, also making sure he doesnt get pick offs and free farm is always an option


                                      PHANTOM LANCER IS ASS RAPE FOR SLARK


                                        Doom, Void, Riki messes with his early farm and still annoys him late game as well.


                                          AA also kinda destroys slark.


                                            Antimage if your looking for carry , Riki or void if offlane .

                                            Dire Wolf

                                              slark is actually pretty weak in lane early, he's squishy, doesn't do that much dmg since a lot of his gank dmg depends on burst from abilities mid game which aren't leveled yet, and essence shift later, which isn't stacked in lane. So make his lane hard, duo offlanes that pressure hard. Slark can farm decently but doesn't recover like a sven can. Fuck his lane and put him behind and make it hard, then don't feed him cus he can solo kill most supports with just shadowblade.


                                                Chaos Knight, If you don't stun while dark pact is active .


                                                  Whenever an enemy picks tinker or slark I just pick safelane or mid storm and it's ezpz

                                                  Big Daddy Pudge




                                                      Pale Mannie

                                                        Slark cant do shit without his regen


                                                          Gosh people u counter slark with supports mostly, not carries. 2 supports in team that can stack disables after he debuffs the first one, is usually enough.

                                                          eg. Lion, bane, lina

                                                          Also good silencers or with some AOE

                                                          - Ebola spirit
                                                          - Puck
                                                          - Quop

                                                          Овај коментар је измењен

                                                            slark is good escaper hero.
                                                            harrass slark before him get shadow blade or blink dagger.
                                                            usually slark play at safelane, ur team should pick ranged carry.
                                                            heroes like necrophos, windranger, and venomancer.

                                                            slark can detect ward, so put ward on unusual place.

                                                            if slark already fat, just stick together with ur teammate.

                                                            Story Time

                                                              slark is overrated, just have disables and he is good to die.

                                                              sin blyadi

                                                                Antimage, apparition, axe. Thats all. Silences sometimes might work but i wouldnt recommend to rely on it


                                                                  Void, doom, magnus, winter, blood, PL, AA, AM and many.

                                                                  Speak English, Pick Stuns

                                                                    Problem with slark is he is basically impossible to counter 1v1. It requires teamwork which is not available in lower level pubs. Furion with orchid and any gank hero is going to wreck slark


                                                                      good Disruptor.


                                                                        Faceless void is a good counter and he is in meta


                                                                          And the problems and threads with slark shall continue till he gets the biggest nerf OSfrog has ever given to a hero!


                                                                            bs with aghs. hurrdurr