General Discussion

General DiscussionOne observation I have to make about International Ranked

One observation I have to make about International Ranked in General Discussion

    The rage levels have increased 300%. Its actually hilarious when you play bad. I think the players see this as their 'big chance' to get the mmr of their dreams so any misplay creates massive rage. I had one game where the other team picked bh a teammate wanted Riki. ofc this is a bad pick so i highlighted Techies and typed "if u pick riki i go techies" . He did so i did. The rage was insane, the whole game the flame never stops.

    Next game im shadow shaman, my mouse disconnects all game resulting in me feeding. Its the most rage i have seen in Dota and that's saying something.

    Point is: You actually crush these kids dreams if you play bad. Dont destroy the dreams


      I agree, there were only a few ppl i didnt mute today

      Livin' Real Good

        Well of course, it's mostly try hards who all think this is their big chance to get the MMR "they deserve. " Old news.

        Vem Comigo

          gonna spam techies and riki on this shit, last pick is mine motherlovers


            Despite going a pathetic 0-5 so far, I've had somewhat the opposite experience. One game especially is probably in the top 1% of most teamwork, communication, and being polite on a loss I've ever been in involved in (I thought for sure we'd win from the start just because of everyone's willingness to work together). Admittedly it's a small sample size, but overall I've seen more friendliness and cooperativeness than usual despite getting absolutely dismal results.

            That being said in my last game one guy totally freaked out. He was so pissed at our Undying, who wasn't really bad per say (relative to the everyone else in that game anyway), but had a tough game, for building a Crimson Guard against TB, Spec, and WD. When everyone agreed how it was a great game to get a CG in, I think he realized it, but couldn't handle being so wrong, especially after committing so hard to his criticism, and he just completely lost his shit and had a supernova meltdown. I thought about explaining the lack of synergy with getting a Echo Sabre on his PA because it uses up an attack on Phantom Strike... but I thought maybe he'd had enough education for the day and he will just have to remain ignorant for now.


              My international games have been more chill then my regular mmr games but then again people are playing a lot crappier since its lower mmr then regular so it's mostly just me that has to resist flaming lol.


                In my last game, pudge and enchantress were raging at each other 'cause either pudge feed or enchantres feed. I carried them in the end, and suddenly, they were being nice to each other. So yeah kind off. <normal skill>


                  I had a lc build a Dagon in my last pa game. I still almost won and no one flamed at all. Despite losing it was pleasant.

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                      So it seems to me that OP is a big part of the retard community that joins ranked not to win but as an alternative to crapping his own pants. Sad sad people...


                        You rage picked techies because your team got riki(which is one of the best picks this patch) and you are complaining about others' attitude?