General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy is everyone hating on carry players?

Why is everyone hating on carry players? in General Discussion

    I was just experimenting with human psychology in dota. This is basically what i did: At the start of every game, before even everyone loads, i typed to allied chat: "Safe farm, carry". Immediately, in like 99.99% of the time everyone is just starting to flame, saying that they won't support me, picking 2 junglers and so on. So i'm like not exactly sure why this happens, but i thought of some explanations:

    1) People are greedy and they want to farm, and if you take it from them they just scream at you.

    2) Players assume that playing carry is "easiest role" and when you say that you want to carry or that you play carry only they think you are noob and don't wanna commit supporting you.

    3) There are probably a lot of "carry only" players, so when you take that role they can't really play the game, which causes frustation.

    So do you guys have any more ideas of why exactly this happens?

    Feel free to discuss.

    Best Regards

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    ASSESS Product

      What MMR lul?


        What i do is in hero selection, i give off positive vibes.

        I say,
        "glhf everyone, i can support if needed but id like to play carry =)."

        Deep inside i am a flamer but i always stay positive and never flame.

        Овај коментар је измењен

          dota is just a bad game


            ^^^^ dota is one of the best games ever,

            Its just that when noobs que to find a match, someone has to be on their team unfortunately, then that makes the game unenjoyable at times.

            lm ao


              KYS TY

              lm ao


                D the Superior
                  Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                    How many smurfs are you going to make?

                    Totentanz to The King: M ...

                      How do you expect people to react when you already claim the most popular role?


                        Try adding "please" to the end.

                        "carry, please"

                        That one word will make all the difference.

                        Also, this is hardly a scientific hypothesis when you haven't even tested asking for other roles and comparing the results from that.


                          ^ asking a real question here

                          D the Superior
                            Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                              I always ask for safelane carry cuz i got 60% wr as carry and like 45% as Support. So why would u not let me carry?

                              D the Superior
                                Овај коментар је уклонио модератор.

                                  Most people play carries better than they play support and they feel more in control of the game's outcome

                                  Carrying is also easier to do well in compared to support

                                  I mark the safelane from the start and for the most part no one contests me. If they do I just support or offlane



                                    Tell me more pls


                                      ^ honestly

                                      <4k mmr play mid
                                      <6k mmr play any core (safe/mid/off)
                                      <7k mmr play support/roamer


                                        There are probably a lot of "carry only" players, so when you take that role they can't really play the game, which causes frustation.

                                        Your Wife's Boyfriend

                                          its 10/10 bm to type mid or safe in chat when loading, tbh I don't play supports these days, but I always make sure there isnt a far better player on my team before marking a core role.

                                          But think about this: You are ~4200 mmr solo and you start searching. You are matched with 2 5.2k guys who are in your bracket due to low party mmr and all you 4ks instant mark the 3 core roles, thats what players hate and the higher the mmr bracket the more annoying this is starting to get. Like imagine a ~5200 player typing "mid/safe carry" when loading in a 6500 av mmr game

                                          and smurf accounts dont rly help either

                                          Tony Stronk

                                            Because carry/mid players have for an unknown reason big ego, bad attitude and are very often more toxic than off/support players. You rarely see flaming support (lets say Dazzle) compared to mid (Invoker - these are most toxic players ever).
                                            In conclusion - I expect them to be assholes

                                            lm ao

                                              HELLO DO YOU WANT A FIGHT MOTHERF UCVKER?NcuawdhwuiladhJNUIBHFWEBWQDQ

                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                People expect them to be assholes for obvious reasons, reasons that anyone who's spent even 500 hours on Dota should know. There's no "revolutionary scientific study" that needs to be done on the topic, there's already tons of empirical evidence as to why people hate on people who claim to be " carry players. " Carry me to victory oh leader! Yeah right, go play support scrub.

                                                Rektdalf the White

                                                  2) Players assume that playing carry is "easiest role" and when you say that you want to carry or that you play carry only they think you are noob and don't wanna commit supporting you.

                                                  Because it is...


                                                    requires the lowest amount of decision making yet instalockers usually manage to fuck it up and throw a super easy game
                                                    or they whine when they aren't given complete freefarm when it's impossible for supports to do something for them (agro dual f.e.)

                                                    and most of 4k carries are either afk or there's a cat walking on keyboard, playing for them half of the time

                                                    Овај коментар је измењен
                                                    lm ao



                                                        it's hard convincing people not just that you are a good carry player, but that you are also better at carrying than they are

                                                        with this international ranked fucking with people's mmrs and the resurgence of smurfs there's really no point in playing solo until ti6 is over

                                                        Lucky Godzilla

                                                          LUL brah, ppl who write safe farm in an instant most likely pick an am or a jugger first pick cause they have no brain LUL


                                                            But in theory carry is just position 1, so people should react that way if you insta-select position 2 (midder), and yet they don't get pissed off as often as when you do pick carry... People are just strange and dumb !

                                                            Edit: my bad, switched numbers

                                                            Овај коментар је измењен

                                                              ^carry is position 1, and the midlaner is 2nd


                                                                I don't mid if other player wants to play carry mid or w/e he wants to play as long as they can play the role and win the game =]


                                                                  the negative attitude towards core players in general is based on two things, as far as i see it:

                                                                  1) most ppl prefer core roles, and someone else locking them means you are not going to play what u want.

                                                                  2) most of the ones who prefer core positions, have that "team holds me back" mentality, that makes them want to get the positions with highest impact possible. no one likes delusional pricks.


                                                                    I instapick carry every game in solo and give no shits even when im 1k below the average, ez mmr

                                                                    fucking 7ks are shits half the time

                                                                    Овај коментар је измењен

                                                                      Probably because 90% of people who do that are completely trash who solo farm 25 minutes, then die twice in 1 minute and then typing "gg, afk". That's why. Learn to play support.

                                                                      Execute Order 322

                                                                        ^A lot of players are not playing support at all yet they are still successful and skillful players

                                                                        Usually when some1 is typing "me farm" or "me mid" during the loading screen, he turns out to be a complete retard in the game
                                                                        However, when some1 puts his icon on mid/safe lane, this person is usually doing better that loading-screen-chat guy

                                                                        Eternal Meow

                                                                          It's probably from previous experience of people doing that and how they ended up performing in the match. In my experience, whoever types something like that at the start is going to be terrible and blame their team the whole game. It's like a red flag marking a certain personality type. Every time they die they type "GG REPORT MY TEAM" in all chat. I sometimes try to support them, but keeping them alive seems an impossible task. Anytime something doesn't go their way, they type in all caps or yell in the mic, "I'm the fucking carry!" After feeding and raging all game, they say, "I can't carry this shit," and abandon.

                                                                          If someone just selects a carry and marks the safe lane, I don't think anything about it. It's just when they type it at the loading screen.

                                                                          Player 215168758

                                                                            I dont want play support because 3k carries dont want to gg push when we 5 man wipe our enemy which happens in 80% games. People throw when they are winning, carries think that they are so powerful and dives tier 4 tower for killing a dazzle instead of taking raxes and ends up kited to death by grave. They dont know how to appreciate supports. vengeful spirit trade his life they whole game to safe his carry and replied with "GG noob support! 0-14 feeding" when 9 of those death were for swapping his stupid carry. Core players blame hard when supports got a kill. Earth shaker used enchant totem to helps LC winning duels "GG support ks, end fast we fucken lost". Carries blame supports when they caught out of position and supp failed to save them "fuck support passive buckler!" When he actually died to magical damage.

                                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                                              cus everyone wants to play safe lane or mid so they get mad when you pick it, ez explanation.


                                                                                No, it goes way deeper than other people wanting the same position. I'm sure that's a factor, but it's not the sole factor. I would even be so bold as to suggest it's not the primary factor, although I only have my own personal experience to make that presumption, so it may not be correct. Personally, I play probably 70%+ as support or offlane, so I don't care about that one bit. Even so, although I wouldn't complain in chat, I would definitely get that cringy feeling if I saw that typed.

                                                                                I think more than anything it's an indication that the player saying that is one of those highly delusional players that think there's some kind of global conspiracy to keep them at a lower MMR "than they deserve." Someone types "Safe farm, carry" and my (admitably shallow) first impression is "severe Dunning-Kruger victim incapable of self improvement...that will probably lose me the game" Hell, even just throwing a simple "please" on there helps alleviate the sociopathic undertones tremendously.

                                                                                Now, if a player typed, "I'm probably best at playing the carry. Is that cool with everyone?" I instead have a very positive view. First off, he's polite. Secondly, he's initiating communication with his team as well as asking for a response. Perhaps most importantly, he seems concerned for the well being of the team. Wow, this guy is oozing with positive qualities. My first impression of this fictional fellow is "Why can't I get more cool teammates like this?"

                                                                                Now, am I right about the first example being a douche every time? No, not at all. I'm sure many players who do this sort of thing are fine, but don't tell me there's no trend at all there. If your teammates approval matters to you though, perhaps give them more than 3 words to base their prejudices on. Otherwise they're just gonna call it like they see it, right or wrong. If you don't like their judgements then give them a little something more to work with. Or maybe you do like it, in which case they're probably quite accurate in their assessments anyway.


                                                                                  Pretty sure it's because you do that on the load screen, I have never seen people do that cos it's obviously super bm, I call carry all the time but have never been flamed for it


                                                                                    "experimenting with human psychology" haha


                                                                                      I would say at low mmr its as easy as the fact that carries get the majority of the fame when they win (most of the time), and when they lose its easy to blame the support for wards or some other stupid excuse.


                                                                                        no one wants to play support... i felt this in dota...
                                                                                        they feel if they will pick support... they will not be rewarded...
                                                                                        they think... only carry can win games...
                                                                                        i hate when no support in team...

                                                                                        Story Time

                                                                                          ^that is how i became a support. The only thing that bothers me is that team wins mostly when i am carry


                                                                                            Its because thats not how getting a role works. Normally ppl wait till the heroselection becomes available. Then you place icon. Thats how its established. Someone typing before that just takes away the chance to get the role you wanted to play (maybe).

                                                                                            Story Time

                                                                                              ^why dota does not allow to search a game for a certain role? Say, I would like to play a support - so i click to find a game for supporting position?

                                                                                              Eternal Meow

                                                                                                ^Doesn't LOL allow that?

                                                                                                Player 215168758

                                                                                                  ^50% population of dota will delete the game because they queue for 24hours and doenst get any game


                                                                                                    mm forces you to be versatile, and ur ability to communicate with people and handle different heroes becomes part od your mm rating.

                                                                                                    Story Time

                                                                                                      ^they will delete dota for the best :D
                                                                                                      PS I have no clue about LOL, what ever it is


                                                                                                        I still vote having a game mode where you can search by positions 1-5 isn't bad. You can even search games by selecting all positions as exceptable. It will just tell everyone who has what position at the start of the match.

                                                                                                        So if you come in position 2, and pick omni. People will still expect you to go mid and get farm.

                                                                                                        This shouldn't be added to ranked or anything. Being adaptable is a skill in Dota. But it would be nice as a normal match mode.