General Discussion

General DiscussionMaxing Reactive armour First on Timber

Maxing Reactive armour First on Timber in General Discussion

    I heard some people saying this is the new build for Offlane Timber. I tried it in two games so far. First game my teammate last picked Anti-Mage and decided to come lane with me so I was a poor as hell sup timber who was useless most of the game. Second game I was solo vs WD and Dragon Knight. It worked pretty well. I sat in the middle of the creepwave and they were completely unable to kill me until Mirana and Centaur ganked.

    So laning works really well with maxed Reactive. The problem is I struggled to farm afterwards with only one point in my other 3 spells. My Question is, how do you play this build after laning, because farming is much harder? Looking for Triple's opinion especially because apparently he's good at Timber or Something.


      not rly good, just played a lot.
      i dont think u should go for 4th and sometimes even 3rd point into passive, unless you want to stay on your lane without rotations for 15-20 minutes. Usually, two is enough.

      The scenario that makes u want to stay on the lane for long is when enemy carry cant farm jungle for some reason, and by securing lane farm and staying defensive u make sure that he wont get lasthits at all. Its not a common case, though.

      Also, if you go for reactive armor, u might want to max whirling death over timberchain (which still needs 1 early point for escape in any case). Ur job is just to farm the lane and kick enemy carry if he comes close. Doesnt work well against ranged carries, but u dont face them that often in the current patch. Also, its kinda shit against supports like sky that deal damage without making ur passive work.

      Try to drag creep's aggro all the time when you got 2 or more points in ur passive, to keep it up. 10 stacks is enough to not lose any hp from lane creeps' attacks.

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        First picking Timber is not a good move because you might be countered by enemy team. Timber is a good 4th pick or surprise last pick. I havent play timber for like months but ive read some forums that maxing reactive and chanins leaving level 1 first skill is really tanky and hard to kill. Items are like PMS, soulring, Arc, etc.

        ASSESS Product

          I usually keep doing creep's aggro and like Triplesteal said if carry come closer to farm just use whirling blade on them. Idk how other skill bracket work but here i actually can drag creeps from the middle of lane until the range of my t1 tower lmao.

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          Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

            +commend TripleSteal. He is right


              Thanks for the Tips guys. Yeah i'll consider not going more then 2 or 3 points into reactive next time. Seems kinda like overkill. Also is vanguard worth the purchase on him? What about Crimson Guard if they have something like a PL or Broodmother with a million minions?


                an idea on topic, just accidently came to my mind; havent tried it yet (well, i did, but not in this patch).

                if u do not have an urget need of movespeed and max reactive armor in the same time, it should be efficient to go for souldring b4 arcanes (even b4 you buy boots), cz ur hp regen is sick and you do not rly lose anything when activating the ring. it gives you more mana per unit of time than arcanes do, and costs less.

                you'll need arcanes right after that in any case, though. u will lack mana pool once u hit lvl6.

                about ur farm - u either farm lane for long enough to get more points into your spells, or do not max reactive armor. also, when u r playing an "active" timbersaw, you are not supposed to farm much in the first 20 minutes, cz u kill people and put pressure on the map. your cores are using this space to actually farm.

                if not even reactive armor can let you farm on the lane, u shouldnt have picked timbersaw, rly. u can buy iron talon though, and just jungle with 2 points in reactive armor. its weird af, but it works.


                  vanguard is situationally ok, but i dont like it - i only see other ppl getting it sometimes. as far as i see it, reactive armor plus poor mans shield gives u enough. i woukdnt ever go for vg unless im solo laning against brood, and even then, im not sure; probably still not.

                  crimson is useful when u fail to get big early, and try to play around ur teammates rather than do shit urself. thats not the efficient way to play timbersaw, though.


                    Timberchain is your main mobility and nuke so it should be maxed out first. One or two levels of reactive armor is enough for early goings.


                      As of 6.87, Reactive Armor scales REALLY well. It is definitely ok or even the best thing to max it first.

                      ASSESS Product

                        I always consider to buy soulring first over arcane boot bcoz of regen and so far I almost never have any problem in lane if enemy harass me.


                          that was true for previous patches, but the current to-go build is completely different

                          @meta abuser
                          the higher the mmr of the game, the more often offlaners tend to rush boots, cz enemy supports are better in their job and easily punish you for having low ms.

                          ASSESS Product

                            Yeah cant agree more with you. I usually face 2 carry in my lane when playing rank. But if there are any disabler enemy in my lane, i will get rekt like what happen before when I face slark and wd. Fcking hell man.

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                              Thanks Triple and everyone else. I'll try out the soul ring first thing. Seems like a good idea. Dragon Knight and WD couldn't really kill me once I had 10 stacks so unless someone is ganking I probably wont need boots first. I need to work on being more active on Timber though. I admit I'm too static when I play him.


                                does getting wand before soulring help? if youre faced against 2 heroes who use spells a lot and you cant farm?

                                ASSESS Product


                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                    Is blink dagger first over bloodstone reasonable? I mean,it almost always assures you land ult and timber chain(and if lucky, pure dmg whirl) off of blinking in. Plus wouldn't that enable you to fight even earlier? As for mana, arcane boots and soulring+mana pool reduction before using item active should suffice for mana issues pre-bloodstone. Or is it just trash?


                                      no, blink dagger first is not good, unless you are mid, 7-8k mmr in a 5.5k av game, and can get it 7 min into the game.

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                                        i prefer forcestaff better than blink.