General Discussion

General DiscussionSEA is shit ?

SEA is shit ? in General Discussion

    Just a normal day in sea where you decided to play full support and this is what you got

    How do you lose when your map is bright as fck!
    only happen in sea boys!


      Oh and also slardar and nyx blaming me for no items(veil,mek) srlsy?


        I feel you bro.. Welcome to sea server where they keep blame support while they can't carry the game


          riki divine rapier means u did something wrong

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          ASSESS Product

            wat happen with your veil and mek? I only see blademail in your inven...


              I know the feeling. I was playing AA earlier, I was supporting of course, and I literally hit all my ults. When I finally missed 1, 40 mins into the game, the fucking omniknight told me "aa never hit your ulti". Then I missed again and that fucker literally told me "aa you idiot", "dont play aa again", "report aa". I couldnt believe this shit. I sacrificed so mush this game. I gave my life multiple times to save these fuckers. I bought ALL the wards, Omni didnt even bother buying any. I bought the dust and smokes. The time when I missed my ults, the enemy already had mega creeps and we already lost, and yet they blame me for everything.



                Not really.. i think he bought it when the game almost over.. and i sold all my items (boots,wards,smoke)
                i know because i never miss a chance to check their items whenever i can


                  i dont really have veil and mek bcs i was buying wards everytime its off cd (smoke,sentry,gem,tp) how do you expect me to get mek and veil


                    i always mute ppl that talk shit cuz if i respond to them they conteniue to flaming


                      ur blaming cuz ur doing a sup with ur so called noob teammates? most of ur games playing core are u doing the same as them, blaming sup cuz they noob also? better stop whining dude, ur sub 50% wr means theres something wrong with you. Learn more, and git gud <3.

                      dunk it jonathan

                        is there anyway for me to avoid these people(us) i mean can i play in other servers without lag?


                          I doubt it, unless you have a good connection. There are always going to be toxic people which ever server you go, it's just that we have more here in SEA.


                            If you understand what im talking about.. 70% of my last 50 games was with my friends who just started playing. so i have no choice but to pick core heroes... (im playing dota2 since 2012) i dont play alot with this account because of my mmr is only 2k, but i can say that i have a REALLY good map awareness and know how skill works.. so maybe yeah im not as good as you are but trust me i know how to play


                              if u know how to play the u couldve abused the lack of map awareness and mechanical skill on that bracket.. dunno whats the problem here


                                If u have such a GREAT MAP AWARENESS go play NP, and spilt push. On your bracket people rarely even carry tp.


                                  on this post i am playing venomancer...........


                                    thats y.. if u think ur good with this game since u played since 2012(not very long xD) yhen play more high impact hero.. use am perhaps and when there is a clash u just avoid it and push another lane.. they wouldnt notice their rax are gone xD(works every time)

                                    lm ao

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                                        but I cant say that this is true at all levels.. if ur really appropiate to that bracket I think ull just have ur regular 50/50 games.. played on 4k again for 6 games and I had cancer immediately xD its like all the things people complain about their team are true but still did my best

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                                        lm ao

                                          kids like you dont deserve anything in this game

                                          if you dont have emotional maturity but youre preaching to me your follicular view of your world and youre crying to me about how your unrealistic expectations of your world got shattered
                                          lolz i have nothing to say actually

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                                          Al Bundy

                                            Dude if you think asia is shit.
                                            Try eu.
                                            Support cant support carrys cant carry and when they do its either rare or a booster.
                                            Where you can see him loosing 10 games with horrible stats and then he goes 21/1/28.


                                              Sea is indeed hard but you need to adjust and teach them the fine right ways.


                                                Thats what im doing with my smurf and it works just fine, im hoping to get at least 4,6k..

                                                I've tried eu like 10 times? mybe.. and its not that bad (ppl pick supp even if they r not that good) but still i appreciated if players pick support and sacrifice for the team and focus to win not to kill


                                                  Whats the deal with the panda? Sorry but was holed into a rock the whole week binge-watching game theory on youtube


                                                    sea is shit no doubt , but the result can tell ntg ... i hv seen a support cm lane with me pa , he got buy cour ward all those thg , but he plant ward infront of ppl tanking whole creep lv1 n feed my safelane ... omg dude, then he respawn come out n feed again ... thats is not supporter whose only buy ward ... supporter is a role n not only buying ward but helping team, but worst come after when some1 call himself a supporter for buying 2 wards , pushing lane , taking lasthit early stage .
                                                    learn how to be a good supporter, ppl always think they play supporter they are great but they rarely know what the role does except buying few wards


                                                      Why most ppl on SEA is shit :
                                                      1. Weak mentality, childish, throwing cuz didnt get what he wants, whining all day than imroving himself
                                                      2. They think can carry a team alone so most of them always picking cores without give a fck about drafting and wining the game
                                                      3. Blaming ppl about a mistake when thier also have a worst gameplay and ended up fighting on the same team
                                                      4. Low skilled smurf, they just want to high mmr than thinking they must improving their own skill, ended up got high mmr with <50% wr
                                                      5. Throwing tantrum than increase the team morale to win the game
                                                      6. You guys play there LUL
                                                      idk what happen in other server sience im play on SEA from high 2k to low 4k and these are my own experience.

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                                                        I'm SEA player and i hate to admit that this servers is the worst server
                                                        1. Trash talk everywhere
                                                        2. Can't communicate (team chat with their own language)
                                                        3. Most selfish player
                                                        4. Childish mentality

                                                        But i think this is not happening in 5k+ bracket (never been there)
                                                        this is my opinion bcs its happen almost in every match at 2k mmr..

                                                        Any suggestion how to deal with this kind of situation ?

                                                        wait for me

                                                          Who picks support at SEA?? Dude, no matter what you do, how hard you try, the carry will not be able to last, and blame you. He won't farm an ancient stack and blame you. If you get a kill he will blame you. If opponent dewards, he'll blame you. If at 25 min he goes into opponent's jungle all alone and dies, he'll blame you. No matter what you do, your carry WILL BLAME YOU.

                                                          I almost never play supp, except Undying, Ogre, Omni nd recently Oracle & Shadow Shaman. I had an undying undying match ( I didn't die) and my carries blamed me for ks. SEA life is hard.

                                                          wait for me

                                                            Seriously speaking, to be a better support you need to do two things continuously,
                                                            1) roaming
                                                            2) having a health/mana regen item.
                                                            Mute the fukars who keeps flaming. The carries can farm, you cant. So try to ks a lot and also stack for them.


                                                              I watch pro scenes daily and my current solo mmr is 3.5k so most of the time i could predict the pick for pro games. After watching all these days i could understand the mechanics of beastmaster then i tried playing with my 4.5k friends and now they always tell me to pick offlane hero since i dont bother facing any aggressive trilane i still come out on top. But when i try to play like that in SEA server in my current mmr they dont know shit about basics of the game they prefer farming than good team fights

                                                              SO LOYAL I DESERVE 2 GIRL...

                                                                ^ G E T G O O D

                                                                BSJ. LGD

                                                                  you were feeding as well noob, learn to support


                                                                    i had quite a fun time reading everything posted here, lul

                                                                    muted all, it's just a ga...

                                                                      ^ahaha, thats right, I checked this forum everytime I read dotabuff :DDD


                                                                        4th lowest death in the match, how am i feeding ? lol

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                                                                        Hell time ™

                                                                          You have to start carrying your game instead of supporting,i think supporting its not your role at all ,Just reckt it

                                                                          Johnny Rico

                                                                            Being a 5 position sup, always make you lose the game in lower brackets,
                                                                            like this
                                                                            Pick sups that can farm a little bit faster, see a stack, fuck your carry, if you get blink the initiation will be perfect
                                                                            You want the whole map warded because your team8s are braindead, they dont even look at the map, ward river, for rosh and shit.
                                                                            People think that supporting is only for letting your carry have all the farm he can get, but it isnt, it is about winning the game trough good plays, look when a guy wins a game just because he did everithing right with a lion, every stun was a ravage and shit like that.


                                                                              Mute exists for a reason.


                                                                                @Hook And Roll that's very true. A lot of players think support is just *warding,pulling,denying,stacking*. Nope. You are early game tempo controllers, YOU are the one who will decide how mid game will be.


                                                                                  Actually i've done all of that till mid game where my team started to look for a solo kill but ended getting killed.. so the enemy took our towers one by one till mega :)


                                                                                    ya, SHEAT.


                                                                                      Try party with your friends