General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp with Meepo!!

Help with Meepo!! in General Discussion

    Ever since I saw w33 and Notail play him, I instantly fell in love with this hero. I have been trying my hardest to perfect this bitch, his farm patterns, timings, micro. I stopped playing him 3 months ago because he was just kept getting nerfed in every patch and of course because im just a 1.8K scrub who doesn't know what he's doing.
    Recently, I have been wanting to play him again so I tried playing a bot match with him but it seems that I just don't know what i'm doing anymore. There just aren't many Meepo guides out there.
    If there are any of you who would like to help a fellow player out, any advice would be appreciated. Farming, item timings, when to rotate, which meepo goes where, anything.

    Yeah I know im a noob T_T.

    Moon Moon

      I am afraid I cant help you much. All I can do is share my experience with meepo: You need to invest much more time to be able to play this one than the others. I tried to learn him several times now and had to start over in many bot matches because you unlearn this hero soo fast again. Keep going and use the source(s of the internet)!


        watch replays
        best thing to work on as a low level meepo player to win games is not micro, but item timings and farm
        if u get 15 min treads agha blink you have insane kill potential
        practice this until you consistently have at least 160 cs in 20 minutes (try in lobby first)
        and you will improve over time

        some random tips
        dont die
        2 meepos: lasthit with 1, stack jungle with 2 until lvl7, at lvl 7 poof waves -> poof jungle -> send 1 meepo in base/bottle him -> repeat
        3 meepos: 2 clear jungle, 1 ganks or lasthit lane
        buy treads and switch them
        dont die
        your goal every game should be getting blink+aghs ASAP -> kill 1 or 2 people -> roshan -> push


          @Birdperson Yeah I know what you mean man. I didn't play meepo consistently and I really did feel my performance getting worse and worse. I'll make sure to play him more consistently TY.

          @Reese Thanks for the advice man. This will certainly help. :D


            stack eblades, low mmr scroobs dont know how much a single meepo can hit for when you have the agi

            double poof wave then jungle early
            stack with clone(s)

            go agressive at 3 if you're mid
            rush treads aghs and blink and aim for at the least 18 minutes and ez kills from there
            kills > push or kills > rosh > push

            usually i buy an eaglesong for rosh so its around 19-22 minutes you can take it real fast

            bongo advice from chinky pub meepo spammer


              @as salty as me pops pool Thanks for the advice man, I'll be sure to fill my stash and inventory with eaglesongs and eblades XD.

              Just a random question to anyone. - What situation do I buy TPboots over treads??


                Don't go the blink/hex route to start with. The last thing you need is more micro to worry about. Just get aghs,bots and stack agi items. Personally I prefer diffusal to eblade as you get them sooner. Remember with 5 meepos you get 5x the damage from agility. Can easily Backdoor with two diffusals.

                Keep the meepos together to start with and when you are comfortable try splitting them into two groups and then more etc.

                Meepo isn't any harder than most other heroes to be effective with. You don't need insane micro to win with him (of course his skill cap is insane but his skill floor is not much different to other heroes)


                  Power treads if you plan to fight, if you're playing beginner meepo then you want boots of travel. With all the separate cool downs and poof you can farm the entire map continually.

                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                    You should definitely invest time into learning how to farm multiple lanes with a BoT rush. Stacking agi items is also good.just dont mind my meepo games, i know i need to practice as well.


                      What's your mmr?


                        @Luxon like I said, I'm a poor 1.8K scrub that doesn't know what he's doing.


                          I would add when not to pick meepo:

                          - as first pick
                          - as second pick
                          - as third pick
                          - as 4th pick

                          Always last pick or pick any other hero.


                          - n1 - Sven
                          - PA - evasion + bkb
                          - AXE
                          - i also find Ursa hard to play against with meepo
                          - Decent Earth Spirit
                          - Earthshaker
                          - Witch Doctor
                          - Lich
                          - Generally teams oriented on aoe spells, cos single Lich or ES isn't that of a threat

                          When to pick meepo:

                          - against carries like: TA, jugger, WK, Alchem, Antimage, Spectre, Windrunner(not a pure carry), clinkz, DK, Shadow Fiend, Huskarr
                          - against single target supports or nukers eg. Bane, lion, zeus, necro, AA, shaman, rubick etc
                          - against heros that rely on chanelling spells - net stops it eg. Crystal Maiden, pudge
                          - against high mobile heros that rely on blink/going invi/run fast - net prevents it - Night Stalker, Quop, Seer, AM, Nyx, Riki, BH, Clinkz, Spirit Breaker, Storm - only if u can get Schyte of Vise before he gets linkens, Broodmother, Lycan
                          - against heros that rely on summons eg. Beastmaster, Chen

                          Овај коментар је измењен

                            Well, I think the best thing for you would be to get fast boots of travel -> aghs -> 3 dragon lances -> get money for buyback + aegis -> end the game.


                              oh yeah, I have been seeing a lot of dragon lances being picked up by Meepos, what's up with that????




                                  @sorry i'm gigabad TY.


                                    im not a meepo player but some people prefered going dragon lance and finishing the game with it since you can farm it insanely fast with meepo


                                      The thing is that you get +45 str and agi for the cost of skadi and the benefit it gives out-weight the loss when you have to sell them for lux items.


                                        its 2016 and people still say meepo dragon lance is bad LUL


                                          holy shit, I just realized how much stats dragon lance actually gives. I'll definitely be trying it out