General Discussion

General Discussioninternational ranked

international ranked in General Discussion

    4 straight wins with 2 stomps STILL AT 4,1K. REAL MMR 4,530
    idk why but i thought atleast this game would increase the average at 4,2k or something


      You have to beat 6k players to go above 4.2 even then its hard.


        Yep, AdmiralBulldog just calibrated 4300 and he is 7600 main so dont expect much.. xD

        IMO this is for 1k,2k,3k players! SoBayed

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          it's retarded, don't even ask questions
          i have 5k and i'm getting 4100 too and i won almost all games


            ^ Why do u even waste time for that matches ? :)

            it was obvious its created for 1-2-3k players.

            acc buyers in my team

              Calibrated at 4.3k so ya, no way in hell that u are going to calibrate much higher.


                Everybody get 4.1k now?
                I just played vs a guy with 31% win rate:

                I'm 4.6k, BTW...

                Al Bundy

                  The fact that he has access to int ranking when your guy doesnt even have access to normal ranking is fucking horrible.
                  ALso international ranked seems fucked up.
                  I play 2 good games very good calibration games 3.8k solo here.
                  First one put me in 4k average second one in 3k(second game kda of 29)
                  Then it puts me into 2k average the 3rd game after winning with really good score.
                  This shit is fucked up.
                  So many unwinnable games with total noobs in international ranked.
                  Like this one.
                  26/6/20 as lifestealer.
                  Rubbick fed entire game and admitted at the end its his first time rubbick which made sense since he was playing like 1 mmr.
                  In general how he can win games is a fucking mircale to me looking into his buff hes doing all around shit even if he wins hes doing horrible 70 % of the won games. with bad scores.
                  Lots of players like rubbick on international ranked.

                  I never thought id say this but i prefer normal ranked mmr atleast at 3.8k on asia server(not eu fucking riddled with account buyers) is somewhat balanced.

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                    ^BTW, I don't have compendium.

                    Al Bundy

                      don't post in int ranking then @Soultrap


                        ^So, it's completely OK for me to meet a guy with 31% win rate at 4.6k MMR ranked matchmaking?
                        ...and compendium did nothing to make it happen?

                        Al Bundy


                          No its fucked up either way i know lots of 2k guys who would probably own like hell at 4k average because they are that good.
                          But they are stuck in 2k because they arent good enough to win 1 v 5 with 4 totally retarded teammates feeding, i dont doubt even most 4k players have problems with that kinda shit though cause 1 v 9(4 feeders your team) is only winnable sometimes if the enemy team has no one your skill.
                          I was stuck in 2k for a long time till i finally made it out solo with lifestealer they just cant counter him at all at 2k.

                          Still someone with 31 % winrate should not be in vhs ranked.
                          I think if you got under 40 % winrate you should just be not allowed to play ranked till you reach 41 % boy would that make games more balanced.
                          he seems to be doing good though in those games so atleast something.
                          Most winrates under 40 i have seen was 1/19 or 1/25 by the end of the game.
                          Also if you play eu 10 % of players are account buyers.
                          I started playing asia cause the amount of 4k eu players with 500 mmr skill was too high..
                          Asia is basically almost no smurfs.


                            Clearly we are talking about INTERNATIONAL Ranked MM not a regular one, please read before you post xD

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                            Al Bundy

                              I said the same emotional but int ranked is the same eu almost unplayable asia somewhat playable.