General Discussion

General DiscussionThe crapy way Valve does everything...

The crapy way Valve does everything... in General Discussion

    So I'm a noob 4k player who strongly believes deserves to be just slightly above 5k (since I played with and vs low 5k's enough times, and its absolutely nothing impressive). So for the first time I decided to spend money on this useless battle pass thinking I could stand a chance at calibrating somewhere above my current mmr, but what do you know...

    The ranked MM system for The International is also rigged:
    5/10 games = easy win, competent teammates, powerless enemyes
    4/10 games = easy loss, absolute trashcans in my team (such as afk farming CM, naix vs all agility, etc.)
    1/10 games = was a complete throw, because after every teamwipe we did on the enemy , I find myself the only one pushing, all other went to jungle to get more gold

    So don't worry, the noobs that u wore afraid would go above their "deserved" mmr, probably wont, Valve arranged it so its almost impossible. At least not as a proper support (which I consider myself to be).


      daily reminder that 4k trench is real


        You barely have a positive winrate, yet you think you should be 1k higher? Seems legit bro.


          since I saw how un-godlike are 5k's compared to 4k's I think so, yes...

          A 5200 guy is nothing special compared to a 4500 guy, but since the mm system wants to keep you your place, the only exceptions are the 7k smurfs that just breeze thro the 3-4-5k brackets...

          This why players like kuroky, ppy, ppd, mmy, dendi could be considered trash (compared to the current mmr standard) if you go by mmr, but are in fact some of the most decisive players in the pro scene, way above the pubstars that have even 2k mmr more than them.

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            Where are you from kobby?


              Ofcourse theyre not godlike, but they do everything a little (or rather quite a lot) better than you do it. They farm more efficent, they have better lane-mechanics, they know how to ward, pull, block better. All that adds up and thats why they win more games than you and are a higher mmr. Maybe the 5.2k guy just had a bad game, after all were all just humans and make mistakes and have bad days. The "mm-System" has absolutely no interest in keeping you in a certain place, i dont even know why people believe such bullshit, it's simply an algorithm that tries to make balanced games and since your winrate is barely above 50 it seems like youre perfectly placed.

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                :))) I can understand u can think that if you are a 7k's smurf and go easely thro most mmr brackets, but you must be from another game (like LOL) if you think that the obvious fact that ~around 5 games you get win spree and ~around 5 games u get loose spree is not an algorithm made to keep everyone in their place.

                The game is made to loose chunks of mmr easily and win chunks of mmr very hard.


                  So you won 5/10 games which matches your winrate perfectly, whats the matter? Youre adequatly placed, case closed. Maybe if you would try to actually improve instead of blaming some mmr-system conspiracy you'd get 5k.

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                    4/10 games = easy loss, absolute trashcans in my team (such as afk farming CM, naix vs all agility, etc.)
                    that say it all when you loose always your teamate fault lol.
                    The difference between 4.5k and 5.2k is a lot. You will see 4.5k get pick off because they are too far and throw fight 2-3x more then 5.2k
                    remake a new accont and get a 5k if you think its your bracket. But its not

                    Your Wife's Boyfriend

                      "since I saw how un-godlike are 5k's compared to 4k's I think so, yes..."

                      why are you speaking of 5ks that way. 5k isnt even high anymore (and kinda wasnt considered as high even when ranked was introduced) ofc they are not godlike.

                      "A 5200 guy is nothing special compared to a 4500 guy"

                      Not rly, even tho for some rare cases thats actually true. All my ranked games are somewhere between 3500-5200 mmr brackets (due to low party (98.5% of my total games) and ~5k solo) so i m kinda familiar with 3k, 4k and low 5k brackets. If we split the dota 2 "skill" in 3 categories: mechanics, decision making, pick/counterpick here a simple scale:

                      3k players are bad at everything - they have very poor decision making, very poor in-game mechanics (even lasthitting) and they don't even bother counterpicking you or spamming meta heroes(most of the time)

                      4k players are probably a bit better - for me honestly the dif between 3 and 4k are mostly the mechanics. I've never met a good 3k mid player for example also most of em are not good with heroes that req any other skill than rightclicking, while that changes a bit in 4k+ games.

                      And as for 5ks, they still got poor decision making but a lot better than 3 and 4k mmr players. So you won't see a player with mechanics far better than urs in 5k games, his decision making is probably what ranked him above you.

                      And before someone starts flaming me (i'm looking at kitrak, yes) heres my story: I was calibrated at 3600 (probably lower than you) and I was stuck there for months due to the fact that I was either first picking mirinda offlane when she was considered as a lane creep or a random hero and even if I had better performance than the others my winrate was still ~50%. I ve been already playing dota for 8 years so I knew my mechanics are at least 1500 mmr above my bracket, so I started watching pro games and streams to get familiar with the meta and with a bit smarter picking and better decision making I was able to get to 4900 (where I was also stuck for a while) in less than a month(my in-game mechanics haven't improved since then 3600-5000). So the point is if you think you "deserve" to be slightly above 5k, now you know whats the difference, go get it, dont blame valve.

                      Also you don't need the new rmm or a smurf, you can easily get there with your main (if you rly deserve it so much).

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                        Season 4k =/= normal 4k

                        Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                          With a ranked match win rate of 50.95%, I think valve perfectly calibrated your true mmr, unless you improve playing and you'll reach 5k in no time. :-D


                            This is fucking golden. People believe they deserve higher mmr.
                            Valve give recalibration.
                            Calibrates same mmr.

                            - Still believes system is rigged, and you deserve higher.

                            brain damage :|

                            me, government hooker



                                Brain damage is for the people refuse to see the pattern in a huge amount of games, and the patter is : matching up with throwers = loosing spree, then matching up with normal sane people (or if u want, "winners") = and getting wining spree. Its just a matter of watching how games are won and lost by a huge amount of individuals, and u will easely see this patter implemented by valve...

                                Now, about @asdf
                                I appreciate your view, its a logical argument, and it makes perfect sense (that a 5k, doesn't have significantly more skills than a 4k, just better decision making). But decision making alone, as a deciding factor, in my opinion is simply not enough to make a support, offlaner or roamer, compensate to the lack of neurons of the cores.
                                This being my personal problem, since I don't excel at carry or mid, I must get carried even if I support/offlane/roam my ass off, and that just doesn't happen.

                                And one more thing, to the idiots who look at winrate, there are 5k and 6k players that have 51-52% winrate, and noobs that are 2k and have 70% winrate, it counts how mutch u play ranked, not how much wr u got in in normal mm + ranked mm combined... DOOH


                                  Let me tell you a secret.
                                  nothing happens when you go past that Magical 5k number.
                                  you will still get forced loss. russians in team . feeders and account buyers.

                                  try to flip your way of thinking instead, if youre 1k above you should ROCK! every single game!

                                  and yes iv played thousands of games in 4k and thousands of games in 5k and many many games in 6k

                                  Its not like you get 5k and dendi insta adds you and give you a cookie and you will have perfect games for life


                                    U mean Dendi is somwhat comparable to Miracle or w33?
                                    Also you cant calibrate above 5k. Calibrating at 4k is already way too hard. Not also to mention that you deserve to be where you are. When you think that 5k are un godlike, yes they are but they are better than you by a slight margin allowing them to be 5k.


                                      You're right.

                                      Under the right circumstances, a 4k can win a 5k in the right circumstances. Likewise for a 5k to 6k and so on and so forth. But that's not the point. MMR reflects a players ability to win CONSISTENTLY. If you can only perform well when all the pieces fall together, then you don't deserve a higher MMR.

                                      lmao fucking kid

                                      Everyone who is 5k/6k/7k got there by winning both the easy and hard games, saying "ayyy theres no difference between me and you except that I'm less lucky" is a horrible way to delude yourself to thinking you're better than you really are.


                                        ^ Damn man you have to chill with those lectures ayyylmao

                                        acc buyers in my team

                                          Let me get this straight.

                                          You are 3.8k - 4.0k but you think that you deserve 5.2k?

                                          Nice joke mate.


                                            The idea is this :
                                            If the mm system would be random and an algorithm for forced loss would not exist, the following would logically happen:
                                            1.A tryhard, that gives his best (no matter what his best is, 3k, 4k, 8k) would reach a peek where he would meet al the other tryhards that reached his level, and have decent games at that certain level of skill, mechanics, decision making, be that as it may 3k, 4k, 8k...
                                            2.A freaking braindead moron, that thinks afk farming cm can win a game, or picking naix vs 3 intel and 2 agil, or whatever retarded example u can give... that brain dead moron, that does not care about wining, will slowly but surely lower his mmr, until he is matched only with people like him.

                                            Conclusion: a fair, completely random mm system, would set people where they deserve, but now, the ones that deserve to go up are forced to stand still, and the ones that deserve to go down, are helped to also stand still. JUST COSE VALVE NEEDS PEOPLE NOT TO QUIT THE GAME. Cose lets be honest, if throwers and retards would end up playing just with each other they would mostly delete dota in the end...


                                              Calm down bro, its just a game :)



                                                lmao you think valve can make people stand still?

                                                dumb fuck

                                                naix vs agi = lose?

                                                i first picked naix in 18 solo queue games and went 17-1 against all manner of counterpickers, what's your excuse now lmao


                                                  ur not getting it I think.. the afk farming cm was probably a carry.player forced to pick supp cause u picked carry early and ofcourse that translates to you having a higher chance of performimg better statistically.. this account was 1.2k 2months ago and is now 3.1k and im taking it one step at a time and I always look at my mistakes rather than my team's since their performance would not affect my future games anyway


                                                    how do u think the other 5ks reach their mmr? and the higher the mmr the more boring the game gets and the only rule I use when playing with a team having a bad day is "do my best" even if the game has 0% chance of winning.. u might never know that the'server will be down and the game might not count 5min after u gave up :) have fun while ur at it


                                                      Even in the games where there are 0% to win I still give my best, I do watch some of my replays, I constantly watch pro's play, but that only helps to certain extent.
                                                      Its a real thrill when I get a match where both teams are good and both battle bravely to win the game, but those matches that should represent the spirit of dota are all but extinct. Now, 95% of times, its easy game (either lost or won) because 1-2 retards are placed in one of the teams that eventually always looses. No one in the 4k bracket is freaking Miracle to compensate the amount of retardness another individual may have.

                                                      The idea with raising the mmr, at least for me is to reach a point where that 5% of matches where people know what they are doing and are smarter, is higher, I dare to imagine at 5k that percentage is maybe 10% ?! Or even more ?!

                                                      But I guess after 3 years of hard support I must start playing cores, cose it seems to be the only way to compensate the amount of braindead people that play dota.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        Daily reminder that Triplesteal playing ranked is a big fucking joke


                                                          Now that u mentioned it, comparing myself (around 4k) to someone much higher, Triplesteal (around 5.4k), according to yasp we have these averages:
                                                          KDA: me 3.9, him 3.1
                                                          XPM: me 450, him 500
                                                          Tower damage: me 1300, him 1000
                                                          Actions per minute: me 200, him 100

                                                          Considering we play different roles I don't compare gpm or wards or other incomparable stuff. So it still puzzles me how come im so trash... or ?!


                                                            "since I played with and vs low 5k's enough times, and its absolutely nothing impressive"

                                                            A 2.8k player might say the same thing about you.


                                                              So now you compare your low 4k stats with these of a mid 5k player (also stats show playstyle rather than skill)? Not some fixed mmr conspiracy is holding you back, but a lack of brain cells it seems.
                                                              How can individuals like you get corrected by like 10 different people and still be too naive/stubborn/stupid to understand that you're in the wrong and not the ten others?

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                                                                Your comparing method is weird. With your logic, i would be at least 4k cuz my stats are similar to yours
                                                                (my stats according to Yasp: KDA: 4.54, XPM 426, tower dmg 2047, actions/min: 102)


                                                                  You guys are doing it all wrong. You are calibrating your International Ranked MMR days after the battle pass was released. That's the reason why you play with/against a lot of people who don't fit in that MMR bracket - the TBDs. Start calibrating your International Ranked MMR atleast next week. This way, you get to play with/against calibrated players who are worthy enough to be in their MMR bracket.

                                                                  Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                                                    ^ so true btw


                                                                      @plejk well ofc it is possible for someon stuck in 2k bracket to deserve 3k, someone stuck in 3k bracket to deserve 4k, and so on...

                                                                      @FuryDaBeast normal ranked has nothing to do with season rank, and the TBD just hides the mmr, but the very first match you play in season is at a similar rank that you haven in regular mmr. So you start at the same level, u keep on playing at the same level, and u cant realy escape that level before the calibration ends...

                                                                      @tilt, its not a conspiracy to keep me somewhere, but you are just too blin/ignorant/dumb to see the patter implemented thro a simple and pathetic valve algorithm : 3-4-5-6 games with throwers and noobs = loosing spree, 3-4-5 games with regular player = wining spree

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                                                                        What I'm saying is to wait for most of the noobs to die off in International Ranked.