General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to be good in decision making during in game

How to be good in decision making during in game in General Discussion

    Whats is the different between 3k player and above 4k player mindset during in game. Can someone that have good understanding in this game(i think 4k and above) tell me some example that 3k player always make mistake and what actually they suppose to do in whatever role they are. I want to know what usually a 4k and above think during the game, what are they focus on.
    Lastly can u guys tell me how to improve myself. Please comment based on my previous game.

    Best Treant EU

      hard to describe. maybe higher mmr focus more on objectives and farming than on useless chasing.

      u should also know how the enemy moves. for example when u play vs an am or tinker u should know to which camp the am will port next and to which lane tinker is going next


        its about being good at the game


          nothing, same shit

          Swap Commends

            ^ :)))) gud1 bro
            in 3k mind set is how to win 1v9.
            At higher mmr it is how to stomp and end early.
            That includes picks & rotations.

            disgusting weebs

              ^ :)))) gud1 bro
              in 3k mind set is how to win 1v9.
              At higher mmr it is how to stomp and end early.
              That includes picks & rotations.

              How'd you know?


                3k and 4k is the same, but 4k has better teamplay (they turn advantage into objectives better but still make tons of mistakes). Huge difference begins with 5k when tempo of the game is much higher, people make less mistakes but still do some (eg. being overaggresive in early game is common for 5ks).

                When it comes to decision making - it comes with experience.

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                  in my opinion higher mmr ppl just make decision in 0.1sec , not as low mmr always hesitate n miss the timing...
                  beside that , higher mmr ppl don chasing like hell for ntg , keep getting kited (exp: u using a 350 ms melee hero with no speed buff/blink chasing another 350ms hero, its like wtf u think u can chase and kill even ppl left 1hp ) , and their item build change situational , predict and check enemy item before consider item build ( will u build orkid instead of hex when enemy hv manta ?) ( learn alot watching higher mmr match , my ta get hex becoz that ember is fat n undead, i caught him few times when he rat but he always get alive coz orkid nvr counter manta , so i get hex and boombb.. i get his divine :D )

                  *i don't see much different between 4k and 3k , but huge difference in 5k to 4k/3k , just like my last game i team with a 5k zeus , i see difference in skill level between all of us , although im doing good even in hard pressure lane , that zeus just help alot in war n overall control of the fight , look at his hero dmg

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                  Scrubbius Maximus

                    Difference from what i play as someone who started from 4.5k mmr down to 3k and climbing back up again:

                    3k+ MMR players usually do not have a good mindset of when they should take advantage and go aggressive; passively farming wherever they can given space or mindlessly walking around for gank attempts under wards are common. From what i usually see of carry players (because more than half the team is), they just auto attack and hope to obtain last hits.

                    3.5k+ MMR players have slightly better mechanics than the 3k+ MMR players; they know how to farm alittle more efficiently (jungling, rotations, etc), have better co-op during fights (focus the same guy together for the kill!) but lack judgement. Most of them have basic mechanics of their heroes comfortably executed, but in general they lack some other skillsets (laning mechanics, map awareness, movements, priority of targets, chasing). Occasionally, i get a teammate or two who actively scout opposing team items and possible ward locations.

                    4k+ is when things start to get interesting. You have this bunch of players who know basic interactions of everything in the game, but are struggling to fully utilize and execute. Everyone is expected to have a certain amount of ability to utilize their skills and given space. Everyone is trying to think 1 step ahead of the enemy (There's an AM or tinker, predict where he is going to go? But if the AM/Tinker thinks like you, he will avoid that area), but when there is some degree of failure to hunt, it would end in frustration. This is also where people see the value of dewarding > warding, whereby your given map awareness and game sense should be guiding you with limited vision around the whole map. (Tinker sitting in base waiting for opponent to show themselves so as to decide which area is safe for farming as an example). Invis heroes tend to double check enemy inventory for sentries/dust and avoid getting themselves caught off-guard while still managing to scout; observing and disrupting enemy item progression also becomes part of the objectives they make. (ie My team has a Sand King/Slardar with Blink Dagger, we should push and wrestle more control while the Enemy Earthshaker does not have his yet)

                    Beyond that, i've not played a comfortable amount of games to be very sure how players interact and move. One thing i know for sure though, the higher the game goes, the more people treasure what limited vision and info on enemy position they get.

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                      Just farm and rat man, always good ;)

                      Vicious D.

                        This last night i lost a game because the fucking viper wanted to take the throne and its 2 T4 tower in a spam of 30sec till 2 void and Axe respawn with 0 dmg item , instead of just take 1 more set of racks ... and we end up losing that game because he fucking couldnt be patience and wanted to rush mid to end a unendable game even at min75 ... that piss me off so badly



                          wards! pull, tangos stacks anicent stacks is missing always in 3k mmr im in in my party i fought with 5k mmr they their gpm is scary at late game.


                            take a low hp invoker for example

                            A 3k player would straight invoke ghost walk qqw and walk . A 4k-5k player would automatically invoke ghost walk and www without hesitation to increase ms .
                            it all comes with experience that's all and decision making

                            silverback action

                              not much of a diffrence just mechanics are better with 4k players


                                how about 2k and 1k ?

                                ASSESS Product

                                  In 2k and 1k, they focus more farming and maintain good kda rather than pushing and destroy throne. In my last 2nd timber game, I have higher TD than wr.


                                    4k+ is when things start to get interesting. You have this bunch of players who know basic interactions of everything in the game, but are struggling to fully utilize and execute. Everyone is expected to have a certain amount of ability to utilize their skills and given space. Everyone is trying to think 1 step ahead of the enemy (There's an AM or tinker, predict where he is going to go? But if the AM/Tinker thinks like you, he will avoid that area), but when there is some degree of failure to hunt, it would end in frustration. This is also where people see the value of dewarding > warding, whereby your given map awareness and game sense should be guiding you with limited vision around the whole map. (Tinker sitting in base waiting for opponent to show themselves so as to decide which area is safe for farming as an example). Invis heroes tend to double check enemy inventory for sentries/dust and avoid getting themselves caught off-guard while still managing to scout; observing and disrupting enemy item progression also becomes part of the objectives they make. (ie My team has a Sand King/Slardar with Blink Dagger, we should push and wrestle more control while the Enemy Earthshaker does not have his yet)



                                      3k player rarely pick ember

                                      4k player think his ember fastest hand in the world

                                      yung griphook

                                        its efficiency and anticipation


                                          Haha even some 4k play shit in mmr
                                          Injoker is also exist


                                            there is no one thing that makes 4ks better than 3ks and so on. rating is just a measure of skill and 4k players in general are just better all round at most things than 3k players.