General Discussion

General DiscussionInternational Ranked Log

International Ranked Log in General Discussion
>tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

    Just going to update this per International Ranked Match that is TBD

    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      So I did my first calibration match.
      I was thinking about choosing Sven, but the other team got him first, so I picked LC instead.
      Needless to say I won the match, but that is not what is important (well, it is)
      The two with the highest mmr were both TBD, however the average mmr was 2.8k so I'm 100% it was a Normal Skill Game.
      I have a feeling I'm going to be in the same mmr. I only think that because the average mmr should kind of tell you where you're going to be.

      I checked most of the players profiles, and most of them had 3.2 - 3.5k solo mmr, not sure about the others since they did not share that info, may be they were they were the 2k players that made the average mmr 2.8k

      Despite that I am queuing my next Calibration Match to see if the Average MMR increased or decreased.

      I will keep track of other players displayed info (e.g. matches played, commends, solo mmr, first match date)

      And I might get a little pissed and flame here and there so if anyone reads this they are slightly entertained.

      That's all I have for now. The next note will be posted in roughly an hour.


        dont worry about it, my first match was 3k avg and i calibrated at around 4.1. am sure you'll do fine


          (Console): No one hears you.


            Pick support. ez calibration

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              Okay, so now the fucking players are around 2.5k and 2.8k..

              I'm a little salty about that but the average mmr is still 2.8k and this time I'm the one with the highest mmr with the TBD tagged on my name.
              I picked Sven. I always ban slark, but anyway, let's see how this game goes.

              We fucking lost.
              I knew it, why do fucking scrubs in 2k NOT know how to handle and shut down a slark? We had a nightstalker and the stupid fgt wouldn't silence omni, making their teamfight even more insane.

              Well. We lost. We had a great fucking early game and around 14 minutes in they decide to 5 man.

              You know what I fucking hate? Idiots. Who the fuck bans ALCH? He's not even that hard to shut down. He's definitely easier to deal with than a fucking fed slark.

              Anyway, my game is updating, and I'm going to queue again to see how much I dropped since I went 3 - 5.

              I'm just going to spam slark.
              Sven is my best hero, but there are a lot of fgt windrangers lately. I don't know why since WR is trash, but it's happening.

              I'm satly as fuck and will probably lose my next ranked game because of this.


                nc sven no dag and sny, ez kite

                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                  Okay, so slark is certainly BANNED this time. Thank fucking goodness. This game I'm going as Weaver. Strangely enough I think we lose. Not sure. The other team has 2 or 3 4k players. And the rest are 3k.
                  Oh, but one guy is 2.2 so nevermind.

                  The average mmr is STILL 2.8. I do not understand this bullshit, but at least I didn't drop super hard which is the good news I guess. So now I'm not so salty. Anyway, let's see how this goes.
                  Oh, the dude with the highest mmr on the other team is 3.8k, so some of those blokes are in a party.

                  So far this game is going quite well. I forget that weaver is the next annoying fuck. I should have picked him my last game since he can handle slark quite well (at least in my experience).
                  Our team is doing great. I even dominated my lane with Jakiro.
                  Seeing as how the 3.8k guy is the highest mmr on the other team, this is either a high skill game, or very high skill. I can't remember the threshold. It's 3.9 for very high skill, right? Anyway, we're in the middle of a pause since our Jakiro disconnected. All I know is that both teams are very coordinated, so this is definitely not a normal skill game which makes me happy despite my frustration and rage last game. Our invo is setting up an orchid too so we can constantly get qop. He's almost done with it, this shit is exciting. So. Still paused... but I will continue to write more.

                  All right, so we won. And I forget this small fact: even though the highest mmr on the other team was 3.8k, the average mmr was 2.8k, so it was probably a normal skill game unfortunately for me. But I'm not sure if that shows if I'm going anywhere or not? It was plenty better than my last game, that's for sure. Everyone was 3k+ except for like 2 people.

                  So I'm going to play some more, however my gf is hungry and wants to eat food with me. I just want to play more dotes, but I guess it will have to wait. My next match will be in a few hours, and so will the updates on the notes. I might stop playing ranked if it hits around 11pm since in California, around 11pm is when the pairings are entirely based on luck. And usually, you get paired with some difficult people. At least in low 3k.

                  Thanks for everyone commenting and enjoying this so far.
                  2 - 1 games on, 7 solo calibration games left.

                  I will update soon!
                  Time to get stoned and eat food.

                  Lets do Science

                    Wowie. A 2k complaining about other 2ks being 2ks.

                      Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                        I'm back. Television and getting stoned and eating food with the gf was fun. Now to get back to business.
                        Time to queue for game 4.
                        Today has been pretty cool with recalibrating, I was at 218 commends and now I have 222. I hope to get more. Anyway I'm looking for a match and will update in the next hour or so.

                        I'm pretty excited now since we stomped a mostly 4k team. (their solo mmr's were 4k)
                        Hopefully the average mmr increases, but this calibration is interesting.
                        It's confusing and has been of interest to all players for years.

                        I've decided that if I get around the same mmr (low 3k) or higher, it won't matter since I'm 3k, and if I get 3k for international rank then I can play with ranked and mmr more. Not sure if that made any sense or not, but I do not care.

                        Found a game and I'm going weaver again. Asshole slark is for certain banned again. THANK ZEUS.

                        I died for my second time in this game.
                        We are DESTROYING.
                        And this time the average mmr increased. Finally seeing some difference here.

                        Awesome! So this match we utterly destroyed and controlled. I highly doubt my next game will be that easy, but it's nice.

                        I just searched for another game and found one as I was typing this.
                        As usual, you will hear from me in about an hour again with this thread being updated.

                        IDK, let me know what else you guys would like to know about the matches.



                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                            So I'm weaver... again. I did not get a chance to see the average mmr since I was on here typing. Typing will be reduced. We're in the middle of a pause since the Ursa needs to reconnect.
                            Oh, and slark, spectre and someone else were banned.
                            The line up's are pretty interesting.
                            I missed the average mmr, but someone in game told me 2.9. So despite the epic easy win, still around the same average.

                            We won!
                            The game was a fun stomp. I mid against storm, and he talked smack when he killed me once at mid around the 3 or 4 minute mark.
                            He had sents at mid and I knew. So I ganked his top, killed them, then went back mid and killed him 3 times and he lost mid. Fun stuff. The storm was VERY in denial. I'm pretty sure he reported me, but I'm pretty sure at least 2 people in his team reported him.

                            Well, the queue begins! I am waiting for yet another match right now, I will update in about an hour since I want to see where the average mmr stands. This will probably be my last international queue for the day since I'm in a very good mood and have been lucky to get great teammates.

                            I will report average mmr and all that good stuff. But with yet another stomp I hope to have increased more in mmr. I'm thinking of playing a different hero, but I heard spamming a hero you are good and comfy with is the way to go.

                            Thanks for following, and happy laning!


                              If its like normal ranked calibration then it wont matter if you won or lost but how well YOU performed...

                              So if you are not HIGHEST TBD in your team most of the matches then you are not going higher I guess.

                              Овај коментар је измењен
                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                Sweeet. So I forgot to ban since I was a little distracted so now I have picked Slark for this game. The average mmr has increased. It is now 3k. It looks like the average mmr doesn't increase much per game/win (which what the people love to know I imagine) anyway let's see how this game goes. And looks like I have an aa to lane with me so this will be fun.

                                11 minutes in, (I'm running to base as I type this) and I'm 100% certain we win. This time the average mmr is -- oh I already typed that.
                                Anyway, time to get back out there, let's see if I'm right lol

                                Yet another game destroyed. I won as slark. This hero seriously needs a nerf. If he doesn't get banned, who ever picks him first has about an increased odds of winning.

                                I'm on a winning streak.... It has to end soon. May be this game. I was going to stop but I keep getting lucky with good teammates.
                                So far these games have been SUPER one-sided. Anyway before I update this post I want to see if the average mmr increased.

                                This game is was 3k.
                                This game's average is 3k again lol not much won despite the stomp....

                                Welp... *gulp* I'm slark again. Let's see what happens.

                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                  I am noticing that.
                                  I have been preforming very well these past few games. Oh shit game started




                                      keep posting .... I m KinDa curious What will happen nxt ;)

                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                        Damnit, I type in the middle of games but this one was intense.
                                        1:54am as I'm writing this and HOLY SHIT>.

                                        I play as slark again, the average mmr was 3k, again. This time the game was a bit challenging.
                                        Well, I won again.

                                        Right now I am hot because of how close that game was.

                                        My balls are sweating (expression) right now

                                        Anyway, I honestly thought I was going to lose because of the pattern Valve has, but again, I win. In other good news, my friend in 4.5k is going to play with me to calibrate my party mmr which is fucking perfect since my party mmr is 2.7 right now, and I know it will recal around mid 3k with his help.

                                        Holy mother of fuck this game was like a work out. I swear I lost 500 calories from this slark game.

                                        Let's see... let's see.

                                        I dunno. I'm literally brain dead from that hour long game, but judging from all these notes, it looks like most of us were right in where it pairs us. I have 3 or 4 calibration games left and should finish those later.

                                        But for now, I'm going to get up, stretch, grab some water, pop tarts, and smoke a fat bowl and play some killing floor 2 lol


                                        Well that's it for now. Expect me to type more in around 8 - 12 hours



                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                            ^ I don't blame you.

                                            I'm pretty much done for now and chilling.

                                            Eating this pop tart, drinking water and smoking a bowl lol


                                              what was your skill bracket on normal mmr?

                                              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf


                                                With hs and vhs once in a while. I have a vhs enigma game, and I had no idea it was going to be vhs otherwise I would not have done my hero challenge with him.

                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  I am back boiz! I just woke up not too long ago, and I feel like utter crap. Jk
                                                  I have 3 solo calibration games left.
                                                  Pretty sure I'm ending up in 3k again judging from the average mmr.
                                                  Hopefully this will end those "How to get vhs" threads that are constantly posted or at least slow them down.
                                                  I had a 4 - 5 ranked win streak last night, so surely I should lose this one since Dota likes to punish win streaks eventually. I imagine today being utter fucking hell.
                                                  Anyway I just found a match at 2:47pm. Let's see how this goes. As usual, I will update in about an hour or so.

                                                  I'm probably going to rage. Nah, not really, I only do that on red days.

                                                  BTW, I'm almost done with recalibrating. And I have a friend in 4.5k who is going to party with me so my shit 2.7 party mmr can recalibrate much higher for certain.

                                                  If you want I will log notes about that as well since their is a huge gap. I was once 2.2k and a different friend in 4.7k played with me and rose me to 2.7 but it was very stressful for him rofl

                                                  All right, time for me to play since I found a match. I'm playing as Weaver again.

                                                  I will be back soon, lovely's. :bts_lina: lol


                                                    Cant believe I'm actually following this. Do update when you're done

                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                      The match ends with yet another one-sided victory.

                                                      You know, I think one thing I found out this international ranked, is sure you are being roughly 200 or so mmr within the same range, HOWEVER. I barely noticed that ALL of my teammates are English speakers. So recalibrating earlier is actually better than later since the poor peruvians might be able to afford a battle pass soon and throw games like they already do in normal ranked.

                                                      I have two calibration matches left, and I can see my mmr actually increasing with this.

                                                      I entirely forgot to mention that every game so far has had only English speakers in my team, and most on the other.

                                                      You have to admit that is VERY rare.

                                                      Anyway, I just found a game and someone else locked weaver lol

                                                      Not sure who I'm going to play, I might support or pick Sven.

                                                      Anyway, I will update soon. I might play disruptor or something since the enemy has omni knight.

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        Surprisingly another win

                                                        This time I supported as Silencer since I did not want to deal with omniknight and alch, and necros or anyone on their team tbh.

                                                        I was going to weaver but someone else picked weaver, and slark was banned.

                                                        Man, if I had picked slark, we may have lost due to me being the only support. Courier wasn't even upgraded until 15 minute mark since I was upset that sk was bitching, I go to his lane where we could have killed omni and he just watch me then I was slow'd and dead. But then we started team fighting and I wasn't depressed anymore.

                                                        Now I'm waiting for my last and final calibration.

                                                        Who do I aim on playing?

                                                        Sven, Slark, or Weaver.

                                                        The average mmr of my last calibration match is 3.1
                                                        So it looks like that will be my mmr roughly, unfortunately.

                                                        So preformance doesn't have much to do with it.
                                                        If you are currently in normal and truly do not belong there like me, get a friend around 4k to party with you and play some unranked games to get some high skill games going. That might make a huge difference.

                                                        So, I picked Weaver. Let's see how this game goes.

                                                        I know I have been saying this like 10 times in a row, but I have to lose now. 7 win streak is too much. I'm bound to be punished for it soon.

                                                        I will update soon.


                                                          if you truly do not belong in normal skill then you would be out of it already. if you're having trouble against terrible players, how do you expect to win against people who actually know how to play the game

                                                          >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                            10th calibration, I calibrated to 3.1

                                                            So destroying and wrecking and performance might not matter so much since, if you look at my dotabuff, I destroyed most of my games. When me and my 4k friend play I'm going to pick purely support heroes.

                                                            All the rumors of carrying and getting hero damage and tower damage and all that is utter bs. Just look at your unranked dota buff games and get some high skill - vhs games going and you'll calibrate around there.

                                                            But I'm not complaining, the matches have been quite a breeze, and with an 8 ranked win streak I'm nervous as to when my punishment will happen. Because the longer the win streak, the harsher the punishment.

                                                            So, I hope you have all enjoyed this log! This will be the end of my log unless you guys care to know how mmr will calibrate when a person with 2.7k party mmr (me) is playing in HS - VHS with his 4k friend (the mmr averages to around 3.5 - 3.9 since I have played with my 4k friends before on my main [this account] and a shit smurf)

                                                            I will be climbing and again, international ranked is far worth doing since the matches have much less laggers.
                                                            And if your server has everyone at level 50+ for their battle pass, the pauses are non-existent.

                                                            Hope you enjoy the log

                                                            And happy laning, ya crazy blokes. :smile: :highfive: :goodjob: :dac15_cool:

                                                            King is Back

                                                              Wow that was actually quite interesting!

                                                              lm ao

                                                                People who spam emojis are mentally ill



                                                                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf
                                                                    Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.
                                                                    Scrubbius Maximus

                                                                      Interesting details with the calibration. Im currently TBD but when i found my first match (which was subsequently abandoned with no stats by someone else) i was calibrated into 4k average MMR, with myself being the highest @ TBD. Makes me suspect that i was given an I-rank of >4k mmr while my pathetic ranked MMR is at 3.5-3.7. Initial calibration for myself when i played MMR was at 4.2, so if its that high, i'll be really very happy.